The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey! does mmr work?

Been playing a bit since 2018 via playstation. Did ok on survivor and killer. Not great but I often would kill 2 to 4 when playing psn only.

Ever since game went cross-platform its not been fun at all. My understanding is that with cross-platform and MMR we have some hidden ranking. I swear somehow I am top ranked. Here's the cool part... I suck. It's rare I even play killer and when I do I may get a few hits and if lucky a hook or two before EGC.

Let's take a look at my most recent game. Queued up as nemesis. A killer, I have NEVER played. Literally, never. Get 4 players, 3 in pc one on psn all prestige 10 and higher. 2 or 3 with flashlights. I got a down. Near insta blind when 2 survivors slid into view and both flashed. So, one second blind. Oh they had some residual perk too because what the devs though was flash wasn't strong enough. When I manage to get another survivor down, I face a wall...and got flashed.

I messaged the psn player and said guess I'm done. To his credit he was really nice and for sure they weren't toxic. He said I did ok and that his crew all runs flashlights because gens are boring.

Again. I don't play as killer and basically stopped cross-platform occured. I've never played as nemesis. NEVER played nemesis. But right, put me up against 4 man sweat squads. Seems legit.

Sure would be nice to know what my hidden killer rank is. Shouldn't this degrade over time? People say keep losing and it'll balance. Really dawg? So if I get pounded by enough sweat squads may someday get a whiff of getting a kill?


  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,382

    It doesn't.

  • aarontendo
    aarontendo Member Posts: 40

    Suppose not. The fun part is when I play as survivor people go down within 30 seconds. So I don't get it. How is this fun? I can try to play as killer and get paired off against sweat. Or play as solo queue and get potatoes. Is this game only made for swf pc gamers?

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I genuinely don't think it's working. I escaped four games in a row last night. That's remarkable for me, I've never gotten more than two outs in a row. The killers were...... Not good.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,197
    edited July 2022

    MMR doesn't degrade over time.

    Your starting value from a clean slate would be 1100, and the soft cap is 1900. Though they said they can raise this as needed, so it might not be 1900 anymore.

    Your killers have individual MMR's, but they can't be more than a certain amount apart, I believe 300ish? So if your best killer is at 1600, then you lowest can't be any lower than 1300.

    You gain MMR for kills, and lose MMR for escapes, hatches are neutral. But it's more nuanced than that, if a survivor with a higher MMR than you escapes, you lose less than you would have if a survivor with lower MMR than you escapes. So it's relative to your opponents 'skill'.

    The main thing though, is the match making. First it tries to match you with players within a certain range of you, and as time goes on that range expands to about 350 either way. So if you're at 1600, and you're waiting a long time, then you could be matched with anyone from 1250-1900... which is virtually anyone.

    Throw in lobby dodgers, which then trigger backfilling that bypasses matchmaking altogether, and it's just a free for all.

    MMR works, in theory, if there are enough players playing at every skill level at the same time. If that's not the case, it's pot luck.

    The only thing is does do, is separate those at the very top, from matching against those at the very bottom. If you're in the middle, you can get either of them.

  • aarontendo
    aarontendo Member Posts: 40

    Oh and a friend decided to play. He was loving killer on his account. He played on my ps4 and liked the game but did note it's different.

    Again I'm awful as killer im very aware. How am I getting people this much above my skill level any time I try as killer?

  • aarontendo
    aarontendo Member Posts: 40

    See i would love to see what my killer rating is and compare to my survivor rating. Again even from fresh eyes from my buddy who just started he saw a night and day difference playing on our different accounts. I'm not trying to toot my horn but I really think that because I did ok early in my dbd career it thinks I'm high rated. This rating then got spread to all my killers. I can't see any other way I get such hard swf sweat groups when I sign in and play a killer for the first time.

    In all honesty this is the single most frustrating gaming experience I can remember.

  • AReallyBoredHuman
    AReallyBoredHuman Member Posts: 48

    It doesn't.

  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939

    Solo Q has basically been a dumpster fire since the patch, so I decided to try Killer ( I haven't played in like, a YEAR lol). I was always really crappy at Killer, because whenever I tried (before MMR) I would be like, a Rank 19 and be placed against a 4 man SWF in purple ranks.

    So the SBMM is working right? (/sarcasm). I queued up yesterday, and first lobby all Prestige 9-10 survivors. Like, REALLY? I lobby dodge and try again. The next batch's lowest prestige was 9 again.

    Just noped out lol.

    On the survivor side, since no one is escaping, I'm trapped in low MMR hell where my typical game looks like this (except I don't always get the hatch escape).

    So no. I don't believe it works now, or ever has lol. The premise on kills/escapes being the ultimate factor was a daft idea from the get go.

  • aarontendo
    aarontendo Member Posts: 40

    Yeah it's weird I just can't hit a spot. Either I'm getting blasted by sweaty swf or as survivor getting teams finishing 2 gens at best. Neither provide entertainment.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    bold of you to assume that MMR actually exists

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,851

    The same exact thing happens to me. I don’t understand how this matchmaking works. I can get 5 matches in a row with all potatoes, then as soon as I swap to killer- my first game is a 4 man SWF that hugs walls like magnets.

  • aarontendo
    aarontendo Member Posts: 40

    Yep and my original title of this thread was so does this get fun at some point?