People like this still exist?! i thought they were extinct after the nerf to gens.

funny thing is she did good
and i guess when the game is over before the day is over its a genrush
Probably because your team has a total of 3 prove thyself, and he’s playing a weak killer.
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"Genrush" - not a single toolbox. xD
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ow i didnt see that yet but it didnt matter really since no one was on a gen together
i guess it was more because the gen i was on was literally 99.99% finished when she grabbed me and i had deliverance so when she teleported i completed the gen
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Yeah he probably just assumed the prove thyselves were on gens together if the game flew by, especially since he was playing onryo
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and even then genrush isnt really a thing anymore unless swf with prove thyself since even if u did all gens the match would still take around 5 mins(killer afk) because if ur not afk then there is almost no way for a gen rush to happen unless u really really suck at the game
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Like that matters, Prove Thyself doesnt stack on itself, having 3 people running it is actual detrimental because you need only 1 or 2 people at most.
You could make the gens take 60 minutes and some people would still complain about them going too fast.
5 -
Cows go 'moo', goats go 'bleeh', people in PvP games go 'pouty pouty sulky pout' when things don't go their way.
I've had people accuse me of tunneling for chasing them for too long.
I've had people accuse me of camping when they literally led me, mid chase, to a survivor and unhooked.
I've been told that Dredge, Mirror Myers, Doctor and Trickster are OP and that I'm a bad person for playing them.
I've been cussed out for playing Demo, as apparently it's 'not fair' that it's still in the game.
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What playing the weakest killers does to a person.
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the game lasted 26 min since i record all my gameplay
and i didnt even start recording when the game started
only when i started my first chase but it was he first chase from the game tho
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If the game lasted 26 mins and he said genrushing, the guy is trolling you or there is something very wrong with him lol
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ye thats also a thing if u dont like losing then dont play weak killers i mean play things like pyramid head or something or a different m1 killer like idk legion or smth
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Some survivors always whining on killer about tunneling or camping, even if killer didn't.
Some killers always whining on survivors about genrushing, even if survivors didn't.
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true i also see that alot since i play both sides equally and im like bro
ur literally running to the hook
or trying to unhook in my face
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Not that I ever liked that term before, but now with all the changes I'm not sure if it even exists anymore; at least not in the powerful sense it perhaps once was refered to as.
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Ah yes, the genrusher with over 31k
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Superman does good. She is a killer, she does bad, evil even. Mischief and tomfoolery from time to time.
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Yeah, the first three survivors point scores don't really look like a we did gens and got out in 4 minutes type game.
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the game is over before the day is over its a genrush
But yes, those people still exist. I've seen players say that with 3 slowdown perks... like you can either apply pressure and defend gens or you can't.
Also, they got 2K so that's a balanced game, so why complain?
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Of course they do, digging up (or if that fails, straight up conjuring with some kinda esoteric mind magic) a reason to say "It's not my fault I lost" is a Gamer Tradition as old as games themselves.
Not even just video games. I'm sure people in the ancient world pushed their Game of Ur board off the table angrily yelling "I didn't mean to make that bad move, I had the sun in my eyes! You only won because you sat on that end of the table!"
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Lmao, good, dunk on more sadakos, teach them to switch to an actual killer.
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Gen rushing is when a game exceeds 15+ minutes
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Yeah, A tier killers are definitely doing super good now even B tiers so definitely more options all though some killer will still loose a bunch.
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I honestly don't understand how they have not reworked The Onryo. Her main ability is so weak, and has been since her release, and they haven't done anything? They hyped her up for like 3 months before she came out, and this is what we got? How disappointing
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Even now, I've never understood the complaints about genrushing. Its one thing to complain about gen speeds, but I've never understood getting mad at the survivors for just... doing the objective. It's not like the survivor in question is intending to be a douche to the killer by doing the generators, compared to like, a basement capping bubba who says that "its a viable strategy, git gud".