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How to hotfix the current camping meta

Tactrix Member Posts: 420
edited July 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

The fastest and most efficient way to stop killers from camping(or at least being able to camp effectively) is to make a debuff that if a killer goes within 20 meters of the hook after 5 seconds of the person being on it the gen speed increases by 10%. That's all. That's literally the difference between a guaranteed 2k and, 1k with 3 people escaping. I should add this debuff deactivates if another survivor is within the same range.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Tactrix
    Tactrix Member Posts: 420

    The grabs haven't really been an issue, the issue is they can sit on hook without losing the game, and once that's fixed they can't do that anymore. The big difference between 80 sec gens and 90 sec gens is that with 80 sec gens you can still win the game with 3 people, but with 90 second gens you can't. 2 people will die before you get them all done if they face camp.

  • Tactrix
    Tactrix Member Posts: 420

    Yea but that's not really something that can be fixed, bad survivors are just that.

  • MaudetteClorel
    MaudetteClorel Member Posts: 83

    Or just change how the MMR works so it will put me in lobbies where my teammates - just like me - actually DO GENS ^^

  • Hawk81584
    Hawk81584 Member Posts: 405

    they wont fix anything that actually needs dont get your hopes up

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    Sadly it won't work because they already tried a similar proposed fix and tested it where the hook timer slowed and then stopped when the killer was around the hook. The issue was survivors abused it by looping the Killer around the hooked survivor stopping the hook timer and allowing the other two survivors to do gens.

    Basically it punished Killers that don't camp. A true fix to Camping and Tunneling has to be something that can't be abused by either side and since the Devs said in the right situations camping and tunneling is a valid Strat, they would have to find a way to punish the toxic camper and tunnelers while not punishing the ones who do it in the right situations.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    All that it would take is a perk where that person would get a substantial generator speed increase in the event that they lose a team mate while remaining unhooked, but deactivates once hooked.

    This perk activates if you have never been hooked and another survivor has been sacrificed or killed. Repairing, Sabotaging, and Healing speeds increased by 100 percent. This perk deactivates once you are hooked. As long as the perk is active, whenever another survivor is hooked, a sound notification can be heard by all other players.

    This would heavily punish a killer who tunnels or camps out a single survivor. It's also pretty risky to abuse, because if the killer is not tunneling or camping out survivors, and you try to abuse the system by letting another survivor die, you'll just get hooked and lose the bonus. The sound notification, not the explosion sound just another sound exists to let the other players know that the perk is in affect. This should help motivate the killer to leave the hook and to get in a chase.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    5 seconds isn't even enough time to leave. Often killers will stop after a hook to kick nearby pallets and gens, and that's not camping.

    The idea has merit, but it'd need some safeguards put in place so that it doesn't apply when other survivors are near the hook, or the killer is in a chase. And I think it would work better not as a flat repair speed buff, but one that increases the longer the killer is sitting in that tile.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    They can't just change camping as a whole as someone said the devs have said it's a valid strategy, it's going to take something that can't be abused by survivors, not needing survivors to equip a perk but also make it so if a killer has no choice but to camp i.e endgame it will be a challenge for survivors to get the save but not impossible.

    The only way i can think of that they can fix camping is by looking at the killers that can camp well i.e bubba and ones that can't and the ones that can they need to adjust how there power works around the hook, so for bubba i.e if he is to close to a hook then his chainsaw can only injure and stops after 1 hit this will allow for survivors to try and get the save it will be a challenge for everyone to walk away and worst case he gets a hook trade, something like that won't affect players that don't camp with bubba but the players that camp on first hook it will affect.

    Then they move onto the next killer and see what they can try and change to get the same outcome best case everyone gets away, worst case hook trade and by looking at it from that point of view it will be more easy to adjust camping to affect the ones that do it at 1 hook to killers that don't camp.

  • RenRen
    RenRen Member Posts: 1,443

    It would need to be longer than 5 seconds and I don't think 20 meters is small enough but other than that I can kinda see it working. It doesn't really fix the problem about camping completely but it does something.

  • Tactrix
    Tactrix Member Posts: 420

    I told them about an uncampable solution to make every hook act like cage of atonement and remove all the camping perks from the game. But they haven't done it yet.

  • Tactrix
    Tactrix Member Posts: 420

    I told them about changing the hooks to act like cage of atonement and removing anti-camping perks from the game, but they haven't done it yet. Plus I imagine its much harder to do that than to just make a 10% gen debuff via proximity.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    Changing hooks to act like cages won't really change much as the killer will just rush over there and camp and what happens when the killer sets up a 3 gen and hooks someone in the middle, some killers the best way to play them is to set up a 3 gen at the start i.e hag if the hooked survivor got moved to other side of map it takes away a lot of pressure from a 3 gen.

