Are we going to get some kind of compensation for the Incentives Killswitch?

It is really extremely painful that the removal of BBQ/WGLF stacks hurts the grind that badly, when this patch was supposed to reduce it, it's already been a few days and games just feel extremely frustrating because of how little bloodpoints they earn. The occasional anniversary cake kinda helps... but also not that much.
While I still hope the devs eventually release an additional solution to make up for the grind increase that happened this patch, the killswitch puts a nail to the Coffin. Litterally losing a cumulated millions of bloodpoints there.
Or can you bring back BBQ and WGLF at least temporarily?
I don't think that is the problem with perks, baseline bp gain for survivors is bad.
Killers are fine.
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- Don’t forget they increased the base scores by raising the category caps from 32k to 40k. While getting 8k in all four categories is uncommon, it’s very common to get 8k in 1-3 categories in a match so this increase of the cap does probably increase your average baseline points before bonuses by about 5k per match. (Which is about a 25% increase I think.)
- The new system definitely significantly reduced the long term cost of getting perks, especially for killer players who play multiple killers. And frankly you don’t need to “grind” that much for add-ons, they just show up in the bloodwebs anyway as you play and are even more optional than the perks.
- There’s nothing to “compensate”. The matchmaking bonus was intended to be an extra bonus on top of everything else. It not being in place isn’t some sort of unethical trick or whatever. It’ll be back in a couple of weeks, and in the meantime they’re already giving out something like 50k a day it seems like on top of everything else.
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Know what you mean, BBQ used to be that objective Id set out to do every game for more blood points. Now I'm running Distressing, Thrill Of the Hunt and sometimes Beast of Prey to hit the new 10k cap as well as run the meme add ons.
I've had some real wacky games with Wraith atm using brown add ons to to generate the terror radius while invisible and one to supress TR when uncloaking. Must come off real confusing but I've scored 38k post game.
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My problems with that are:
-It makes sense to think that Incentives aren't supposed to make up for the BBQ/WGLF loss, but it is how the developpers justified removing BBQ (on top of the perk grind reduction, which turns out to be a mathematical lie).
-You have 4 different things that you can find in bloodwebs: Add-ons, Items, Offering and perks, they did reduce the perk grind... but also actually not really, you can find out multiple threads proving that the 75% perk grind reduction is absolutely a lie and this number can not be found in any situation. (Well, tbf I don't think they're lying on purpose, I just think the team responsible of these changes failed their maths somewhere. You can't pretend that add-ons and other stuff don't need a grind when they represent 90% of bloodwebs. You need bloodpoints to grind them, and if you gain less bloodpoints then you have to significantly lower the quality of add-ons you're using (which indirectly nerfs some killers)
But again, the perk grind has been significantly increased for most players, the only thing that is faster now is 100% unlocking all perks on all characters, which isn't what everyone wants, and is completely useless as survivor, as you only need a few survivors (or even just one) maxed out in order to play all perks in the game. And this takes twice as long than before.
-They didn't increase the BP gain, so the average of BP gain caused by the cap can not be 25% (it would be exactly 25% if they increased all BP gains from all actions by 25% on top of increasing the cap). As survivor, except no more than a 5% increase. It's a bit better as killer as it's more common to be maxed out as killer in multiple categories. (getting 8K in only 1 category as survivor is rare)
-Finally, I think a lot of killers benefit more from their add-ons than they do from perks. Wraith for example is trash without add-ons but is playable without perks (or with only 2 perks, since you have only 2 add-on slots)
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- You only use two add-ons per match and as a rule the yellow and brown add-ons are typically perfectly fine to run, you don’t actually need to run rare add-ons to do well. And yellows and browns are cheap to buy and you get multiples of them per web, so you don’t even need to finish an entire web to get more than two per match. You can easily earn enough bloodpoints just from the basegame scores with no bonuses to get two or more new add-ons in your inventory for your next match even if your inventory was hypothetically totally empty (which it never is in practice.) Personally the only killer I can think of that I’m even tempted to “grind” add-ons with is Meyers since his purple and red add-ons are so fun to use compared to his base kit, everybody else is perfectly fine with a variety of choices.
