The reason why killers are still bringing up deadhard

I see some survivors complaining about how they got 'nerfed into the ground' and saying it isn't about deadhard and killers are using dead hard getting nerfed as some kind of excuse. The problem is I STILL see people complaining about the dead hard nerf saying it was too much. I'm not saying every survivor used deadhard and that's the ONLY reason why survivors are upset, but killers are right to think that's at least a part of the reason they are upset when some survivors on the forums say it themselves. I am firmly in the belief that there needs to be further nerfs to camping and tunneling after the recent patch ( I even made a post about ideas to improve the situation), but saying that killers are only talking about survivors complaining about nerfs being upset at the deadhard nerf is deflecting or something of a similar nature is disengenuous. There ARE survivors upset at those nerfs and it was something that needed to happen. Gens were getting rushed extremely quickly making it hard for killers, meanwhile survivors had plenty of means both during the match and after the gate was opened to get away from them when they were caught.
Simply put: I agree that survivor might be in a tough spot right now, but acting like killers are just out to ruin your fun isn't fair, especially when the game was against our favor before. We've been on the recieving end of an unfavorable matchup, and rather than revert the changes entirely I think we should at least look at WHAT and HOW the new system can be improved rather than just pull a total 180 on the update.
I'm trying to understand why people think Dead Hard is spelled "deadhard". It isn't one word.
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Mostly because it's faster in my case. I don't see a point in doing the capitilization and spaces when people know what I'm talking about. If I were writing an actual thesis it would be a totally different story though. ;P
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You.... need a thesis... to use a spacebar?
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Obviously not, but I don't see the point in certain things like a perk in dbd. It's just a perk that everyone knows the name of, so why bother gussying up the name when putting the two words together gets the job done.
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People are still using dead hard?
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Suprisingly yes, I have found some people who use it. I don't know why, but there will be the occasional person who uses it. Although this wasn't what that was about, I'm talking about people who complain about deadhard on the forums where people also say that killers implying that the only reason why survivors are upset is because deadhard is nerfed (which is rude, don't get me wrong, but isn't out of nowhere like some people are saying).
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We are reaching levels of such extreme laziness that shouldn't even be possible.
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I'll never deflect the fact that I used dead hard every single match. It was a great perk. What made it great was that you could trigger it when you wanted to and it gave you a tiny bit of distance, because as much as crybaby killer mains want to convince you otherwise it's not easy to string together loops between tiles on the maps because the devs haven't historically been great at designing map tiles and because they spawn randomly aside from a few fixed structures in the map. Killers act like the map is designed so that a survivor can easily string together different tiles anywhere at all times but thats just not the reality. These maps are made by the same devs who didn't realize they had inadvertently created infinite loops on several of them and then had to go and patch those out. They're human and don't make perfect stuff but you have killers who seem to think they devised that on purpose.
I've seen streamers who somehow magically get map tiles that all spawn within distance of each other where you don't need to use an exhaustion perk to string them together but for people with less than 200 people in chat on their streams the tiles seem to spawn like they do for everyone else. Randomly. And sometimes you only get one pair that spawn close enough to each other to string them together without any kind of perk to help. Then your rando drops the strong pallet in one of them and you can't string them together anymore.
You could literally give me an exhaustion perk that only nudges me forward 2-3 feet but if I could use it when I want it to instead of being based off some obscure niche situation I could extend a chase for like 4 gens because most killers don't bother learning how to run map tiles.
I've ran killers for 2-3 gens before mostly just by running around the same pallet loop because they won't break the pallet when it's a strong loop. They literally just keep trying to chase me in circles and double back on it. You can't do that now because they bloodlust faster. So rather than expectin gthe killer to learn that they need to break the pallet on certain loops now they can just hold w until they catch up to you and get a free hit.
They could have gotten rid of the iframes and just made it a distance only perk and it would have been perfect. Or they could have nerfed it as they did and made one of the other exhaustion perks worth running but they didn't.
I'm really good at killer. I mained every single killer at some point with the exception of the two latest ones. I got bored with it but I learned how to run the map tiles, how to mind game, and how to moonwalk. I even taught a few killers how to moonwalk and mindgame loops while using their chainsaw as bubba. A lot of people didn't think you could even do that.
People want to try and shame people for using dead hard and I say thats BS. DH isnt the problem, your chase skills are weak.
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Funny thing: There actually have been additions in the update to maps that make some easier to loop.
