The new patch is not a fun experience.
I could be wrong, but I was always under the impression that survivor players on average play more casually than killer players.
Where a lot of killer players take the game much more seriously and consider nothing less than a 3k a loss, survivors tend to play the game to chill out and have fun and dying half of the time is okay as long as you got to do a few fun things in the game and give it your best try, even better when you get your teammates out.
The main problem with this patch in my eyes, is that survivor players now have to sweat profusely in order to get a win. Slamming gens, being an extremely efficient looper, being able to read every mind game. I just don't think that the majority of the survivor player base plays the game that way, and that's one of the main reasons that so many are threatening to leave or have already left.
For the top 10% of survivor main SWF who already loved to bully killers and were really good in chase nothing has really changed, but for the average survivor the entire game feels unbalanced.
Killers are still tunnelling, gens take forever to complete, and survivor perks aren't rewarding anymore. Not to mention the amount of rage quitting that happens in solo queue. There just isn't much fun to be had if you're a solo survivor anymore, and that is the main issue.
I wholeheartedly agree.
People who say this update is the fairest thing in the whole wide world think of 4-man SWFs as the norm, when they're 5% of the survivor playerbase. The casual 50+% of survivors are not having a good time with the update.
The people against whom this update was made (high tier swfs) already know how to loop, and mindgame, and escape. They'll adapt and still bully if they feel like it.
It's casual players who are taking the brunt of the bad sides of the update.
42 -
It is starting to annoy me a bit, to be perfectly honest. With everyone throwing, the game is not really fun as a survivor or a killer. It was alright at first, but it has been happening in literally every game so it is starting to get to me slightly.
13 -
If the majority stops giving the money you'll see how quickly things change. If they know they're going to get your money anyway, why should they care?!
8 -
Me too, I'm sorry you're having that experience. We should all be able to enjoy the game. I paid for this game, I wanna play it!
I understand their frustration though, a lot of average/solo survivors just feel like they can't do anything to have a fun game this patch. That being said, they need to at least try, it's just making the experience worse for everyone.
For me if they aren't enjoying the update they just shouldn't queue up at all. Once player numbers drop that is a much better protest to the changes.
7 -
You should play killer until next patch I'm having fun with meme builds, in solo Q last few days everyone is playing the same 2 builds starstruck nurse and thana legion, thana wraith seem popular too for some reason it's incredibly boring, no one play for fun anymore
and like others said almost 1 DC or give up every match
1 -
So far I think my biggest issue playing survivor is just the skill of the teammates im matched with *on top* of the new changes. 10 seconds longer to do gens isnt really that terrible, until you get baby teammates against Ruin, Overcharge, etc. It feels like the moment the update came out, a bunch of people stopped playing survivor, and the number is only slowly decreasing. To bat, we don't even have the matchmaking incentives working properly, so there's a lack of compensation for playing what is now widely considered the undesirable role in the game.
Otherwise, as far as tunneling and camping, the experience is just as nauseatingly boring as it was before. I really do feel like the ideas people have come up with to give solo queue survivors would be great additions to the game, allowing them some level of communication to the solo survivor role within the game.
3 -
That and it'd been a very one-sided update. They've happened in the past for survivors, but usually the other side will have some small buff to soften the blow. Furthermore, this is the biggest one update change in the entire game. The only that even comes remotely close in my mind is the reworking of the graphics, hud, etc. So the change is incredibly jarring; not to mention half of the things within the game don't seem to be working properly. Matchmaking and MMR are currently incredibly poor due to the shifting playerbase, and matchmaking incentives dont seem to be working either, despite the speed of queue times for survivor.
4 -
Survivor role became more boring from slow gens, more difficult from the good perks getting nerfed without suitable tools to replace them, and we also earn fewer bloodpoints for our efforts.
Aside from that Mrs. Lincoln how was the play?
7 -
I'm having plenty of fun.
2 -
I queue solo In a mid range mmr and I am having a blast, escaping 40 percent of the time and see no problem with the patch. The forums are just for whiners, most of us are enjoying the game
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Depends, if someone has escape rate of 80% by M1 on Gen every match while a teammate is camped/tunneled to death. Deserves to whine.
