What is the maths behind STBFL in the newest patch?

ExcelSword Member Posts: 512
edited July 2022 in General Discussions

Was debating this with somebody elsewhere than the forums. The wiki claims that at 8 stacks, the cooldown duration is 1.62 seconds. Which fits the maths if STBFL is reducing the total duration of the attack cooldown:

2.7 x (1.0 - 0.4) = 1.62 seconds

But I do not 100% trust fandom wikis, as while DBD's wiki has been reliable, I can't seem to find any source for where they got their data from (i.e. tests or frame-data.)

The in-game description says this:

This feels a bit vague to me. If "decreased successful basic attack cooldown" means the total duration, then the wiki's maths is fine. But since they did not specifically use the word "duration" it seems uncertain. The devs have specifically made sure their wording includes duration in other perks, notable the perk "Enduring" which in-game is:

This was an actual specific change since it used to say that recovery speed from being stunned is increased by 75%, which would use a different calculation.

I am aware that there are videos on youtube showcasing tests, but most of them just record in-game, they don't actually test frame-data (If you know of any video where they do test frame-data please let me know) and just eyeball it. If one of the devs could confirm the exact calculation for STBFL, that would be awesome.


  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,719

    According to the wiki?

    Before the patch, the cooldown at 8 stacks would be 1.8 seconds.

    As of now, the cooldown at 8 would be 1.62 seconds. At 7, it would be 1.75, which is roughly the same as it used to be.

  • ExcelSword
    ExcelSword Member Posts: 512

    I am specifically asking if anyone other than the wiki knows for certain, since the wiki does not post sources (or if it does, they don't seem to be listed on the page for STBFL).

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    Without proper in-game testing (which I can't do at the moment because I don't have 3 different devices) I can't say for sure but from my understanding of how DBD calculates everything the wiki's maths are correct.

  • Tranquil_Blue
    Tranquil_Blue Member Posts: 335

    As far as I know, the wiki is correct. But regardless of the exact numbers, I can say for certain that STBFL at full stacks now feels insanely powerful (probably too powerful, honestly), especially since survivors get less of a boost after being hit.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 1,061

    I used to be skeptical regarding the wiki as well since they did have inaccurate or outright false information sometimes. But that was years ago - at some point they started getting their info straight from DbD's code base, so you can rest assured that this is most likely how STBFL actually works.

    Just to make sure, I looked at a video of Clown using the new STBFL frame-by-frame. I watched for the first sign of health state change on the survivor's player avatar, and then waited until the "Throw Bottle" prompt appeared again. At 0-1 stacks, it took ~2.8 seconds, at 8 stacks ~1.7. While this isn't highly precise, it goes to show that at 8 stacks, roughly 1.1s are shaved off, which is congruent with 40% of 2.7 being 1.08s. If STBFL instead worked by increasing the recovery action speed, it would only reduce the recovery time by ~800ms.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I haven’t tried to go through all his videos but Pebsi has a bunch of interesting ones where he carefully times and tests all sorts of things. He may already have a video where he does test of the new STBFL to see it’s duration, or may include it in a future one if asked.

  • Alionis
    Alionis Member Posts: 1,030
    edited July 2022

    The wiki datamines all of its numbers and has been doing that for years, its admins have confirmed that several times in the DBD Discord or on Reddit when asked about that. They only list sources for information they got from outside the game, anything else is either from the game code or from the devs.

    Edit: I'm pretty sure anything with cooldown can be understood as cooldown duration, since the devs use recovery otherwise.

  • ExcelSword
    ExcelSword Member Posts: 512

    After reading some more information about the wiki, I am now trusting it substantially more, especially after seeing some devs in its userbase. I'm satisfied with this answer now, though I still wish there was more consistency with how perk descriptions are written.