Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

This is just a PSA

Hey, it's me again. Everyone knows me right, I'm totally iconic, unforgettable. So anyways, let's just address the state of DBD.

This update is bad and before people deadpan and scroll away, there's a reason why I'm saying it. The forums and experience of DBD itself is general miserable as is, between all the DC/Ragequits/giving up, the buffs, the nerfs and all the like. This has GENERALLY been the worst update there has been ever.

The DRAMATIC jump in face-campers, tunnelers, sluggers and all the like has definitely proven this factor seeing as how killers can get away with ALOT more since they've been buffed to a level that makes generally playing survivors (more solo Q than SWF) , a trip to hell, and for killers, more often then not, a walk in the park. This is a bit of an exaggeration cause killers still have to try to get their kills but it's generally easier then it's ever been before.

And I've been seeing whole lot of doom posts going around about how DBD is dying, survivors are leaving, queue time has increased for one side, survivors are making the game unfun.

Firstly, this game has always been in a constant push and pull balance between survs and killers. One side didnt often have too much power besides the obvious SWF (And DH/DS) which is the only thing I'll agree that, in the right circumstances, are unstoppable. Communication between people can get nasty when you get trapped into a head on, CJ or Locker tech. (DS/Flashlight save) This update DESTROYED that balance, it's like the fat kid jumping on the see-saw, whoever is on the other side is BOUND to go flying. The reason being for this is the buff killers got which is making survivors DC/RQ cause they get to death hook before the 2nd gen even pops whether they're tunneled or not which usually shouldnt be the case.

Another thing is how both sides are frustrated AT the constant DC/RQ or their increased Q-Times. The Increased Q-Times make sense, what did you expect? The DC/RQ is a bit excessive and I'll admit to the fact in certain circumstances, (I.E A Nurse or a Tinker + Thana Blight/Legion in my case.) If I didn't know any better, I'd probably do it too. because there's generally no sense in playing a match YOU wont win and I don't mean winning as in escaping, I mean even doing the most BASIC of tasks like healing or gens. Even doing that is a struggle, which is why survivors adopted the "Go next" Mentality. Killers are saying for Survivors to cope and adapt to the situation, this is how they're doing it. And this time, it's bothering EVERYONE....Wild, right? I wonder why it turned out this way? 🤔 If it's impossible to do a gen, just hope the next match is better whether or not you're doing it to spite your teammates, The Killer or anyone else.

And of course, let's address the final situation. The DBD community itself. Funny how survivors are making the game miserable when this has been preached since like, day one of DBD (Not really, but you get the point.) Killers are making the miserable and this has been preached since day one. The funny thing is, is that if survivors leave, there will be no one to match against and if the killers leave, there will be no one to match against. The update over all made DBD'S playing experience terrible regardless of what it brought that made people think "This is good." It's not. If either side leaves, regardless, Dbd takes a hit, if either side complains enough, DBD takes a hit. Do you see where this is going?

If an update only brought more problems then it solved, did it ACTUALLY do it's job?


  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,327

    There are things to be said about both sides, and both sides need some tweaking after this update. Nothing is initially perfect.

    Balance is def not a pendulum lmao. Two separate things should weigh the same, being in a literal state of equilibrium. Otherwise, there is literally unbalance if it's going back and forth, like what are you even saying.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,371

    The difference is that killers weren't mass rage quitting because survivors were using CoH. Killers were playing out games and noting their frustrations at trying to deal with the perk as well as many stopping playing killer altogether.