0 -
If sweaty means less time to point at each other and run backward sashaying back and forth then yes, when you load in the match it is time to play the game or die.
The "play survivor and win without really paying attention to the match" which is what survivor is famous for. That experience has changed for sure and I sympathize.
I have been playing solo survivor with just Empathy, Botany, Leader, and Kindred and earning plenty of points even if I get sacrificed.
7 -
I'm not saying that survivors don't try hard to win, or that it's ever been a mindless role by any means.
I'm just trying to say that many of the things that were fun about survivor are slowly being removed and replaced by unfun mechanics that affect everyone but the most try hard swfs. Why would any new player want to pick up the game now that it is so unbalanced?
3 -
For me as long as at least one member of my survivor team actually tries to save me from the hook weather they can or can't. I will stay in the game but if noone is bothering to save me on hook unless I force my hook count to 2 than they are giving me reason to suicide on hook.
I don't know about other people who off themselves on the hook early in the match but I do it to leave the match if none of my team is willing to even attempt to help me off hook. Literally I am wasting my time in a match if noone is helping me off the hook cause I'm not gonna wait to die while my teammates do other stuff in the match and instead would rather just end it and go to another match were hopefully my team will actually help me.
So honestly before killers blame the people commiting suicide on hook for not being a team player and screwing over their team. U might want to think twice about it. If my team helps me off the hook or at least attempts to than I have no problem staying for the rest of the match. But if I do suicide on hook, u can be sure it's my team's fault for not helping me off hook and not mine. Nothing I can do if my team of survivors refuses to be team players.
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My escape rate is the same, if not higher than before. If the killer player is trying harder than you, you absolutely deserve to die every time. This is a pvp game. You don’t deserve to turn on the game and have a chance of winning against someone who is better than you. If you just play for fun, dying shouldn’t matter. Play a single player game if you want to win with minimal effort.
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That first part is either a lie or just luck.
Right and if the survivors are trying harder then you you don't deserve any kills. Goes both ways. Except you are getting kills anyway.
9 -
So you're having to play how the majority of killers have had to play for the last 2 years and you don't like it?
Lucky some of us have testicular fortitude.
1 -
No wonder you're caged. That attitude is what makes this community a pos sometimes.
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A lot of killers can't find games so they move into survivor roles and then they realize it's not as fun as they want everyone else to think
5 -
Welcome to how killer felt over the past years. Survivor was always the (as you said, casual) chill role. Where one could play without paying attention. While chatting, hearing music, etc.
This changed and it was a necessary change.
5 -
I feel you... I have to admit I DC once today though. Horrible experience, I couldn't wait to get out of that game. It was not progressing.
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Again, another arrogant assumption. Maybe you aren’t as good as you think you are?
1 -
Maybe YOU are not as good as you think you are. I am good. I know I am good because I have actually been doing fairly ok despite killers being overpowered now.
1 -
It's been completely miserable.
I think one of the big things is the inability to reliably trade hooks anymore.
Basic attack cooldown has made that nearly impossible and nobody gives a ######### about DS
9 -
What I read here is that as a survivor you want to be able to chill, while the killer sweats and still win? Do you not understand how messed up that is? This is the exact reason killer got buffs, you should need to match the effort to try and win to have an even match... Not you fiddle around, while the other side plays to the best of their ability to then still lose to the people not even trying.
If people were so casual, they wouldn't rage quit constantly either. If people were casual and lost they wouldn't care.
People complained about how stressful killer was, they learned to be able to stand a chance to win... They actually needed to play seriously. Now survivors are in the same boat, you want to win? Well, play the game to win. Want to mess around? Don't expect to win?
3 -
People saying 'welcome to how killers have felt' are completely missing the point. Solo queue was always at the bottom of the food chain with killers above and swf above that. This patch just made things even harder for solo queue, especially new players who don't have thousands of hours in the game and mmr high enough to expect somewhat competent teammates.
8 -
I was consistently 3/4king before the patch, and am escaping quite a bit now. Also, if you are still escaping most of the time, how can you complain at all? Seems like you expect to escape 100% of the time
0 -
Do you believe the game was balanced before the patch?
