Solo Queue buff idea with images- Voiceline Wheel, Generator Communicators, and perks

These changes would significantly reduce how little communication solo queue has, which in reality is the only real difference between solo and groups. I understand changes like these might be scary or upsetting for developers. Since so many perks and addons are based on knowing teammate positions and actions, these changes would make all of those things practically useless, and possibly call for a rework. That would take a lot of time and effort on top of the changes themselves, as well as being a little disheartening, but basekit forms of communication are extremely necessary to help solo survivors thrive and enjoy their experience with this game.
"These changes would significantly reduce how little communication solo queue has, which in reality is the only real difference between solo and groups."
No, that's completely false. That is the difference between solo q and SWFs with voice communication. The baseline difference between solo q and SWF is just the fact that you can pre select the other 3 people in your party.