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Macmillan Estate's map balance ideas

Hello. I need to talk about Macmillan after update.


I like the idea of adding new tiles to the older Realms. However, just adding them isn't a good idea on its own.

Generally maps with bigger tile variety tend to have them very sepearated from each other. Most noticable example is Mount Ormond Resort.

Macmillan Estate, like older Realms, tends to have "tile chains" which is pretty noticable. It's also the reason why it had less variety but also on top of that bigger tile RNG swings (You could have 3 LTs or 3 jungle gyms in same position.).

After 6.1.0, generally the RNG swing got decreased with introduction of new tiles but it also leads very strong set-ups and even to the point of windows being 4m away to next, perfectly aligned to next window, which KIller cannot normally counter and has to rely on very strong powers or Bloodlust, which makes Survivor experience not so enjoyable.


Green indicates main building's area (Some buildings rotate and/or have Pallets attached to their RNG).

Yellow indicates Shack.

Red is reserved for tiles.

Obviously, it's general estimation and nothing pixel-perfect.


Coal Tower generally is considered balanced map. So the changes are gonna be as minimal as possible.

Quick overview: Has 5 tiles, second smalest map in the game.



Moved tile a bit more into corner to decrease tile chaining. Could put a filler Pallet spawn there instead.

Landmark changes:

I think removing 1 Breakable Wall would've been fine. Making it part of its' RNG. I think everyone would prefer removing both but 1 would've been already very nice.


People are mostly fine with Ironworks of Misery so another case of smaller changes.

Quick overview: Has 5 tiles, average-sized map.



Similar deal as with Coal Tower, more evenly distribiuted safety while decreasing tile chain.


Shelter Woods is disliked by both sides, mainly due to lack of Balanced Landing spots and sheer map size stretching the safety.

Quick overview: Has 5 tiles, second biggest map in the game.



Slight decreased size on edges, general map layout tends to be ok even though it doesn't feel great. It's one of trickier maps to change.

Landmark changes:

I wouldn't mind trunks maknig a ramp towards Twisted Tree for Balanced Landing usage. Only Killers that could be a problem with are Huntress and Nurse.


Mixed feedback here. Very strong middle, very little safety on edges usually (Filler Pallets can be frequent though.). Also, known as "3-Gen map" which additionally doesn't feel good to play on.

Quick overview: Has 5 tiles, average-sized map.



Trying to keep some of its' identity but making it more well-rounded and less possible to chain strong tile with another strong tile.

Maybe add rule that Pallets and windows cannot be perfectly aligned next to each and tile has to rotate.


I feel like this map is rarely brought up, however it encourages very annoying gameplay for both sides. Has the most issues than any other map from this Realm and has usually very strong set-ups. Might some of them being personal though.

Quick overview: Has 7 tiles, average-sized map.



Just cutting pockets next to Shack is perfectly fine. Let me explain why it's such a problem.

First of all, 7 maze tiles which is already high, not to mention high chaining potential on top of those pockets makes things difficult.

If Survivors goes down in one of them usually Killer is forced to take the signular Hook there. If that Hook disappears Survivor can just rush there and never get Hooked. Basically Boil Over style of gameplay.

However, during end-game, or certain scenarios, those are one of best spots to camp because of how choked Survivors are. It's very difficult for Survivor team to rescue someone Hooked in a pocket.

It generates a very annoying gameplay where either side just gets completely disabled and is on a mercy of other side. It's very unhealthy for the game and people not talk about it at all.

Landmark changes:

Remove the current Breakable Wall spawn for normal doorway. Add possible Breakable Wall locations shown in pictures below. Makes the main building feel more accessable.


I don't want to sound like a "KIller main here" because this argument just doesn't feel like proper argument. Already mentions that the current version enforces Bloodlust gaining and using hard anti-loop Powers to counter certain chains, most of them Survivors don't like facing.

All I want is maybe some balance changes coming to this Realm and opening up discussion with players. I'm looking forward more of veteran players putting their feedback in as well. Simply because on average they tend to have more experience about the maps.

Be free to add your ideas on how to change those maps a bit and what do you think about my proposed changes as well.

That's all!


  • Herachi_Sakura
    Herachi_Sakura Member Posts: 22

    Overall I am a fan of these proposed changes, especially for Storehouse. However, I think shelter woods should get even more ways for Balanced Landing or heigh in general. maybe integrate the "pits" from eyrie somehow or add 1-2 hills.