“Just learn to loop without Dead Hard”



  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    Yeah if you think a Killer standing on top of the basement staircase when someone is rescued in basement is them NOT being close by, then I honestly don't know what to tell you.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,520

    On a 2k the killer got dunked on hard, they failed to protect the gens, they failed to protect the gates and they failed to avoid them from escaping, the killer played horrible and the results show.

  • Juicyman
    Juicyman Member Posts: 141

    Exactly this. I've seen a surprising amount of people claim they didn't use/rely on Dead Hard before the change but they fail to realise they are the 25% that didn't use it when it's been confirmed the other 75% of their team did. Dead Hard being nerfed is a BIG reason your solo games are going horribly because your team mates statistically haven't learned how to play without if you know how to.

  • AvengerBear
    AvengerBear Member Posts: 100

    except the so called "balance" made the game even more unbalanced, kid.

  • Dunkinspunkin
    Dunkinspunkin Member Posts: 191

    This is the most balance we've had in game to date. your opinion doesn't matter.

  • Oscarnator
    Oscarnator Member Posts: 304

    It’s also been confirmed that the kill rate was even. What’s your point?

  • Juicyman
    Juicyman Member Posts: 141

    What's your point? They've already said they were unhappy with how low kill rates are, that's why killers were buffed this patch.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    As things stand, you can't balance DbD around Solos, SWF and killers.

    Someone is going to lose out.

    Before the patch, this was killer.

    Now it's solos.

    C'est la vie.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,986
    edited July 2022

    It's stupid. I was told that I was upset about the update because DH was nerfed... I didn't even use that perk, lol. It's all just nonsense. Just ignore it.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    Regardless of if there has to be a losing side (which I am not convinced of), I feel like gradually alienating a population of players that constitute more than 50% of the survivor playerbase, and making the game even less beginner friendly, is if anything a ballsy move for a game that's starting to grow old.

    We'll see how it pays off.

  • Shinyshadow612
    Shinyshadow612 Member Posts: 5

    If it is so. then they can't call it survivor if they die every round. They should call it Prey if the killers should do more than 2 kills every round.

  • Oscarnator
    Oscarnator Member Posts: 304

    That it was already balanced. What’s your point? What does even mean to you?

  • Oscarnator
    Oscarnator Member Posts: 304

    The problem is that SoloQ has been losing. Weakest role in the game bro why does every killer pretend like they’re the hardest. They nerfed an already weak role which is the problem. How would you feel if next patch they nerfed killers twice meanwhile SWF get a 25% gen repair speed?

  • Oscarnator
    Oscarnator Member Posts: 304

    That it was already balanced. What does the word even mean to you?

  • hailxsatanxeveryxday
    hailxsatanxeveryxday Member Posts: 913

    I feel like DH being gone is doing more for chases than any of the killer basekit changes. You agree that it was overpowered, and when 75% of people are running an OP perk that gives them an extra health state, that gives them a massive boost, and suddenly they might not perform as well in their current MMR without it.

    I feel like there are two things that are really ruining the survivor experience right now, and those are DCs/suicides and the fact that DH doesn't exist anymore. The killer chase buffs are nice, but I don't think they hold a candle to DH. Losing a one-half to one-third of your chase potential every single hook state is a lot bigger deal than some people think it is. That's more game-changing that a minuscule buff to a handful of killer actions.

    And if you weren't one of the 75% of survivors who ran DH every match, you're now playing with three other people every game who did, and now they don't know what to do.

    The gen speed buff is stronger than I thought it'd be, but it also means that I don't necessarily have to tunnel someone off hook in the first few minutes of the match or risk losing the game.

  • Juicyman
    Juicyman Member Posts: 141

    You aren't the one that gets to decide what is balanced. The devs clearly want killers to be getting more kills than what their data is showing, so they decided to buff killers. It could be that the average kill rate was less than 2K2E or that they decided they want the average higher than 2K2E, either way these are the changes the decided to go with to achieve what they wanted.

    I will say though, introducing the big meta shake up at the same time as the baseline killer buffs was definitely too much for this community to handle and probably should have been consecutive patches.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    False analogy - you are comparing oranges to dolphins here.

    1. There are two factions in this game. Survivors and killers. Survivors are split between SWF and solo.
    2. Right now, it's proving to be impossible to balance between killer versus solo and killer versus SWF.
    3. If you nerf killers/buff survivors to the point where solo versus killer is balanced, then killers get crushed by SWFs.
    4. Someone is going to lose out.
    5. So there is a choice between half of one faction struggling and the entirety of the other faction struggling. Which is more fair?
    6. I'm escaping about as much as I was before the patch, but I didn't run Dead Hard. I suspect that a lot of people who ran DH for a very long time were at least partially carried by it, resulting in them winding up at a higher MMR than they were supposed to. It'll take a while for that to normalize, and until then, they will likely lose more games than they win.
    7. Like it or lump it, survivor is not a solo role. BHVR can and should give solos better tools to communicate, but playing with randoms in a team game and playing with a squad in a team game are always going to be vastly different experiences.
    8. Yes, we get it. Nobody likes being nerfed, even when those nerfs were 100% needed for the health of the game. Calm down, adapt, let BHVR get some actual data for a few months after things stabilize, then we can maybe start tweaking things.
  • Oscarnator
    Oscarnator Member Posts: 304

    Wrong again it is not impossible. Bring SoloQ to the level,of SWF then buff killers accordingly. Everyone wins out. Also make an actual accurate MMR system that is not solely based on kills and escapes.

