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DH - They took the salt of soloQ survivor's life

Dear BHVR/DbD Product manager/owner,

Dbd survivor I reckon is funniest when played with friends. I soloQ most of the time (I know you will spare me the predictable "you don't have a life, get some friends") and never play killer. I do enjoy the team aspect of the survivor side, assisting, saving, and after 2.5k hours playtime, I was just starting to enjoy looping the killer. The 1v1 killer/survivor interaction is well... one sided by design... The killers are faster, you can't hit back at them and therefore your odds to escaping this duel are staked against you. I accepted this painful reality of the asymetric genre because I liked the challenge to overcome these odds, and because once in while, you had "underdog moments" that made it all worth it. What are these underdog moments? They are those rare moments when you, weakling survivor, can hurt back, in a small way, the all mighty killer:

1) The pallet stun

2) Decive Strike (and yes, it's 3s instead of 5s and less effective to get away, but to me, it still satisfies that need to get back at the killer once in a while)

3) and Dead Hard was the other: what can be more satisfying that after being pummeled an entire game to pull a DH and make the killer miss when they though they had the down? Sure, you are just delaying the inevitable hook, but this single event beautifully quenched your thirst for retribution, and gave you just enough of an endorphine rush to keep you taking the killer's beating.

So you see BHVR, you haven't just nerfed DH. For me, and perhaps my type of player, you have removed one of the key joys of Dbd... and I am struggling to find a replacement for it. So much that I am sorry to say I am part of these players that in frustration have started throwing the towel after a first hook... something no longer feels right, out of balance, not worth the pain, I can't get over it... at least at this time... Maybe a break to unlearn the old Dbd is required to better be able to accept the new one...

PS: I'd hate to beat up the poor dead horse but... The new DH animation only adds insult to injury: what was a cool slick forward dash now looks like something between a gimped cowering stumble and a traditional celtic danse performed by a drunk Mr Bean...

Yours truely,



  • xEmoGirlxAlexisx
    xEmoGirlxAlexisx Member Posts: 598

    😂😂😂😂 damni at " i Never played Killer " i already Wanted to Stop Reading

    Sry but 4 Sure u had Fun whit DH and Wanted it back if u Never played Killer u dont know how busted that Perk was and how Killer Players had to Feel whit this Perk, u dont know how it feels if u outplay and mindgame a Survivor as Killer but then the Survivor outplay u by Pressing E

    Dead Hard was busted and it was about Time they nerfed this broken Mess

    Now try to learn other perks and try to learn how to win a chase whitout this Perk

    DH is gone

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,416

    I'm a solo survivor and never used DH or DS. I have always enjoyed the game just fine. You'll find other perks to enjoy.

  • LepewSurvivor
    LepewSurvivor Member Posts: 15

    Glad you didn't stop reading and thanks for your killer perspective. I did try killer a few years ago, but I prefer much to collaborative playstyle of the survivor side. And you are right, I am probably to worst person to give the killer viewpoint, which I why I didn't. I have played against skilled killers who knew to wait out DH, so maybe it is a matter of killer skills to be able to deal with DH?

    The main point of this post is to convey my feeling about the change, I am sure it doesn;t apply to everyone. I will continue to experiment with builds for a little while and move on if I can't find something satisfying enough. Heck, I might even start playing killer side, provided the queues are reasonable...

  • LepewSurvivor
    LepewSurvivor Member Posts: 15

    I still enjoy the game and care for it, that's why I am here providing my feedback to make the game great for all, not just a sub-population. And I know it is a hard balance to strick to meet the needs of different types of players.

    Escaping and doing gens without getting noticed was the goal of the game for me the first few hundred hours in, it became less and less important to escape over time. I cherish more the rescues and loops than making the escape. And like I said, being a pincushion game after game without the feeling of fighting back (as futile as this exercise might be) is not satisfying to me.

  • LepewSurvivor
    LepewSurvivor Member Posts: 15

    Escaping may have been the goal a few hundred hours gameplay ago, making challenging hook saves or looping became quickly more rewarding. So, no, escaping is not the goal for me, it's become more and more the interaction with the killer, and being able to "fight back" does add spice to it.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    what can be more satisfying that after being pummeled an entire game to pull a DH and make the killer miss when they though they had the down?

    Just for the record, if what you liked about old Dead Hard was making an attack miss by dodging it just as it happens that hasn’t changed. The protection time frame of the old version and the new version are identical, 0.5 seconds, so you can literally just block an attack with the exact same timing you would dodge an attack previously.

    What they removed was the ability to dodge forward for distance completely out of the killer’s reach. In those cases the killer isn’t even swinging at you, you’re just outrunning them briefly. Obviously that’s also super useful, and the reason Dead Hard needed the nerf was that aspect combined with the above made it basically two really good effect combined into one perk.

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182

    Sprint burst might satisfy your desire to 'get one over on the killer'. Sprinting out of their swing is probably the next closest thing to dead harding that I can think of. I understand what you mean though, it was one of the few very visceral in your face "outplayed" moments a survivor can do.

    That said you still technically can do this with dead hard it's just much harder and you can't use it for distance anymore.

  • Slan
    Slan Member Posts: 306

    Skill cannot counter what was the mighty power of pressing E and be safe immediatly. Killers were too scared to hit an injured survivor because of that E and the loss of time that would mean. And if the E was used to reach a window or a pallet, then the chase would be noticeably longer, giving the others survivors more time to repair and pop up some gens while the chase was going. The old DH was a perk that was unbalanced and gave survivors a powerful tool to evade the killer without needing skill, just the ability to press E. This may have been rewarding for you as a survivor. Then, imagine all 4 survivors running DH. Chases would be too long for the killer to have pressure, and the trapper's power could be easily countered and turned against him. This perk was heavily exploited by the survivors, and that was frustrating for killer mains. Now, survivors need skill to propperly use DH, and It is not that busted anymore. The meta has changed, and now instead of abusive chase perks, It is time for stealth and teamwork.If you had played killer more before this patch, you would not be saying that DH was fun at all for sure.

  • Huntressmain_1223
    Huntressmain_1223 Member Posts: 153

    For one I did read the whole thing and As a killer main I can only give a killer perspective for one soo.... Anyway

    And I'm sorry to me along the many since this update came along just seem to be complaining about the changes and how bably survivors got affected especially since DH left

    And no DH was NEVER a killer problem....lmao

  • Huntressmain_1223
    Huntressmain_1223 Member Posts: 153

    Ok but the whole point of the game is to do GENS and then LEAVE as killer have to KILL then HOOK there's nothing else that important to the game so you wanting to just loop for your amusement isn't a good enough argument we all have are fun in this game but I never lost the sight of doing my killer job so I don't get it

  • Huntressmain_1223
    Huntressmain_1223 Member Posts: 153

    I don't know why I was mentioned by you 3 times butt...

    Sorry no one playing to the survivor handbook the game was already survivor sided now you want to "fight back" dude seriously... Lol so funny, no one is caring about looping that much and all that does is just makes killers mad and bring more toxic to the end game chat so you can have your fun but again do the gens then leave

  • Jinxed
    Jinxed Member Posts: 248

    You're brave to praise dead hard on this forum. This place is killer main HQ.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    As Solo survivors, I want the previous update DS and BT as basekit.

    DH should be deleted. It punishes fair play killers.