    Survivors will just abuse that they will wait run in then run out and keep doing that as much as they can to try and force the killer to go within the range to get the buff while leaving the survivor on the hook as long as they can before they have to do the rescue to stop them hitting 2nd stage.

  • Tactrix
    Tactrix Member Posts: 420
    edited July 2022

    Rush over where? You can't see where cage comes out, that's part of how it works.

    In the second scenario if a survivor keeps going in and out then he's not doing anyone any favors, because he's literally not doing a gen so he's wasting time and letting his friend die while he's trying to "abuse" something.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    Take Freddy you could take a good guess where it will come out and teleport to a gen then look for it as most times it spawns on the other side of the map that's just what i've seen by playing survivor and killer, then the other part is your making killers like hag, trapper pay because they are best played by setting up a 3 gen,

    His not letting his friend die for the time he spends with the killer the 10% buff could make up for him being on a gen solo then having to stop part way to come for the save, the devs have tried stuff like that and it resulted in the same thing survivors found a way to abuse it which is why it never went any further.

    Take nurse she could just wait outside the range and then blink in when she sees a survivor going for the save, freddy could do the same and teleport to a gen, demo portal, DR could save his blast and check it towards end of first stage so it's not just survivors but killers can find a way around it and still camp.

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    You literally cant move out of the area that fast you dunce.

  • Tactrix
    Tactrix Member Posts: 420

    There are some complications, but none that are so bad that killers won't have a huge problem camping. Like I'm sure there will be a tryhard that finds a way to get there fast, but not enough to where the survivor won't be able to be saved 99% of the time first. And I'll take those statistics over the ones we have right now anyday of the week.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    I would rather them spend the time and put a good fix to camping that solves all the problems then push something out where one side or the other will abuse it and we have seen with dredge that they can block powers around hooks, but that's just me and i play 90% killer and i want a good fix to camping not a rushed job cause if they rush it then it will come out bad when nearly everyone would like to see camping fixed so it can't be abused, can be used at the right time and both sides come out even with it.

  • Tactrix
    Tactrix Member Posts: 420
    edited July 2022

    There is no other fix that will work better, but I welcome you to think of one that even comes remotely close to being as efficient at stopping camping dead in its tracks, without breaking the game and making it unplayable.

  • ashtonisfarout
    ashtonisfarout Member Posts: 101

    Not terrible, but I think the fastest way is an area of effect debuff that causes the killer to lose all of their blood points and not be able to level up If they go within a certain distance of the hook. When killers can't move forward in the game they'll stop that bs. And if survivors try to abuse it by leading the killer to the hook they lose their blood points as well, but they have to be in chase.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    They take the time to address each killer and how there power works around hooks and give them the same treatment as drege i.e hag, trapper, demo and freddy so far out from the hook is blocked off so if a gen is next to a hook freddy can't teleport to it, hag can't put traps down within say 10 meters of hook same as trapper and demo, DR powers are blocked if so close to a hooked survivor both static and blast, killers like ghost face and myers can't stalk survivors when they are so close to a hooked survivor so no more 99% then 1 shotting survivors and endgame is fair game so killers can camp at that point.

    That's just of the top of my head people that don't camp with those killers won't notice the difference, killers that do will camping will no longer work as well as it does now, it will take them time but if they get it right it will fix the problem once and for all and no one can really say they got camped at 5 gens because at that point survivors will be able to get the save.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Knowing people, I dont think increase repair speed is a way to solve camping. Some players just play for a single purpose of ruining somone's day, purposely target them and make their game unfun as possible.

    The only way is to remove the camping completely.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    Spot on even with bloodpoints the ones that camp won't care if they get no bloodpoints, camping can still be in the game they just have to make it not be so effective like it is now as there is times you do need to camp you have a 3 gen and a hooked survivor in the middle i don't think any killer will leave unless they have to, EGC its fair game at that point one way or another the match is ending soon.

  • Tactrix
    Tactrix Member Posts: 420
    edited July 2022

    That's not actually addressing camping though, that's addressing having the ability to teleport back to hook. Because each one of those killers can still face camp without a problem. And with my solution they wouldn't really be able to. Let's say you're playing a dredge right, with COA cage it will land most of the time far enough away from lockers to where even if he did somehow guess where it would be, there's still only a 50/50 shot that he beats 1 other survivor there. And if he does that's entirely that survivors fault. So if camping does exist in that scenario you can't say "oh the killer camped me it's his fault", you can only say "the other survivors didn't play it right".