    Besides the devs literally stated this entire patch was designed to improve kill rate. Getting upset that now killers are now able to kill survivors more reliably means you weren't paying attention to the point of the patch. Sure there are things that might be overtuned now and the devs will have to correct it. But if you want the devs to actually address the issue, giving them valid data (meaning don't just rage quit and actually attempt to play the game out) is the only way devs can truly know if there's a problem.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    Um. I'm saying it's a live environment game? Do you understand what that entails? There's no purpose elaborating any further if you don't.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    I remember all the posts, YT clips, and streamers declaring the end! I also remember killers' idling or disconnecting once a totem was blessed a second or third time. I also remember some tenacious killers' that started adapting, but it was all over the place. Killers' didn't silent deal with it; it was months of complaining even after a few nerfs to CoH and some complaints persist today.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,371

    There was feedback on it yes. But AFK killers or Killers d/cing was a minority issue compared survivors rage quitting over this patch.

    CoH patch day 1 lead to games finishing with both sides playing it out much more than 6.1 day 1 has.

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,233
    edited July 2022

    It's funny because in reality the pendulum is still on the other side it's just solo queue feeling the pendulum swing the other way since you need actual teammates that hold m1 to win games now surprisingly you don't win if the objective is being ignored

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,327

    Yea, because that was the part I reacted to. Maybe work on your reading comprehension. IDC for any further thing you've to say, not going to waste my time reading nonsense lmao.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    @Crowman I don't have access to the data, so I can't say one way or another. However, DCs have happened and will always occur. It wasn't all feedback; there were plenty of absurd threads about Boons. People will express their opinions how they see fit, I've accepted that reality, and some of it is legit even if not conveyed in the best possible way. And some of it is pure nonsense even when eloquently expressed.

    @ThiccBudhha One argument you never see is how hits favor the Survivor; lol Killer players enjoy hits handled on their end and don't want to talk about 'Favor the Killer' in any way. The slight relief provided to Survivors with DH and Pallet Stun Validation made that apparent. Killer players are accustomed to hits being handled on their end, and it won't be easy to wean them off that system.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209
    edited July 2022

    The part I am highlighting IS the part you were reacting to. There is a reason I called it a pendulum and not an equilibrium.

    Because it is a live game environment. So, I'm repeating the question. Do you understand?

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,371

    It was still feedback. Not all feedback is necessarily civil in nature. People get frustrated and rant. The devs have in the passed nerfed things over frustrations people had facing certain things. While ideally people should be civil and more thoughtful with their feedback about things they encountered in the game, that is never going to happen 100% of the time. So while killers were complaining about CoH, they were still leaving feedback even if you didn't personally like the feedback they were leaving. What killers weren't doing at the time was mass rage quitting games, because of CoH.

    Now there will always be a minority of players that do rage quit games regardless of which side, but at no point should be people be approving of such behavior.

    That's the problem with the survivor reaction to 6.1 patch. It's not that survivors are frustrated and leaving feedback. It's that they are also rage quitting as part of their response. Which you can easily see in some of the posts on this very forum about survivor players openingly admitting they are rage quitting games over certain things they didn't like about this patch. That was not something you saw with the killer response to CoH.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    You misunderstood. Not every topic posted was feedback. I already outlined that I recognize input in all its forms. And yes, I experienced DCs and rage quits during CoH drama; it happened. None of that matters because people are entitled to do as they please. If people want to DC, who can stop them? Indeed not a forum post.

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,063

    The thing is when COH was at its peak, the games wouldnt last like +30 min to end like now so even if you had a bad time, the match was over soon so you were not forced to dc.

    Even if the survivors would flashlight click or teabag on door, they wouldn`t leave you to bleed for 5 min on the floor.

    Even if in the end you couldnt kill a single survivor, you could still chase them and try to hook them for the majority of the game, which is far more engaging than sitting on a gen for 3 min because the killer has thana, call of brine, jolt, pain resonance, dying light.

    I'm not ok with DC/RQ but it is not the same as it was with COH

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,371

    IF survivors were solely rage quitting against forever builds you would have a point. But they are not solely rage quitting about forever builds and I've had experience of many games against non-legion/non-plague games with 0 slowdown perks leading to survivors rage quit because they got caught out and downed really quickly.

    People keep using forever builds as an excuse for these rage quit, but it's far from being accurate to what is actually happening.

