Make thana effect healing instead of gens?

Just a thought.
And yes I know it used to lol
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sounds fair and it would have use for other killers instead of only plague and legion, really good change i think
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it used to affect both but apparently its affect on healing speeds was the more oppressive so that was what got cut.
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I really don’t want to see my team mates self care with sloppy + thana.
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Healing part removed because perk created lose/lose statuon for survivors. Heal yourself and lose good time. Don't heal and lose more time on generators. So one of the effects had to go, they removed heal penalty.
But with buffed generators time, now Thana is problem. And it is busted only on 2 killers. So at this point, reworking it will be healthy for everyone. And plus maybe perk will usefull for all killers instead only Legion and Plague.
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just think about it this way: its busted on those two specific killers because they're actually able to get consistent value out of it. If they wanted to do anything to hardcap those two's effectiveness with the perk, they need to address how little most of the cast gets out of it. Otherwise they'd just be killing it entirely (which is likely what would happen.)
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Devs want thana to function where survivors have a choice to either power through the debuff or choose to heal to get rid of it. They did not like the fact that thana's intended counter was in fact already countered by the perk. That's the logic they gave when they removed the healing debuff %.