- I disagree that “most people” are seeing their costs rise significantly. Most players play killer either in combination with survivor or as a killer only player. And any player that plays multiple killers and likes unlocking all their perks on all their killers is seeing a significant long term point savings. (I agree the 75% figure is off, but the discount is still there and grows over time the more characters you unlock.) Also that matchmaking bonus is coming back in probably about two weeks, it’s not like it’s gone forever, which will also help.
- The BP gain from the cap increase is roughly 2k-8k per match (i.e. 1-4 categories will go from 8k prepatch to 10k post patch per match since it’s very common to max out at least some of them.) So you’re looking at around 4-5k extra per match. Since the prepatch average is about 20-25k, that’s around a 25% increase.
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I would be completely on-board with the reduced add-on economy, to make rarer add-ons actually rare again... if it weren't for the fact that add-on dependence between different killers is in no way balanced.
There are some killers that perform brilliantly without add-ons, some that are dependent on certain add-ons, and some whose add-ons can be very OP.
Plus this doesn't account for the fact that veteran players already have an virtually limitless supply of add-ons already, while newer players will be gaining significantly less.
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Just FYI the devs said in their update blogs they are going to eventually tweak the rarities in post-prestige bloodwebs so your nodes have the same rarities as a level 50 web. That way you can keep getting rare add-ons at the same rate as right before you Prestiged.
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. The fact that you think yellow and brown add-ons are fine and enough is completely off topic. The fact that I think it's unfair to play brown and yellow in 99% of games is also off topic.
I'm referring to the developpers plan to keep the add-on economy the same as before the patch, and currently, the add-on economy is terrible.
The developpers litterally announced that this patch was not supposed to impact the add-on economy, but it does. Your opinion against it is fine, but still, I'm pointing that the fevs announced something they completely failed to deliver. I expect a solution to a problem because that problem isn't expected. (basically like a bug could be reporter whether you like the bug or not, for example, the fact that blocked gens can't regress, but have been at some point, it could've been a feature, but it was a bug)
For example, if developpers reduce the cost of all add-on and items, then we can finally say that this patch was a good change for the grind. Right now, the grind is higher than ever.
. The Perk grind is higher than before in certain situations. It's a mathematical reality that you don't get to agree or disagree with. leveling one character to prestige 1 is more than double the cost than before. (vs leveling them to lvl 30-40 with the old BP perks)
For a beginner, leveling ONE character to get all perks takes absolutely forever. More than double the investment already for bloodwebs (because of the BP perks loss) and takes a lot more levels than before (requires to prestige 1 all characters vs only needing the wanted teachables).
People like me are winners in terms of perks for this patch because I had all characters in the game at least lvl 50. Still, this patch does dirty to beginners. Again, I will not say that requiring one DLC and one perk per game for farming BPs was healthy. but... it was effective. Deleting that option was a dirty move. The problem is that the justification never was "you guys gain too many bloodpoints and we didn't intend that". The justifications is the incentives and the so called "grind reduction".
I try to assume that behavior did mean what they said and didn't lie about the grind reduction. That's why I'm asking for answers and solutions.
. Finally, your maths is incorrect. Your mistake is to assume that the bonus coming from the increased cap is around 5k for 20k BP gains, which is wrong. Let me explain again:
You would get a 25% increased bloodpoints IF and ONLY IF you got a 25% bonus bloodpoints gain in all actions AND an increased cap of 25%. This is what the offerings "Sealed enveloppe" and "hollow shell" do.
You absolutely can not take those offerings, take away the 25% bonus while only keeping the increased cap, and conclude that they still do the same thing (increase BP gain by 25%).
The ONLY situation where you gain 25% more BPs than you used to are games where you total 10k in all 4 categories. If you get 9999 in only one category, it already can not be a 25% increase. It's already a 24.99...% increase.
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FYI The devs specifically said in their blogs they’re planning to adjust the add-on rarities so that you get rares just as often post-Prestige as you did at level 50. They’re not keeping it the same as it is currently.
Yeah, looking at the numbers it’s probably more like a 20% increase instead of 25% (4k from 20k to 24k for instance). Still a decent increase.