SoloQ experience is so much fun now

Anara Member Posts: 1,297

First of all, thank you devs for buffing SoloQ.

BT basekit is a great change for the game. And it help a looooot against tunneling killers in soloQ.

Off the record rework is amazing, I was always worried in soloQ "Does he have BT ??" "Will he takes a protection hit for me ???" Now I just use OTR and however my team mates are playing in soloQ I cant be tunneled. If the killer go for me and try to tunnel, good luck for catching me and killer will lost 3 gens in a chase lol

Nerfing gen regression perks help a looooot too in soloQ. Ruin/Undying is over and it should make every soloQ player happy.

Tunneling is over, gen regression is over, there is still one thing : camping.

Dead by Daylight has never been this healthy.

Thank you very much devs.

