Sadako's "Tape Editing Deck" allows her to do a strategy similar to the old "AFK Pig"

I don't know why I don't see anyone talking about this. Because no one was talking about that, I thought it was not a thing and there was something that prevented this strategy from working until I finally decided to try doing it.

If you use Sadako's "Tape Editing Deck" add-on and use the perk Lethal Pursuer, you can have an idea of what TVs the survivors need to take their tape to. It doesn't matter that you do not see TV auras during the start of the game because, if you know how Sadako works, then you know that there should be a TV close to every generator, so all you have to do is try to see which gen is the furthest from where the survivors spawned and you will most likely know what TV they need to go for. Then, if you bodyblock that TV, the survivor will not be able to insert the tape, and will continue to gain Condemned stacks. If you bring her other add-on "Yoichi's Fishing Net", they will gain those stacks even faster.

I know that once you are fully condemned, the killer still has to down you, and since inserting a tape is a very fast action then you might even be able to do mid-chase... But that did not look like the reality for me. It's not as simple as simply inserting the tape mid-chase. My opponent tried to do it and I managed to interrupt it once by hitting them, and then they kept trying but I could hit them before they completed the action again. You can also bring something like Haunted Ground, which sometimes survivors end up activating just because they are setting up a Boon, or maybe because you have another hex that they are trying to get rid of like Ruin, or they are scared of Devour Hope... And, of course, sometimes survivors just cleanse it because "if it glows it goes".

This is an extremely unfair and unfun strategy in my opinion. Even if there is a counter, it's not fair that every single survivor needs to know how to deal with something like this.

Of course, Sadako overall is still a weak killer, and just nerfing her wouldn't be good either and would not be fair to players who are not doing this strategy. The most simple solution for this problem would be making it so survivors have 2 possible TVs to insert the tape on, and then buff other aspects of Sadako to compensate.

Also, if any players have used this strategy or played against it, I would like to know about it, because what I'm talking about here is purely from my perspective, I have not seen anyone doing this strategy other than myself, and if I'm just talking nonsense, then I'd like to know.


  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,233
    edited July 2022

    This seems so situational that it's very unlikely and looking at just the numbers unless you have 4+ STBFL stacks shouldn't be possible. It takes 2.7 seconds to recover from a successful attack and only takes 2 seconds to insert a tape. This would require them to already be injured and stand in front of you until their condemned is high enough in reality teammates could actually help stop this vs pig where unless it was purely hatch escape they died.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,386

    Sadako has to wait 30 seconds to teleport, has no way to instant down a healthy survivor unless survivors happen to cleanse haunted grounds when the survivor becomes fully condemned, and the survivor can still turn in the tape before going down if Sadako leaves the tv to pursue the survivor.

    The thing with AFK pig was you could likely secure a kill without doing anything. This still requires Sadako to do something even if it's not a lot and kind of depends on the star aligning.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    The odds on this are way worse than pig's. Also if she throws the entire game to do this...... She still has to hit you twice. You get hit once, return the tape during her attack animation and the entire gimmick does nothing.