    1) No #########

    2) Just said a way to balance

    3) WHO is saying to nerf killers? Just buff SoloQ

    4) Or you can make it so ######### sides are happy with my suggestions above. And either way making the majority of the player base lose out does not seem smart. A player base who is playing the weakest role. Again, they are wearing the weakest role instead of buffing them. They already said they were going to buff SoloQ they just need a year for some reason.

    5) The #1 way to kill your game is to cater to 1 group of your player base only. Not to mention it is the minority group.

    6) Neither did I, or many others use DH. And it is 10x more miserable. Even if they did it does not change the fact that SoloQ objectively got worse regardless of MMR and DH users

    7) Those games usually of good systems that can accurately measure your skill level. DBD does not.

    8) Nobody likes an already weak thing in a game to get weaker. You’re acting like it was a good thing SoloQ got nerfed. While the killer did need the changes SoloQ needed them more. The kill rate was already balanced to being with.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    You can't. Any buff to solos will also be a buff to SWFs. And BHVR have also emphatically said that they aren't going to be balancing solos and SWFs differently.

    The best you can do is give solos better tools to communicate, but you're never going to get parity - because a coordinated team on voicechat is going to have significant advantages, and this is true of literally every PvP game I can think of. Even in terms of the fact that a coordinated group ensures that you won't get trolls and that everyone has a similar latency/mindset - there's no way to address that via buffs.

    2,3) This is, as I said, impossible. Unless you can persuade BHVR to give different balancing to SWFs and solos, which they have specifically said that will never do, this point is moot.

    4) How? Seriously, it's all well and good to say 'buff solos to the level of SWF', but how do you buff solos without giving any advantage to SWFs? Even baseline Kindred would still be a free perk slot for teams. Yes. I want the statuses to come sooner, but I'm also not confident that they will make much of a difference.

    5) Firstly, this is aimed to cater to the *game as a whole*. Secondly, you need to back that one up, otherwise I'm calling bull. Killers aren't the minority group, most players at least sometimes play killer. Thirdly, so what if they are?

    6) Yes, solo queue needs some love. But this has to be done in a way that won't influence the killer versus SWF matchup, and I'm not sure if that can even be done.

    7) Name three.

    8) I'm saying that the solo versus killer matchup becoming more killer sided was unavoidable, and that the other options were worse. Not that it was good. There is no easy fix for this issue. The only data we have on kill rates is gross kill rates, which are massively offset by extremely new players - which is why Nurse is, by the numbers, the weakest killer in the game.

  • Oscarnator
    Oscarnator Member Posts: 304

    Ok then what does the word even mean to you. Or a 1:1 ratio?

    It was not less then 2K. Cool they also decided to nerf Billy yet I see nobody cheering and crying that he was broken. Almost as if they suck wt balancing certain aspects or something.

    Or they could’ve buffed both SoloQ and Killers and everyone is happy. Well “happy”.

  • Oscarnator
    Oscarnator Member Posts: 304

    If you add scroll wheel with icons that says what each survivor is doing it will not affect SWF WHATSOEVER. Literally weakened version of SWF communication. BOOOM MIND BLOWN

    Yea that’s all anyone is asking for. What were you thinking we wanted? 1000% repair speed and infinite SB? Just give icons if a survivor is doing a gen/totem/healing.

    Yea no duh vc is more powerful then SoloQ in any game. Who is saying it isint?

    Just buff SoloQ with a scroll wheel. Nothing more complicated, it would make it 10x better. Idk why your complicating it like your trying to come up with String Theory it would take like a week at most to implement.

    2,3) No it’s not. They can’t touch SWF but they can def touch SoloQ.

    4) This a sad sad comment. “How do you buff the weakest role in game”. Idk reference the like 50 videos people have made that the community have agreed are good.

    5) Except does not change SWF except DURR HURR 10 MORE SECONDS, buffs killer which is fine, weakens the majority of the player base. Not fine. It’s not rocket science.

    6) Scroll wheel

    7) You want asymmetrical games: Natural Selection 2, R6, Left 4 Dead versus. Too easy.

    You want games in general: Apex, Rocket League, Mortal Combat 11

    8) It was always killer sided. It was SWF, KILLER, SOLOQ. It’s been that way for years.

