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Why survivors can't combine stuff in their builds, but killers can?

vBlossom_ Member Posts: 386

I don't understand why in the latest DBD update SelfCare got nerfed (the speed may be justifiable, but removing another effect with MedKits is just questionable).

The same with Bothany Knowledge. Why survivors are penalized for using perks with items? Because it would be too powerful?

Then why give killers the ability to combine several perks to regress generators or slowdown survivors?

Why for example Legion can apply Mangled status effect to me, penalize me by using Thana and Gift of Pain on top of Dying Light (with 90s gens ofc), but I don't have anything for using Medkit with SelfCare or even I am getting penalized for using Medkit with Bothany Knowledge?

Also, why do survivors have like 30% speed penalty when using Calm Spirit? Is there any perk that reduces speed of Static Blast for Doctor, setting traps for Trapper or throwing hatchets for Huntress?

Why killers can combine a lot of perks to slowdown survivors or damage gens, but I can't combine something to heal myself?


  • BenSanderson55
    BenSanderson55 Member Posts: 454

    I think a bigger issue or maybe what you mean is on survivor side when they buff say botany knowledge they were sure to nerf how medkits work with it, but with say stb4l they didnt reduce it to 6 stacks so now effectively when killer reaches 8 stacks he actually has 10. Or say with pain resonance 15% didnt get nerfed to 13% to compensate for the longer gen times.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    Do you mean like how Oppression combos with literally zero gens about gen defense?

    Are you forgetting that you can stack Botany Knowledge and We'll make it? You can also use Self Care, and if you wanted 4 healing perks you could bring Boon CoH too.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,057

    Overcharge/CoB. Ruin/Tinkerer. DMS/Pain Resonance. Pop/Any Other Gen Kicking Perk.

    That's just in the latest patch. The Botany nerfbuff was stupid, but it's fallacious to claim they only do this to survivors.

    Meanwhile, I'm synergizing the hell out of a healing build right now. New Botany, Empathic Connection, and Autodidact make for racecar heals even through Sloppy and I'm loving it.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Did they not just nerf Overcharge for that reason...

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,057

    Actually, no. That's usually how the ritual works, but today it's been summoning No Mither teammates. I think a purple medkit is the secret Plague-attracting ingredient. Or maybe I just used too much virgin blood.

  • Silasy
    Silasy Member Posts: 228

    Because survivor basekit is already strong and they have 16 perks while killer have 4 perks.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    I remember the old forever healing... when Rusted Chain's anti-heal was permanant and the color of the addin affected how strong it was... and then Billy would throw Thanaphobia on top of that. Needless to say, that was many reasons Thana got nerfed hard and chains now has a time limit. (That first year of DBD had some pretty wild stuff)

    Then we got the 7 blink nurse, and the huntress who used to be able to carry 3 Iri hatchets.

    They undo certain killer stacking as needed. It's being intellectually dishonest to claim they don't.

    I started playing plague as it's my way of giving the finger to Circle of Healing.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,200

    They're less viable because it's an easy 4k as a killer if a team is running those perks instead of perks to defend themselves. I was winning the vast majority of my games on killer before the update. A lot of really good killers were. And now gens take longer and survivors have less to work with. The skill cap on survivor is dealing with bad situations a top killer player puts you in. And you can't effectively deal with those situations when you have perk slots dedicated to things like Bond.

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    I love Empathic! sadly many people will go the entire game without ever paying attention and realizing there is an aura...

    I'm feeling the loss of Iron Will though, my Nurse build had Empathic, Autodidact, Iron Will and Bite the Bullet for convenient heals anytime, anywhere. I might have to go Distortion now.

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    Any killer perk that causes gen regression does not stack with any perk that blocks a gen. A blocked gen does not regress. Therefor, Killers do, indeed, have perks that don't mix.

  • Yippiekiyah
    Yippiekiyah Member Posts: 478
    edited July 2022

    Survivors have lots of good combos. You want a gen speed build try built to last (with commodious toolbox and add-ons), Inner Healing, Overzealous and then either streetwise or Prove Thyself. You want a fast healing build try self care with desperate measure and botany, you want an information build ,open handed with bond and kindred.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162

    Speak for yourself. My most successful and safe soloQ build is Bond+Kindred+Open Handed+Borrowed Time.

