Hacking survivors have gone off the charts.
I unironically have seen 2-3 hackers per day now as opposed to the fact that i used to see them maybe once a month. BHVR can you please do something?
Dont know if this is cheating , but someone almost blinded me from behind if I hadn't moved my head . They could also somehow heal eachother really quickly with no med kits, botany, self care, boon, or any other type of healing mechanic .
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They usually have insa-heal/global flashlight blind. I have a few videos and have already reported them, but it is getting out of hand. It takes me 40 minutes to upload a video.
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I've had an unusual amount of instant complete gens over the past 2 weeks. I'll give you that. My favorite defense was (we are all 4 running prove thyself. Let's us finish gens in 15 seconds". Uh huh
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It's getting ridiculous. Last game i just had and luckily got video evidence of, the first gen was done in literally 10 seconds, so i started recording, the gens seemed to go much faster than they should, then endgame hit and i found the cheater who was able to outrun me, so i hooked someone else, and before i could hook they like, put themselves on the hook, then unhooked themselves as soon as i walked away so i couldn't hook the person.
Then at the end they had the audacity to say i was a "noob" for camping when i started doing it because there was an obvious cheater.
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If you were a noob for "camping" then they're something much worse
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I've not seen a hacker in a long time. Last time was a killer hacker. Not that I dont believe you
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I can post the videos, but they have the names in them so i think it's against forum rules.
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You can block the names out.
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Edit them to only send the relevant parts.
e.g. Shotcut
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I'll have to upload a different version so the unedited one can be used for the report, maybe i'll do that later tonight. If we shed more light on the blatant cheaters maybe something will get done.
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Definite hacking uptick, for some reason they also like to change their prestiege level. Saw a prestige 100 steve in a lobby yesterday and hard noped
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For the one i mentioned i did, but many of these have been blatant cheaters that use literally everything, 30 second blind, 60 second head on, infinite ds, etc.
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You dont have to I believe you. I was just sharing my experience to toss it out there. You could be one of the only ones experiencing it. Not that I'm saying that either.