supernatural fan made dlc

mama_3000 Member Posts: 29

Intro- It was a Tuesday morning and sam and dean woke up to do their job of hunting monsters ,angels, demons and so on so forth. They were working on a case and they had there angel friend zap them back in time to fix something and something went wrong. because When they are realizing that they are In a whole different place that they don't remember seeing before so they looked for hours and cannot find Castiel or any towns but sometime they found a campfire with survivors and they asked where they were and why they are there and they started to realize that they are not the only ones there. So They have to defend themselves and others.

new killer is called The shapeshifter

bio: When he was born he didn't realize that he was born as a shapeshifter. Then he was 15 or 16 He was figuring out that he could change into anyone at anytime when he pleases and he thought that he could just trick people into someone that they love the most. Then he started to kill people who was a bully to him And trick them that he were there friend or girlfriend and find a spot that is isolated from anyone else and escape and transform into someone else to blend into society without getting caught. Now he roams into earth and he kills bullies that bully other people because he doesn't want them to deal with something like he had to deal with.

heartbeat 32m

height: tall


power: shapeshifting

When he starts with a match and the survivors he can transform into any survivor that is in the match and he will have no heartbeat and no red stain. When the killer wants to transform back he needs to find something to hide behind and transform back.


head- His head has rotten and one of his eyes is popped out.

body- Half of his body is skin and bones from shoulder to toe and the other one is like a zombie like body.

Legs- He is wearing a tore up pants with work boots.


warriors of the night- When you press the ctrl button you will be able to set a trap and when a survivor walks on it then they will be stuck for 2/4/6 seconds and "this is only a 3 token perk."

block this gen for me-Whenever you kick a generator You will be able to block it for 20/30/40 seconds and the cooldown is 120/110/100 seconds.

I am a trickster-The shapeshifter is a mind trickster and he can place fake generators for a certain amount of time and the cooldown is 200/150/120 seconds.

there will be two survivors

a new survivor is called bobby singer

Bio: He was a Drunken guy but he was a great hunter to Sam and Dean Winchester and always been there for those two boys because they were family to him and that why he's been living and want to make a better world without monsters demons and angels. Somehow he got in a middle of war between angels and demons so he had to be careful of why he is in it because he will die and everything will fall without him and once he dies Sam and Dean will have no other hunter to help them with certain cases and other stuff.

height: average


head -He has a trucker hat also you have an option to have a hat on

body- He has a gray leather jacket with a gray shirt under it

legs- he has a gray pants and black shoes

optional outfits

outfit #1 He will have a suit on without a hat

outfit #2 He also has a FBI outfit


boon: Help me work on generators- When you get a totem blessed and you work on a gen in the totem range then the other survivors will see where you are at and gives them a location.

I see my teammates- When you finish a gen then you will see where all of your teammates are at. you will see them for 4/8/12 seconds and the cooldown is 90/70/50 seconds.

So that where my teammates are at- Bobby singer

The book of acknowledge-You have all the power and acknowledge in your reach. When you press the activated button you will be able to reset the pallet within a 4/5/7 meters away from you without going near the pallet or window.

This perk is a one time use.

new survivor is called Mary winchester

Bio: Mary was a mother of 2 sons and had a husband and when Sam was 6 months old and she died by the yellow eye demon then years later she was alive again by god sister Amara. Then when the british men of letters came and work with her and try to recuit others but failed and They torture her and she got saved by other hunters from her sons and other people who worked with her. After They won the war against the British they try to fight lucifer and lucifer had made a child when he was being the president and she promise Kelly that she would protect jack for her and then months later she got killed by jack for trying to help him but failed. Then she somehow woke up in a middle of nowhere in the forest and she was confused of where and why she was there then she looked around and found a campfire with a bunch of people and then she got settle there.


head- she has long blonde hair or short hair if choose able

body and legs- She has a green leather jacket with a blue shirt and blue jeans

Other survivors and killers would have an outfit with this character

The onyro - bloody Mary outfit

The clown- A military looking clown

Jake- Dean Winchester

Dwight- Sam Winchester

new map is called- Bunker/Kansas Lawrence

Its a 2 stories bunker That has a bunch of Men of letters stuff and a secret bunker and all of that.