    I even sometimes run this when I fo SWF. People always claim that you don't need any of this info perks when SWFing, but this people obviously never equipped this combo in a very long time. What everyone seems to sleep on is the massive difference between knowing what's going on and actually SEEING it in real time.

    And the wall hack of Open Handed+Kindred is just unreal and borderline unfair to the killer.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,057

    Yeah, I miss IW. The build I lost out on most was my locker build - Q&Q, Head On, and IW. Without IW, it doesn't work unless you're healthy, and the burst of speed from injury was usually where I broke LOS and picked a locker, because I liked to have the wiggle room to make my scratch marks lead forward and then double back.

    I should play with Bite the Bullet more; I've seen some really genius plays where a survivor disappears mid-chase with it. The killer never expects it. I guess with that build, OTR should work for... a decent portion of the match? Gotta miss the 100% reliability, though.

    (For Empathic, I only recently discovered this perk, but find it really depends on the team. Sometimes I get people who constantly visit me and sometimes I can go the full game without anyone ever showing up (usually when CoH is in play.) Also had one Claudette who I was pretty sure was using me as a dump zone for the killer, but it's solo queue, what can you do.)

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    In this patch, absolutely the trapper.

    If you are running perkless that means you make grunts of pain coming off the hook. That means you have no off the record. That means the killer will tunnel you the instant they hear you still have grunts of pain and the match will be over on the 3rd hook of the match.

  • xfireturtlex
    xfireturtlex Member Posts: 419

    But you can. Before the update, my go to build was Empathy/Bond, Lithe, Kindred/We'll Make It, and WGLF for points. Now ive switched out WGLF for BT, Prove Thyself, or Lightweight depending on how the nights going. My experience has barely changed, with the exception of ppl protesting or pouting or whatever and refusing to touch gens. Top tier killers are always gonna be able to get kills, just like top tier survivors are always gonna be able to find ways to run tiles. Once ppl stop freakin out over these changes and learn or re-learn the game, theres gonna be a lot more players in those brackets. Thats what will make the game as a whole better.

  • BenSanderson55
    BenSanderson55 Member Posts: 454

    Hex ruin and undying lasted way longer than a few months lol try a few years

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    Kindred/Windows might as well be called the "solo queue UAV" combo. The amount of info the two provide, especially when paired, is kinda nuts. Similar perks like Empathy and even Alert can give you a lot more info than you might expect, especially when paired with other similar perks to help with the data.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    You only cherry picked the bad examples.

    My current build is:

    Bite the Bullet, Botany Knowledge, We're Gonna Live Forever, and Desperate Measures

    This ALL stacks. I can rapidly get you off the ground in record time and then heal you to full and do it all behind a wall while making zero noise.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    no, Undying/Ruin was actually a strong combo when they first made the changes, especially with how dominant Blight was getting at the time. The ruin/undying combo that just died again was actually worse than the combo used to be for a few months in the past.

  • Deathlymusic_
    Deathlymusic_ Member Posts: 27

    "Then why give killers the ability to combine several perks to regress generators or slowdown survivors?"

    For one, they got rid of the pain res, dms combo that was an absolute nuisance to go against. They buffed chased potential, which makes killers less dependent on slow down. Your example relies on legion a C tier killer. Who already struggles in mid mmr, and the major reason why you can't run self care with 100 other healing perks is because the perk should be a trade off. Botany knowledge was broken with circle of healing and then put self care ontop of it - ARE YOU NUTS? That was broken beyond belief. Ruin is also gone, which was one of the comfort stacking perks for a lot of gen regression builds. Now all killers really have are a weaker corrupt, with maybe overcharge and call of brine which was also nerfed together.

  • ich_häng_mal_rum
    ich_häng_mal_rum Member Posts: 435

    The trapper, cause he just Tunnels the survivor out of the match

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    You on Gen, Jake on another Gen, Dwight on hook, Meg in chase:

    Solo scenario 1:

    Me M1 on Gen hoping Jake going for unhook, only to have Jake also hope me going for unhook. Dwight gets into 2nd stage.

    Solo scenario 2:

    Me and Jake go for unhooking, takes 20sec to get there only to see Jake already unhooking, takes another 20sec to go back to my Gen. The total time wasted for Me was 40sec Gen progression.