  • Tactrix
    Tactrix Member Posts: 420

    The problem with that is that some people will lose their bloodpoints on accident, and there will be a lot of instances of that because in the realm of saving and trying to get people from saving survivors off a hook there's a lot of ring around the rosey when it comes to hooks.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    Doing it that way pretty much allows survivors to reset if they 3 gen themselves or if killers set the 3 gen up killer has to pick let them reset or try and guess and let the survivors do the gens both screw over the killer be it survivors fault they 3 gen themselves or if the killer set it up because they are playing hag and also doing it that way they will have to remove BT as basekit.

    And most of those killers are just M1 killers so even if they camp they have to go for a grab, same as DR he can't shock you to prevent you getting the unhook so he has to time the grab right, GF and myers can no longer 1 shot people around hooks so its back to grabs or they do a attack. You will never be able to get rid of camping as there will always be people that camp just cause they want to the best way is to limit killers powers around the hooked survivor like drege turning them into a M1 killer which they have to go for the grab or attack but they can't down a survivor in one hit anymore and if you get the unhook better odds of both of you getting out if the hooked survivor takes the hit with BT.

    Parts of the game are meant to be a challenge to survivors but not impossible say they do the way im thinking then it will be a challenge to get both people out but it's not impossible, if people think camping is bad in this game go play F13th where there is no hook states once your caught by Jason your pretty much dead and he has better tracking then DBD, better ways to get around the map and even better stealth in a way and once he has rage its pretty much game over as only 3 things stun him at that point rest of the weapons do nothing.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    Again something like that can be abused by survivors like they do now with the cages. I had a game where I caged someone and I went to patrol a Gen near them because I knew that Gen had progress on it. When I got there I saw a survivor going for the rescue so I went to cut them off, they led the chase straight to the cage forcing me to choose continue the chase or back off and let them have the rescue. I decided to continue the chase and the cage ported to a survivor waiting on the opposite side of the map for a instant rescue.

    That's why most Pyramid Heads don't use the cage anymore because of that little issue.

    So as I stated before it has to be a system that CANT be abused by either side and won't punish those who use camping and tunneling in the proper time and don't abuse it.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    This is prob one of the most civilized discussions about camping and ways to fix it that i have seen in a while so props to everyone that is taking part in this discussion.

  • Tactrix
    Tactrix Member Posts: 420
    edited July 2022

    I don't understand what the abuse there is? I mean if you continue to chase them and don't back off, they don't get the rescue and you get a second survivor down, so what's the abuse? Because remember it's not camping if they lead u to the cage, it's their own fault. So at that point its 100% on them.

  • EliskaMM
    EliskaMM Member Posts: 146

    I would also say take the killers BPS and give them to camped survivor. The BP debuffs which are currently present are ridiculous.

    Not gonna fix the problem but it will at least help the unfortunate survivor a lil... Helps them feel they didn't die for nothing.

  • Tactrix
    Tactrix Member Posts: 420
    edited July 2022

    Right but that's why I'm saying CoA is the best solution, because the majority of the time it will be uncampable, and the few times that it isn't won't factor in as heavily as the constant losing right now from destructive face camping and tunneling. Its % ratio of losing to toxic camping will be like 10% max. As compared to now where it's squarely between 60-70%

  • Tactrix
    Tactrix Member Posts: 420

    As long as the problem isn't fixed BP won't actually do anything, because the way this game is going more people are opting to quit than to keep playing it. And I can't blame them, because they're right.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    The act of using the cage's anti camp system to get a safe unhook. The survivor used that knowledge and forced the choice so that then thier teammate was waiting to do the rescue where I couldn't stop it.

    The same would go with your idea of tp hooks. Survivors would force that choice and you lose a hooked survivor and maybe even lose the one your chasing as well. Remember even if you chase the one survivor there is no guarantee that you will down them. A killers time is limited even now with the extended Gen times a Killer can't commit to a chase forever.

  • EliskaMM
    EliskaMM Member Posts: 146
    edited July 2022

    Yeah I ain't blaming them either but for me the BPs would make me less pissed and it might make more ppl to stay if they would get BPs like if they would play normally.

    Idk I am out of ideas how to fix it bc everytime o think I have a good idea there's a way how to exploit it by one side or the other.

    Post edited by EliskaMM on
  • Tactrix
    Tactrix Member Posts: 420

    Right, but here's what you're forgetting, you're not suppose to have the choice to get the survivor in the cage unless you're extremely lucky. THAT is how it's suppose to work, the cage is suppose to be invisible to the killer until the actual unhook at which point you see the explosion. So the choice you're talking about isn't suppose to exist by design. You're only suppose to cage, and then run around looking for the others.