0 -
No, the game was massively survivor sided. I did well with killer because I understand the game
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Wow you are a ######### god. Massively survivor sided and yet you won most games? Holy #########. Obviously anytime a survivor escaped it is because despite him being terrible and you being so good the game you can only handle so much imbalance amirite?. So since you won most of the time I presume you are winning 100% of the time now?
8 -
About the same. I have over 3000 hours in this game, so yea, I am better than the vast majority of the playerbase. This game is all knowledge. If you watch most of the main killer streamers, it is almost impossible to tell them apart because the game is pretty linear. Unfortunately, most of the survivor playerbase is impatient and expects to beat people who are better at the game.
0 -
while I don't want to turn this into "us vs them" this is literally how killers felt. can't win without nailing every mindgame, playing scummy, and halting gens.
2 -
So you are doing no better despite the massive buffs to killer?
0 -
I get lot of those top10% survivors so I can say killer buffs were not enough you can get 2K agains't them but that's it unless they fail. They always get map which favours them too I've been playing in the game map agains't them. Average and new survivors will get destroyed ofcourse when there is 5-3 gens left but they just have to improve now and actually do the gens. Killers had to try hard before to get kills so it's fine survivors have to try hard to get escapes. Now killers can have relaxing matches agains't casual survivors but have to still try hard agains't swf:s who know what they're doing.
0 -
It's now this
soloQ<swf<killer<good swf
Swf is nothing if you can't loop exceptionally well as swf streng is to bring 4 good survivors together.
0 -
That bad state of the game is gonna change a 100%, and soon.
STBFL obviously needs a rework, Thana needs its numbers toned down because on certain killers is actually stupidly strong and no gens getting done. Jolt idk why it doesn't have some short of cooldown. Killers stacking whatever slowdowns they want without downside.
DS needs the time back to 5 secs and not to deactivate at the end game. No one complaint about the pre nerf DS but they totally murdered the perk anyways.
The 5 sec built in BT didn't solved anything and made the things a lot worse. Camping and tunneling increased because killers know that the game doesn't have anti tunneling protection. My idea about the built in BT is to make it terror radious based. If the killer is facecamping give it more seconds, if they're outside, less. And the list goes on.
DH apparently the 1 sec window was "too strong". The current 0,5 is a joke, so give it a buff to 0,75. The perk is trash anyways.
3 -
Honestly, I was very excited for the supposed meta shakeup this patch, but playing survivor is to me more miserable than playing killer last patch. Out of the 15 games I've played today, they've all ended the same with slugging at 5 gens or tunneling into oblivion straight off hook, and no one gets past 3 gens with how much gen slow down is occuring. Survivors may have been catered to in the past, but in this patch there's next to no chance of escape unless you're top tier SWF, especially if you solo queue like I do. Playing killer is now the role to just sit and vibe to mindlessly, and while it's been a long time coming for killer mains to actually just chill in matches, there's absolutley no incentive to play survivor at all.
0 -
There always was a fundamental difference between both sides and you can't really compare them and say "you have to sweat the same as us!". One role is for one player and the other is for 4 players who have to work in a team.
Killer has always been harder and that's fine and fair. It's a different role, it's not like you're playing Street Fighter or FIFA were both sides basically do the same in a match. Killer is for 20% of the playerbase and therefore it's fine if it's not for everyone. I liked it being sweaty, my winrate was fairly high besides that and if people didn't like the way killer was they should just quit and play survivor instead or something else, that's my opinion.
Now that killer is a walk in the park to 4k the queue times have skyrocketed while solo survivor has become basically unwinnable because teammates are throwing left and right and killers still sweat and abuse every weakness they see. If some people really thought killers will play nice just because they could now, they were really naive...
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Well it’s hard to do better considering that i was already doing well. The changes just gatekept bad survivors from doing better than they should
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I don't know about other killers but I DO play nicer if I realize I win easy. Pre patch I always tried my very best, now I give hatch, ######### around, accept defeat if it was not played out toxic etc. I like this kind of interaction where you kill the tryhars survivors with their clickediclick and let the terrified noobs escape. Much more fun
0 -
No, you should be doing better that is not how this works. Claiming that things have not changed at all is absurd. More then likely despite what you are saying you probably won half the time and now you are winning a majority of the time so you are like "Wow I'm so good lol games balanced now finally... I can rightfully 4k every game."