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,063

    I have seen survivors ragequitting against trappers or doctors with no slowdown perks too, and that bothers me the same as you. But forever builds are meta, and when i reached gold rank my games were:

    Thana Legion

    Thana Plague

    Thana Legion

    (non-meta-perks Killer)

    Thana Blight

    Thana Legion

    Thana nurse

    (non-meta-perks Killer)

    Thana nurse

    This wouldnt be so bad if every thana game didnt end up with 2 situations:

    1-The killer tunnel and camps the first survivor at 5 gens, then slugs/tunnel the other three

    2-The killer camps 4 gens and just hit the ones that get close, draggin the game until survs literally throw themselves to the killer after 30 min

    Again, I hate DCing, but i am not surprised if someone ragequits this games

  • SaltyNooty
    SaltyNooty Member Posts: 276

    You clearly missed the point, the update DID NOT do its job correctly in the slightest. This is far from balanced, the only thing this would LIKELY balance out is SWF since killers still find their way to complain about losing to a SWF even after this buff they've received. Had they just nerfed perks, we wouldnt be getting this type of matter of fact, no one would be taking this to this extreme, that's guaranteed.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    I'm at red grade and I don't see that. It could be your region. The colours are grades though and don't have to any connection to the old ranks.

    Thana by itself means about the same as the Killer using pre-patch Pop Goes the Weasel once on each gen. The only time the slowdown becomes bad with Thana is when paired with Pentimiento or Gift of Pain which have counterplays; cleansing the Hex Totem or, if it was Plaything, just playing with the Oblivious condition for Penti and not healing for Gift of Pain.

    You shouldn't heal against Legion or Plague anyway in most situations so Gift of Pain isn't that much use there. Pentimento is harsher but living with Oblivious is not a death sentence.

    My experience has been, in the games I lost that I think I would have won pre-patch, the larger factor is DCers and people giving up. I just faced a Legion yesterday who didn't have any slowdowns but two people DCed upon hearing the music.

    It's partially because of that I'm liking Deliverance more and more. If somebody has a temper tantrum and decides not to play but go afk I can unhook them and then be able to unhook myself the first time thereby deriving a little bit of value from tantrum throwers.

  • Sadako_Best_Girl
    Sadako_Best_Girl Member Posts: 662

    My man, how can you look at the current state of the game and say it is unironically survivor sided. At this point it's just disingenous, sure, the game was awfully survivor sided in the past and map balance is still somewhat skewed in the survivors favour, but we have reached a point were you can get consistently good results with any killer in roster.

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,198

    Maybe you weren't around, but killers did rage quit a lot back in the day. Not for CoH of course but for "a lot of other 'bullshit'." Some still played but a lot more rage quit, left bad reviews, and had a killer strike. There was a killer group on Steam and it was all orchestrated pretty well. 2016? 2017? The game almost died.

    In any case. Right now it's the same type of people doing the same thing for "a lot of 'bullshit'." Everyone has their own BS they can't stand, so I take that for what it is. I didn't blame killers back then for what they did and I don't blame survivors now.

  • ashtonisfarout
    ashtonisfarout Member Posts: 101

    Not to mention the circus they created over infinite loops. But it doesn't fit their narrative does it?!

  • ashtonisfarout
    ashtonisfarout Member Posts: 101

    Are you sure because that's exactly what's happening. Just a page out of the whiney killer playbook. Infinite loops. That medicine doesn't taste good does it?!

  • ashtonisfarout
    ashtonisfarout Member Posts: 101

    Does it really look like it's good for the game? Of course not, but that doesn't fit your narrative. There are literally hundreds of posts stating otherwise. It's 2017 all over again when the game almost died. This time it might not come back.

  • Dunkinspunkin
    Dunkinspunkin Member Posts: 191

    Gove everybody what they want. No game would ever have nerfs again lol.

    No thanks