My evil plant to take down a cheater (long post also including my frustration and thought process)

slunder Member Posts: 247

What is more frustrating for a killer than to play against a blatant cheater? They can do generators instantly, they can go at lightning speed and as if it was not enough, they can instantly heal even if you manage to down one with pure genius. To make things worse, these little demons often enjoy being cocky, staying around the killer, going clicky clicky... This seems like a huge mountain of unavoidable suffering is awaiting for you.

But let's look for a way to take one down now. Everyone is human, and humans are bound to make mistakes, so there must be something that we can exploit to take the son of a code down. And a very common trait cheaters have is that they do not just want to win, they want to go for your soul, they want to torment you, and make sure that your game will be long, miserable and filled with rude taunting. But this is a big weakness. You could actually land hits on them. Unfortunately, these little code heads have already thought of it and put on that filthy instant heal. So it looks like we will not be able to exploit this. Or we will?

But there is actually a way to completely bypass this: it is Myer's tombstomb add on. They can come back to a healthy state as much as they want now :p However, some of these cheating beasts will be less arrogant when they see T3 because of this add on. But, as the great Sun Tzu once said, "encourage his arrogance". Land normal hits on other survivors and miss some hits to give the cheater a false sense of security. Then, start chasing him around, as his guard will be down... And then out of nowhere you kill him!

The cheater will then have a hard time sleeping at night, thinking about how bad he is if he managed to lose with blatant cheats against a legit player.