  • FriendlyKiller
    FriendlyKiller Member Posts: 337

    Bring keys man. That's what I've been doing. And burn those offerings that make the hatch spawn in killer shack.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    edited July 2022

    1) I can bet you, dollars to donuts, that when those icons come that it's barely going to have any effect - and that it won't stop anyone from QQing. Because the issue isn't just communication, it's assuming that people are actually going to listen. But as I've said, multiple times already, sure. Let's get those icons in.

    2, 3) Outside of the status icons, how?

    4) Name 3.

    5) What? You need to make up your mind. Are you satisfied with the status icons, or do you want killers nerfed? I thought all anyone was asking for (provably untrue, with a quick glance at the forums) was the new status icons - so why are you complaining about the 10 seconds?

    6) See 1.

    7) Mainstream APVP games. Natural Selection 2 has less than 150 players, mate. Rainbow 6...Siege (I'm guessing) is not an APvP game in the sense I'm talking about. It's a hero shooter - and people complain about it's matchmaking all the time. Left 4 Dead versus is also not an APVP game in this sense, and as far as I know, has no skill based matchmaking at all. So...yeah.

    Comparing a 1v1 fighting game, another hero shooter and...seriously, Rocket League to DbD is silly. AND people also complain about the matchmaking in those games constantly too, as a quick Google demonstrated.

    8) Hah.



    Okay, 'always killer sided' uwot mate?

    I started this game in 2020. There were still spots on every single map where I couldn't pick survivors up. People constantly ran keys. DS was an extra life. Things were even worse before then (eternal sabos, anyone?).

  • Oscarnator
    Oscarnator Member Posts: 304

    I’m more of a munchkin man personality. It will, instead of worrying weather I have to unhook and leave the gen I will know. Same applies with totems. Will it fix the horrendous MMR system? No but the very very VERY few teammates that do have half of a half of a brain cell will know how to capitalize their time instead of wondering ######### anyone is doing. Now they know.

    They probably won’t but it will help a lot more then absolute doing nothing and staying the exact same for years.

    Oi Innit Krogie yes SoloQ was always weaker than killer. Been that ay for years.

    2,3) what do you mean how? If you’re working on a gen you’re icon is a gen, if you’re on a totem your icons a totem. BOOOOOSH mind blown

    4) Sure!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7c-hg4UKx0 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLwGw6eF04Y 3:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ms5vRl4vrPM

    5) When did I ever in my comments say “nerf killers” when. Please quote when I said “I want killers nerfed”. The ONLY thing I’ve said is buff SoloQ. Nah I’m getting trolled. Ok you got me. Haha. I really fell for. Good job I actually thought you were serious

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Shrug. Yeah, it's clear we're getting nowhere - but note how I've been chill, and you've been the one freaking out?

    Let's leave it there though.

  • INoLuv
    INoLuv Member Posts: 464

    If mist of the playerbase is bad and cant play without dead hard thus increasing losses, this is on the players. Also, everyone is allergic to kindred, if kindred were meta instead of a braindead perk like old dead hard, escape rates would increase even more.

  • Viskod
    Viskod Member Posts: 854

    Better advice is just to learn the new Dead Hard. It's still super useful, you just have to time it right and also not have OTR active, or hit right off the hook with the default BT, or up against a Legion, Deathslinger, or Cenobite that put you into Deep Wound.

    huh, maybe it's not that useful after all.

  • AvengerBear
    AvengerBear Member Posts: 100

    this is objectively most broken balance we've ever got, maybe your opinion is the one that doesn't matter lol

  • AvengerBear
    AvengerBear Member Posts: 100

    you are such an attention seeker lol, cry more, no one cares

  • SaltyNooty
    SaltyNooty Member Posts: 276

    The fact I see you on every post and you have this highly entitled killer opinion about you just screams how biased you are.... why do you even post if all you can say is how this patch is utterly perfect and the games should be a landslide, all the time?

  • Dunkinspunkin
    Dunkinspunkin Member Posts: 191

    Critique the argument, not the person. Arguments stand on their own merit, you can't just shut your eyes and scream KILLER MAIN KILLER MAIN NAH NAH I DONT HEAR YOU. It's a logical fallacy called ad hominem. And the people aren't stupid enough to fall for it.

    I was having a great time before the patch, and I'm playing way more survivor this patch than anything else. The diff between us is I don't cry and whine like an entitled brat begging for free wins. I work for them.

  • rysm
    rysm Member Posts: 317

    You're bringing it up again tho... 😬 People need to stop moaning. It's a damn game get over it

  • SaltyNooty
    SaltyNooty Member Posts: 276

    Crazy. I dont think I have to prove much to show that everything in DBD is earned. Do you want a cookie?

    Nothing you do in DBD comes free, but how the game is now, is pretty much a free win for the killers as is.

  • Dunkinspunkin
    Dunkinspunkin Member Posts: 191

    incorrect but hey good job echoing every other crybaby post here. Most people are just in game enjoying it. The rejects come here to complain.