0 -
The way I see it, Dead by Daylight is currently a competitive game, similar to fighting games. Sure, you can play the game at a casual level and still potentially have fun, but much of the satisfaction comes from learning how to get better and better. If some changes were made to solo q, tunneling, and camping to make this goal obtainable, I think it would be okay for this game to remain competitive for both sides. Otherwise, I don't see how it would be fair for killers to have to play hard in order to win without expecting the same from survivors. I understand that you have less control over your individual success as a survivor, but that's the nature of the game being asymmetrical.
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I mean if you want to assume i’m lying, that’s on you. I consistently 3-4ked before. How could i do better? Lol
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One bad game for me makes me want to absolutely demolish the next group (if possible) . Which results in them getting tunnelled, and most likely slugged. The only time I don't now is if I have already killed 3 , they didn't play like an ass, and they're at the gate about to open it I just nod and let them go . With how much good groups are slamming gens and putting boons up in the back corners of the biggest maps it forces killers to be sweaty
0 -
The amount of exceptionally bad takes in 1 post is impressive. The only thing I agree with is ds stun going back to 5 and camping and tunneling being a problem in lower mmr. DH was broken beyond belief for too long. Dh being mid now has nothing to do with the state of the game or solo queue, unless that's what you relied on.
2 -
Bro after reading your thread of comments you are taking out your frustrations on the other guy with no logical backing. All he is doing is stating his opinion and experience. You are repeatedly making assumptions that you would have no idea about. Chill get off the forums.
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This patch really sucks... I will never again as BHVR to fix anything.
3 -
Very well written. Well said. I agree.
I agree with you as well.
NGL Budhha, I thought you were going to post something pro killer. Glad to see you give a real take (not implying that you never have before).
This is the first time there are skins I like (AOT), but I didn’t buy. I’ve been saying for the longest I need to stop supporting this game financially because it’s getting less fun. This last patch really killed the fun factor for me, so I put my foot down and kept my money. I will however, purchase the RE Chapter because Resident Evil is my favorite videogame franchise of all time, but that’s going to be the last DLC I buy until the fun meter starts to go in the right direction again. I’m putting my money where my mouth is, and I’m going to let it do the talking for me.
DBD game design is OUTDATED. I know the devs said they are not going to make a sequel and many agree with that, but I personally think it’s a bad business model. Everyone would benefit from a new game that doesn’t put the power for you to have fun, ENTIRELY in the opposition’s side. A Killer shouldn’t have a miserable time because friends playing together trumps nearly everything he/she can do. To the point that only 2 out of how many killer(?) can only compete. That’s bad design. Then there is the flip side- a killer shouldn’t have the power to pick a random target and tunnel them out the game, literally making it so that player couldn’t do anything other than run away. It doesn’t matter if the killer threw the entire match just to kill that one survivor- the point is that player had 0 chance of having fun. BAD DESIGN.
2 -
People on both sides decided to spend 100s if not 1000s of hours in this game, no matter which role, and they enjoyed themselves (If people say that they were miserable pre-update then I don't get why you would still play).
Now the game balance has changed drastically and as a survivor you have to play very efficiently if you want to escape and there is not much time to "mess around". On top of that the measly BP you earn per match get you nowhere with the new progression system. It is a big change from casual to competitive and I think it is very understandable that people are not happy. It is quite a shock to the system and I can't imagine how people feel who come back to this game and didn't follow the forums or social media etc.
I do not condone DCs and if people are not having a good time currently I would just suggest to play something else until some of the issues are addressed instead of making your team mates miserable as well.
For me, it would really be a shame if the game was left in this state. So for the moment I am just waiting and hoping and not playing Dbd.
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wanna see things finally balanced for solo q survivors? relegate SWF to custom matches and then you can balance properly (or at least trying to balance since asymmetrical games are almost impossible to balance)