On the main subject though. The way you describe chases is indicative of WHY it needed to go. You describe it as if it was the easiest thing in the world. Facing killer should be a challenge, and you yourself have described deadhard in a way that makes it sound like a get out of jail free card. If you put yourself in a position where you are going to get downed, that's a skill issue. If you can tell that an area is disadvantagous, don't go there. I've been able to POST UPDATE loop killer for multiple gens. The free distance was the reason why dead hard was hated. You press a button, and you get extra distance that other perks have a requirement to earn, and that killer has to mindgame to get unless you are running in the open. Survivors need to avoid those open areas when possible, to minimise their chances of getting caught out. Rather than needing to know whether or not you can make it and planning accordingly, or consider if going to a certain area is a good idea, deadhard let you run free while killer had to deal with it.
Simply put: dead hard was good because it gave you distance for free, meanwhile killers often have to mindgame just to catch up in most situations that surviors put them in. Making it imbalanced in terms of skill to reward. Why should killers put in effort when survivors don't seem inclined to do the same?
(also NICHE situation? I would think dropping pallets and vaulting windows would be common, since outside of deadhard they are the main ways to get distance in general in chase)
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You say you used it every single match no matter the circumstances, and so did many other survivors(80% at high mmr) but it wasn't because it was brokenly strong? I don't follow that line of reasoning especially when old ruin change was due to so many killers at high mmr running it
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I dunno, I feel like I've seen way more posts that have a sorta "Who cares the patch was straight up radical by DBD standards and changed a lot, all complaints from a survivor POV no matter if they're about solo, certain killer + perk combos or anything else are just people mad about DH being changed" energy than people actually claiming DH shouldn't be changed, or even that it should have kept the 1 second duration from the PTB.
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Who cars how it was splld? Prsonally I hatd that disgusting prk so much I hav dcidd to rmov th button that activatd it from my kyboard altogthr.
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Every perk should be at least usable. If you are looking at someone using Dead Hard and you think to yourself "Why would you pick that perk up?", you apparently think that it is overnerfed.
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That IS a problem, but if you look about 3 comments above you- there is a prime example of why some killers try and make the argument. There might not be ALOT of people who feel the dead hard nerf was unfair, but they exist. My point wasn't that genuine complaints aren't there, but that it's hard for killers to take the complaints at face value when there are people unironically saying that dead hard was fine and the nerf was totally unwarranted. I know that you and that person aren't the same, but not everyone is going to make that distinction. I will be the first to admit that survivors do need a bit of love asap, but I've seen posts that sound like survivors think NO ONE is sad about the dead hard nerf and that killers are pulling the dead hard complaints out of nowhere.
TLDR: yeah the posts of genuine complaints are FAR more common and should be considered, I just think killers are somewhat annoyed because there are survivors still mad about the deadhard nerf and it's far easier to notice the obviously bad takes from the more nuanced ones, which could impact some of their responses (not all, some killers ARE toxic and trying to deflect- I just don't think it's all of them).
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I do think it was overnerfed, but that doesn't change the fact that before it was unfair also. I feel like a 1-2 second endurance effect would be fine, and I think it's silly they undid that. However if I had to choose between 10 back to back survivor games in the new meta or going back to dealing with old dead hard- you'd catch me tryharding as survivor before you could say "game balance". If I were a survivor main, I'd feel about dead hard the way I feel about camping as a killer. It's unfair for the other players to have all their effort negated by one thing, and that doesn't sit well with me.
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Go ahead and nerf camping and tunneling. But make it to where killers can win without doing that. I am doubtful.
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Oh, old DH was certainly unfair. I don't think a 2 second endurance would be fair either, since it'd fall into the same trap of old DH, where it offers too much distance. I just, in general, don't think there's much that can be done with the perk to prevent it from being a problem. Although a 1 second endurance, as opposed to .5 seconds, might actually be okay. Or else a happy middle at .75.
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Yeah I get you, I in no way think it's some kinda sleazy intentional attempt to derail or anything either. I will readily admit there's things that kinda sour my perception of entire topics when I see it as well, and I feel it happens when you see people defend something you believe was basically universally disliked or should have been. Not an accusation as all, as I feel a similar way when I see people genuinely defend stuff like old moris as in my mind their change was an objective improvement of the game just like the DH change, and the same can be said about the DS change that added deactivation conditions.
I'd be lying if I tried to claim that doesn't make me imagine them as some stereotypical hyper-biased person, even if there's a genuinely good and interesting take on something else in the same post. Not sure if that's some kinda cognitive bias with a name or what, but I'm guilty of it as well even though the self-awareness makes it so I don't act on it, but obviously that won't be the case for everyone.
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Yeah, I really hope a healthy middle ground is found with dead hard. I don't want a perk becoming useless, survivors have enough of those.
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Yeah, the best we can do is disregard the bad opinions and try to see what points they DO have. Try and see others side of things! you got a good mindset friendo! :)
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Another killer bringing up Dead hard. You really must be having daily nightmares about that perk, you just can't let it go lol
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No offense, but the entire post is explaining why we are doing this. did you not read it?