15 Matches played as a Duo Premade - Statistics

First of all I want to say that both me and my friend are basically veterans at this game. Both of us started when the game was fairly new (I didn't like the game that much and didn't play it for a year but then I tried again and now I've spend a good amount of time playing the game). Having said that I have 1361 Hrs played and my friend has 1271 Hrs. While we might not be the best players we are most certainly not your average player.
We would have played more matches but there was no time unfortunately. In addition to this while the visual ranks are not iridescent, the MMR should in theory be at a high-ish level.
Now for the proof of the matches: https://imgur.com/a/owmfr23
This imgur post contains proof of all 15 matches with the following information on each game:
- Map - Name of the Map in which the game took place
- Killer - What Killer was the killer playing
- Hook Number - How many hooks has the killer managed to obtain (this doesn't take into account anyone getting to the next stage by themselves or dced players as bonus hooks (although if they did get hooked before dc'ing it is counted) basically every single time a person was hooked the number went up by 1)
- Kill Rate - How many people DIED during the game (disconnected is not counted)
- DCs? - Did anyone DC during the game?
- Suicide on Hook? - Did anyone suicide on hook? Whether in Phase 1 or 2 it doesn't matter. If they killed themselves intentionally before someone could save them it is counted here.
- Camper? - Did the killer camp at all? It's quite complex it isn't just a Yes/No statistic
- Tunneler? - Did the killer tunnel? Every killer that tunneled didn't do it just for a period and as such is not approached the same way as the "Camper?" statistic
- Generators Completed - The number of completed Generators per Match
- Door Spawn - Whether the doors spawned too close to each other (N/A means the game didn't get to Endgame...and while the doors could've been scouted that would've ruined the idea of playing properly for the statistics)
- End Game Screen - Literally screenshots of the End Game Screen...allowing for viewing the perks used, items and addons (including the killer's)
- Notes - For certain games particular situations occurred that may have affected the outcome of the match dirrectly, or it just is an additional information on a certain aspect
On average the following can be noted:
- Average Hooks per match : 6.933
- Average Kills per match : 1.733
- Average Generators Completed per match : 4.6
- 20% of matches had a DC (including the one where my Friend's internet died)
- 13.33% of matches had a person suicide on hook
- 33.33% of matches had the killer camp in some manner during the game
- 26.66% of matches had the killer tunnel
- 45.45% of the matched which had 5 GENERATORS COMPLETED had the doors in positions that would be incredibly advantageous to killers
Out of the 15 matches played the following maps were encountered:
- Garden of Joy : 3
- Temple of Purgation : 1
- Dead Dawg Saloon : 2
- Father Campbell : 1
- Treatment Theatre : 1
- Sanctum of Wrath : 1
- Mother's Dwelling : 1
- Disturbed Ward : 1
- Yamaoka Estate : 1
- The Pale Rose : 1
- Ironworks of Misery : 1
- The Game : 1
Out of the 15 matches played the following killers were encountered:
- Blight : 2
- Hag : 2
- Bubba : 1
- Dredge : 1
- Pig : 2
- Pinhead : 1
- Ghostface : 1
- Nemo (aka Nemesis) : 1
- Huntress : 1
- Trapper : 1
- Clown : 1
- Oni : 1
It is also worth noting that the approach taken was to ensure as many survivors as possible get out. Both me and my friend had the possibility to just escape multiple times, however we've attempted to save the others as much as possible which on average I believe resulted in a higher escape count. This may have resulted in the possibility of us dying in the process while someone else escaped.
Also I must say the matches played felt surprisingly normal whereas the matches we were playing a few days ago felt like camping&tunneling was basically every other match. That might be an exageration but it certainly felt like it.
I am also aware the sample size isn't incredibly high and I understand that the results obtained aren't necessarily conclusive due to this so if anyone would like to by all means feel free to contribute with your own statistics :)
Yes this was inspired by that 24 Hrs solo queue post.
- -> 33.33% of matches had the killer camp in some manner during the game
For the people who didn't check your screens, this may sound like 1/3 of the killers were campers, which is actually not. One was endgame camping, which is ok in my opinion, 2 of 4 other proxy campers did it occasionally which may be reasonable to apply pressure, especially since they were not tunneling.
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Thanks for mentioning this. This is a very valid point I forgot to make clear in this post. Have an upvote <3
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To be honest, those statistics dont really seem that bad, but Id imagine the numbers might seem bigger/smaller than they really are since it's only 15 matches which is rather small for a data group. But it's nice to see people record data from their matches, so props to yall.