An Artist Main's Solution to camping/tunneling

I have played around 20 hours of solo survivor since the update due to the length of killer queues. And amazingly, it has mostly been a really enjoyable experience. It feels like smart play is rewarded now that many crutch perks on both sides have been nerfed. Perk variety is much better than before. m1 killers actually stand a chance against decent survivor squads with good play.


When killers decide to face-camp from the start of the match, which has thankfully been rare, it is extremely difficult to coordinate a save as a solo player and going for a save often just results in a worse situation than before. Sitting on gens is no longer is a winning strategy now that they take longer to complete with the right killer build. The result is usually that a couple players sat on a hook the whole game, a couple players sat on gens the whole game, and nobody had fun the whole game. NOT very interactive.

As an Artist player with 100+ hours on her, I think two easy changes will make face-camping much more tolerable.

First, the unhook animation should be made 0.3 seconds shorter to compensate for killer swings being 0.3 seconds quicker. That's an extra 0.3 seconds the unhooked player has to run to safety after the killer inevitably two-taps the unhooker. A killer should not be able to easily get more than a hook trade in these situations without survivors making a mistake.

Second, more killer powers should be unusable near hooks. Artist cannot place birds near hooks for good reason; it would make camping much easier and let Artist get free health states on survivors. So why does Bubba get to sit next to hooks with his insta-downing chainsaw? Why does executioner get two free health states in unhook scenarios? It makes no sense.

The most problematic powers should work the same way; Bubba's chainsaw, Billy's chainsaw, Pyramid Head's punishment, Huntress' hatchets, Myers' stalk (due to 99ing), and Plague's red puke should all function like Artist's birds. They should be unable to be activated while inside a certain range around a hook. If said powers are fully activated before entering the range, they can be completed inside the range (for example, a Billy can use his chainsaw to come back to hook from 50 meters away and the power won't be cancelled).

Does this fix all the issues? No. But this is a simple way to greatly improve quality of life for all the solo survivors out there. Please like and/or comment if you agree.


  • BubbleBuster
    BubbleBuster Member Posts: 387

    the only problem i have with this is that it punishes killers that dont facecamp but that are near hook because they chase someone.

    Should a killer be punished for survivors messing up? not really

    killer powers should ONLY be allowed near a hooked survivor if another survivor is nearby. That means dumb unhooks in front of the killer or survivors getting chased near the hook can still be punished.

    This should include artist's birds. she should be able to use them if someone decides to be stupid.

  • SekiSeki
    SekiSeki Member Posts: 516

    Huntress would feel so bad having that restriction. I just want to cross map with BBQ. I get where you are coming from but damn. I find it annoying with artist when I want cross maps. With Bubba, I can kind of see, but you can't stop an instant hook bomb, which would feel kind of dumb. I'm not too sure.