    Solo scenario 3:

    Meg lurking around trying to find a way to unhook Dwight because of camping. 30sec pass and Me on Gen wonder why no one gets Dwight, Me take 20sec running to Dwight and see Killer is proxy camping (harder to recognize than face camping). Jake does the same thing like me. It takes 10-15sec for me & Jake to realized its a camper and we take 20sec to go back to our own Gen. The total time wasted for Me & Jake was 50-60sec Gen progression.

    Mean while in SWF

    Me: hey how many % of your Gen, Jake?

    Jake: about 80%, you?

    Me: 40%, commit that Gen, I will go for unhooking.

    Zero second wasted.

    Im just talking about 1 hook, the possibility of wasting half a min from a single hook. And Killers try so hard to prevent Solo having infos, while making point SWFs are so strong that they should get buffed more.

    If Solo has enough info to be similar to SWF, Killers would get buffed more.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162

    I preach it like gospel, but apparently no one wants to hear it: my most successful soloQ build is Bond+Kindred+Open Handed+BT. The constant info at extended range is awesome and allows you to make pretty informed decisions of all kinds, and the wallhack of Kindred+OpenHanded is just insane. Its nearly half the map and the killer just can't mindgame you; heck its so useful that you might be tempted to let someone hanging :D

    I use this build even when playing SWF, because here is the kicker: people will tell you that SWF basically get this perks for free, but this people are sleeping on the fact that there is a big difference in "the killer is chasing me, I am running towards shack!" and actually seeing every movement of it through walls and everything. This is so huge and you can't communicate that much via Discord to come close to this flow of information. Of course, other builds will offer vastly different abilities, but I ask you to just try this simple build out for a couple of games and see for yourself.

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    Botany Knowledge + CoH. There you go, insta-heals for everyone!

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,583

    What do you mean "can't combine"? There are a lot of perks that have synergy.

  • Mewishis
    Mewishis Member Posts: 305

    Oh please. There have been plenty of combos that have gotten nerfed over the years be it perk and addon combos. Quit acting like its exclusive to survivors. People have given plenty of examples in responses and if you don't see that and your just gonna make the excuse "b..but but its not the same!!!" then there is no point in discussing with you lol.

  • mustdogen
    mustdogen Member Posts: 367

    Freddy addon nerf

    Dead men switch and explode hook combo

    Nomal atk tag

    Etc etc

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,461

    The OG Ruin + Undying combo? Nah bro.

    Also Undying hasnt even been in the game for 2 years yet lmao

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,821

    Yes killers can stack slowdown, but survivors can also stack stuff.

    We can stack healing (Botany, CoH, Desperate Measures, WGLF)

    We can stack repair speed (Prove Thyself, Deja Vu, Overzealous, Fast Track, Toolboxes, BNP)

    We can stack movement speed (Post unhook speed boost, Sprint Burst, Guardian, No One Left Behind, BT, Hope)

    Sure these aren't as commonly stacked as slowdown perks, but you can still stack stuff. The only thing they removed was Botany and Self-Care affecting Med-Kits.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Why do we have four perk slots? perks have the synergy that makes each other stronger, and synergy is BAD! right?

  • Slingshot47
    Slingshot47 Member Posts: 158

    Quite a few regression perks are incompatable. Perks like Pain Resonance and Jolt prevent you from kicking the affected gens, so these don't work with Overcharge and Pop. Ruin still pairs with other perks well, but its own effectiveness has been massively downgraded. Thana doesn't work with most killers due to how fast healing is with CoH and medkits, with Legion and Plague rare exceptions, and even then there are survivor perks like Resilience and Prove Thyself that can mitigate if not negate its effect.

    I will agree that Self-care was changed unnecessarily. It was already slow enough to be a hindrance if overused. If healing was too fast (which it was w/ CoH), then why change Self-care of all things? Botany, on the other hand, made healing extremely fast if paired with strong medkits, even more so w/ CoH.

  • BenSanderson55
    BenSanderson55 Member Posts: 454
  • yauniqua
    yauniqua Member Posts: 151

    if we are supposed to work together, give us voice chat. i'm sick of this SWF vs SoloQ battle the devs won't resolve. ADD. VOICE. CHAT.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,461

    I mean I dont know about you, but September doesnt look like its 2 weeks away