Solo Q
Well I saw many ppl complaining and argueing about the new changes that came up with the new version. but why are they doing changes if they could put more effort into the matchmaking. I mean an extra Mode for solo Q could be possible for both sides. The killer can decide if he wants to play against solo Q survivors and the Survivor only gets in a team with other solo Q survivors. They don't have to nerf or buff the perks for each side then. The perks also could work differently then if it goes into solo Q mode. I know it's a lot to do as a developer but just see it as it like a battle royal mode typical thing. It changers perks and everything if you go into that mode. So the argueing would finally stop and the they would be less toxic then.
Here's why I don't like the idea:
- splitting queues will make queue times go up, which are already atrocious for at least one side depending on time of day
- What killer would willingly go into swf games? none. This is the same as adding a ranked mode with the same problems. What would a killer do if they want to win? They wouldn't go into a ranked game where they risk losing, they would instead take meta perks and go into a soloQ game and play dirty. Tunneling and camping fiesta in the mode that is supposed to be chill.
- toxicity does not go away, it never does; toxic actions should be restricted but getting rid of it is literally not feasible in any game
- changing perks depending on what mode you are in is horrible for new and old players; this is just unnecessary and makes things very unintuitive
- arguing also wont stop; people will always complain or not agree; you cant magically make people agree by splitting them
- the splitting doesnt even work because players have a choice of what to play. SoloQ players can still run meta perks and sweat. killers can still use nurse with meta perks and go into soloQ
- what about 3 man swf? how can they play the game without having 1 random teammate
this does not fix any issue. this creates more problems.
what should be done is decrease the gap between soloQ and swf using comms by adding some kind of communication system into games (not voice chat; absolutely no voice chat)
Post edited by Rizzo on0