

Which character do you want a tome for?

Member Posts: 209

For me? Ill just make my opinion very clear right of the bat:

Thats it...just give me a Zarina tome and i will be very happy indeed. What about u guys?

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  • Member Posts: 16

    As a slinger main I would love literally any content they'd throw at me.

    I also wouldn't mind a Ghostface tome, because dbd's version of him is literally an oc too. It would be nice to know how he went from Utah to being a reporter in Florida. Granted I wouldn't want too much. In my op his whole appeal is the mystery.

  • Member Posts: 809

    Zarina, Deathslinger.

    If we're talking about giving someone yet another tome, DEFINITELY Doctor, Meg (her first archives were lame as hell)

  • Member Posts: 78

    Zarina and Haddie.

  • Member Posts: 24

    For killer, Ghost Face. As others have said, DBD's Ghost Face is technically an original character. Similar to Bill, he could share a tome with another original character as well.

    For survivor, it's a toss up between Felix / Élodie. I think we were going somewhere with the Pariahs and their connection to the Entity, but I don't think it's been expanded upon since either of those characters' introductions.

  • Member Posts: 1,023


  • Member Posts: 59

    Zarina and Oni. I wanna know more about what happened after her father's death, and I want to know what happened for Oni as a father. It can be the Paternity tome (though now that I think of this, there are plenty of survivors that could fit this theme?)

    Maybe Yoichi (oh no, he's also Paternity tome material)? I was initially hoping for either Reiko (film) or Kazuyuki (novel), and I don't feel attached to Yoichi even as a fan of the Ring license—both the films and the novels. So some lore might make him more appealing to me now that he's grown up, which is new territory for his character. Or Haddie for an event kind of tome (Paternity event??)

    But fr, no more Blight tome entries for a long while. The other killers need some attention.

  • Member Posts: 228

    For characters that haven't gotten one yet Zariana and and The Artist

    And for a 2nd tome i would like to see Yun Jin again

  • Member Posts: 495

    Honestly, I would murder someone for a Ghostface tome. I love Jed and I just want to know more about his lore. Although the Ghosties all have stupid reasons for being Ghostie, so. But they're just so fun to see. Haddie was an instant fav when I saw her. I also would like Gunslinger.

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    Cheryl, but since she's a licensed character it's very unlikely she'll ever get one.

    As for original characters, definitely Zarina. Her lore could be expanded by a lot and a new tome for her means new cosmetics for her.

  • Member Posts: 4,531

    Yoichi and Sadako I think could both be very interesting.

  • Member Posts: 469

    Zarina, Elodie, Feng, Yui and Adam for original characters

    But if they were able to get some more liscensed characters for tomes, I'd love to see Yoichi and Sadako as well as Myers and Laurie.

    Annoying that they still have several original characters that don't have tomes but the most recent tomes have been David again (though this was about revealing his sexuality so he gets a pass), Jonah and next we're getting Mikaela. Like why give tomes to some of the most recent original survivors when they've had other characters sitting there without one for YEARS. Like poor feng has been in the game for 5 years without a tome but Jonah who released at the end of last year gets one first?

  • Member Posts: 5,347
    edited August 2022

    I'd like to have a twist on the Tomes to focus on a licensed cosmetic character!

    Personally, a tome on James Sunderland, which perhaps depicts the Rebirth ending as a link for this James into the Entity's realms - like the ceremony to bring back Mary ends up actually a ceremony to summon the Entity, or something along those lines.

  • Member Posts: 495

    I heard rumors, I was just really hoping. XD I'm a simp.

  • Member Posts: 465

    Feng MIn! Stay mad over this. You guys hate on her for no reason

  • Member Posts: 707


    We know very little about him and I'm writing my own which I might post somewhere. I actually came to this section of the forum because of a contradiction I picked up in the tome and story and wanted to discuss it.

    Yoichi would be 100% my second choice though.

  • Member Posts: 378

    Legion. Actually different tomes centered around the different members of the Legion would be interesting. I want to see their downfall slowly.

  • Member Posts: 3,094
    edited September 2022

    I would much rather have more tomes that isn't killer or Survivor focused since those are the best, however if I had to pick some.



    3 more legion tomes for the remaining members




    Tomes for legendary skins such as James

  • Member Posts: 2,013

    Definitely death slinger. I love his lore, and fleshing it out would be really cool. Tell us about some of the bounties he goes after. Also would like to see a tome for demo but that won't happen soon for obvious reasons.

  • Member Posts: 222
    edited September 2022

    I think the Entity could use a tome. For an all-powerful god of evil, we don't know really anything thing about her. I think it would be interesting to see how the Entity ended up creating the trials in the first place.

  • Member Posts: 3,011

    Feng Min and Ghost Face

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