New Meta lol

ez game
Can you maybe type a full sentence like an adult if you're going to post a discussion on the forums?
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Who hurt you?
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You've never heard someone use ez for the word easy?
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"Rofl. Lol. Me so funny. snort "
Something along that lines, I guess? In all honesty, between all the upheaval I totally had forgotten about monstrous shrine. I guess I will try it out tomorrow for a scourge hook centric basement build. Could be fun. Could be a now meta lol. Could be ez game. We will see :)
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Hm yeah I mean it's already been established all killer games are dumb easy now. Enjoy I guess. Might as well play a single player game against NPCs at this point lol
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I disagree.
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For people who don't know what this "meta" build is, it's basically just proxy camping. You use corrupt to delay gens, then hook survivors in the basement, move just far enough for monster shrine to activate, so they die faster, but the basement entrance is still in line of sight, so you can go in once you see someone tries to save, then you just wait for them to die, while deadlock helps to delay gens even more.
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I mean it's literally a meme build. It's not meta. It's just a gimmick build and a weak one at that.
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Did you read the tittle of this post and my quotes?
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Corrupt is disabled when you down someone so it's not great on Bubba.
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What are you talking about? This is not Bubba in the picture, and so what it disables after one down? It's main use in this particular build is to delay gens so you can get the first down to camp. Also if you have any complaints about this build, talk to the person who posted it, I simply explained what this post is talking about since someone is confused
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Bubbas.... they are evolving ! learning new tricks !
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On this particular map with this build if you get a basement hook off your first down (and it happens before corrupt expires) the survivors basically just lose. They literally cannot do all the gens in the time it takes that dude to die on hook, and you'll be able to camp a second person to death as well, also likely before they can finish the last gen given the person on the first hook died so much faster.
If they go for the save you will just have 2 people in the basement instead because Bubba does not care for your endurance, he will chainsaw right through it.
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Yeah I am not sure why someone would call it meme. 120 seconds goes down to 96 w/ monstrous. So it's saving you 24 seconds per hook which comes equivilant to NWO after only 2 hooks. And 96 seconds put it's about the new gen speeds; especially w/ deadlock to interrupt them.
Corrupt is still amazing at keeping survivors off gens for the first ~40 seconds until you get your first down which is all it needs to do. People will have found a gen by then anyways. I don't think it really impacted the main strength of the perk at all, which is holding the gens together until you can get a down as a low mobility killer and get your snowball rolling.
Even if you can't get the basement you can still proxy camp one of the scourge hooks pretty much the exact same way
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Pff, not even using Insidious, what an amateur.