  • Tactrix
    Tactrix Member Posts: 420

    Yea, that's kind of how I came up with the cage of atonement hooks, because it seems to be the closest you can ever be to making someone uncampable without breaking the game. And as a bonus it's not a new mechanic, it already exists on pyramidhead.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    I'm not forgetting that I was using what happened to me to explain why and how that type of anit camp system can and is being abused. The choice is either don't chase and it teleports vs I chase it teleports and I lose the hooked survivor. I was not camping in the example I gave but was punished as if I was camping because the Survivor I was chasing looped to the cage.

    A anti Tunnel and Camping systems has to be made where it can't be abused by either side.

  • Tactrix
    Tactrix Member Posts: 420
    edited July 2022

    What I'm not understanding in your scenario is, did you cage the survivor? Because if you cage them then it automatically ports him to another spot. So at that point you don't have a choice anymore. And if you give chase and their teammates leads you to their cage, that isn't your fault. You can down them both, or chase the teammate, or chase the survivor he just saved. All viable and reasonable options.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    But we all know that there will be survivors that will still call that camping they do that now when they lead a killer right back to the hook during a chase and not away from it.

  • Tactrix
    Tactrix Member Posts: 420
    edited July 2022

    Right but in that instance you can't blame the killer for camping, because I'm not interested in how many survivors cry camping, I'm interested in fixing the legitimate actual camping that is going on. And it will for the most part fix it. Because the issue is "the killer hooks me and then sits on hook". THAT is what I want to fix.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    I have played Pyramid Head enough to guess to about 90% certainty where it spawns. I was heading to my guessed area because there was a Gen that I knew was being worked on and I saw a survivor going for the rescue.

    But let's forget about that what happened to me was a caged survivor but a hooked one. I was not camping or anything like that but was punished because the game has a set condition for a teleport to occur. A situation where I could of downed the rescuer before they did the rescue and net two hooked survivors actually lost me one survivor and possibly the one I was chasing as well leaving me punished for camping when I wasn't in the first place

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    What they are trying to say is if a killer gives chase to someone and they lead them to the cage soon as the killer gets close to it then it ports to a new spot on the map, so the killer has 2 options drop chase giving them a free unhook or keep chasing and cage ports for another survivor to get the unhook and you might still not down the survivor you were chasing. The survivor is in full control but yet the killer got punished as if they were camping just because a teammate lead them to the cage.

    So using your idea survivors could lead a chase to a hook to get it to port to another spot for someone to get the unhook while the killer is busy in a chase the killers hands are tied they can not do much at that point apart from drop chase or keep going and have cage port giving another survivor the chance to unhook.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited July 2022

    There must be some other mechanic that Killer may prefer not to camp in end game, perhaps Killer is able to kick completed Gen (once per match) instantly down to 90%, no further regress, then the Gates de-powered.

    It will makes 99 Gate much more risk, and Killers have something else to do

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    As much as that might come in handy it feels like a cheap shot at survivors after all the work they did, if anything make it so they can't 99 the gates if they don't open it then it start to regress, which might help end game camping and also force survivors to pick when to open the gates making it a bit of a challenge for both sides.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    If Gates regressed, survivors would just open it (direct buff to Blood warden), and Killer still camp hook. Since the hook is the only thing Killer needs to look to. Point is to give something for Killer to leave hook that can be more benefit than staying.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    Which at end game there is not really much left and if i was a survivor and it was a close match and we are all on death hook having a gen go back down to 90% would be bad and give the killer more chances to get more then 1k because he could kick the gen the furthest from the gates.

  • EliskaMM
    EliskaMM Member Posts: 146

    As long as the gate RNG will remain as terrible as it is now, it would make escapes for survivors nearly impossible. Esp. If the gates are on same wall or facing each other with clear view...

    If you're the last one alive your best bet is to start opening gate till the S letter then wait for the killer to show up, as soon as they leave commit. Most of the time if it is not speedy Gonzales killer you escape, if it would regress you would be dead, just bc the rng in this game* sucks.

    (Also I might posted it twice, can't se my previous answer so apologies)

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Last survivor is bypass the Gen requirement though.

    Yes, I dont like the regression thing. It would buff Blood warden far alot

  • EliskaMM
    EliskaMM Member Posts: 146

    I accidentally answered to a wrong person ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ thats what happenes when you search dbd forum instead of working and your noss walks on you ๐Ÿ˜‚

    I'm sorry ๐Ÿ™‚