We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Which all NEW killer & ability would you add?

Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,331

If you could add a new killer with never seen abilities to the game (not ones that could be licensed), what kind of killer would you add? What would their abilities be and why?

I'd personally love a stealth demon to be added to the game with the special ability to teleport to walls/corners of the ceilings-when indoors-and immediately lunge at the survivor (like Demo does) from up there (only if undetected). You'd only become aware of their presence if your camera is pointing directly at them. Just to add a bit more jump-scare to the game :)


  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,770

    Uhm. Something insect-based I guess, though I always imagined Candyman with bee swarms similar to Artists crows, I guess you could utilize insects as a power in other ways as well!

    also has my concepts, I have written down one that’s pretty unique and a take on killer possessing survivors (I based it on the Blair Witch but could also work as an original power):

  • xEmoGirlxAlexisx
    xEmoGirlxAlexisx Member Posts: 598

    I still waiting for a Nuclear Killer

  • Zen_but_not_Zen
    Zen_but_not_Zen Member Posts: 230

    Just give Victor a Chucky cosmetic!

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    Some sort of killer from the future. Robot/Cyborg maybe

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    A killer that can plant different kinds of seed into tree/flower...each has its unique use. Other than that its just an M1 Killer

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    Nurse 2 electric boogaloo.

    Its just like regular nurse but we taped a pair of rollerskates to her feet so she moves at 7 m/s

    Downside, she literally cant stop and if she collides with walls a laugh track plays.

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333

    Dracul. WITh the new camping meta he can hang from the hook

  • Cybil
    Cybil Member Posts: 1,163

    A character that would let you cycle through different killer abilities that are already in the game. This could be done through some kind of dredge like creature.

    I'd rather it be done through the special infect from L4D though.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    Some mimic that can move objects on the map, switch generator places and locker places, also mimicing them. That would create total fresh chaos.

    Also I would suggest some mechanical killer. Just for diversity. We already have mosters, mutants, demons, ghosts and people.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    New stealth type killer.

    This killer will change his/her looking any time they want. They will copy survivors appearances and look like them.

    Probably weak against SWF but fun against solos.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Two killer abilities I’d love to see are

    Medusa - Survivors against a Medusa have a timer that builds up tokens whenever they can see her on screen. As the tokens build up the survivor is inflicted with worse and worse conditions. So maybe at 1 token they’re Blind, at 2 they’re Hindered and Incapacitated, at 3 they’re Exhausted and Hemmoraging, 4 they’re Exposed, 5 they’re further Hindered and 6 they’re Immobilized. Once they stop having her in view then after a couple of seconds the timer regresses and the token start going away. It would be a killer that survivors are actually afraid to look at which would I think make for pretty interesting tension. 🙂

    Possession - A killer that can briefly either directly control a survivor or otherwise make them act randomly or violently for very brief periods could be interesting. It would have to be short durations with significant cooldown or the survivors would feel like they don’t have enough control against the killer, but kept to a limited amount it could be fun.

    Mimic Survivors - A killer who can mimic a survivor would be neat. Note that even if the ability is simply they look like a survivor it still would be useful since that implies having Undetectability while that’s the case which is itself a very useful tool for a killer. Alongside this could be implied other things like pretending to work on a generator but actually subtley sabotaging it and the ability to do survivor style medium and slow vaults and crouching. One of the ideas for The Thing is to do something like this and swap between that form and a monstrous form that is used for chases.

    Dropping a Pallet on Zanshin Tactics - One effect killers don’t currently have access to it the ability to intentionally drop a pallet so they can destroy it. This would be more like a killer perk than a killer ability, but I’d love to see Zanshin Tactics allow you to actually once or maybe twice per game with a really long cooldown drop or simply destroy an undropped pallet. It would definitely have to be limited to no more than one or two uses or it would be getting into broken territory, but imagine if Zanshin Tactics allowed you to, for example, go and break the killer shack pallet or some other god pallet before it’s used in a chase. Zanshin Tactics is a perk that doesn’t see that much use currently and this could be a nice boost for it without hopefully making it overpowered.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,331

    Really like the Blair Witch project idea, that would definitely be scary and fun to go up against and to play as!

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,331

    Oooh! So like the plants can also injure survivors when they walk passed them? 🤔

    That would be so funny and confusing for survivors, love it!

    The Medusa and the Mimic sound really good! I can imagine it being so hard to try and loop Medusa because you can't really afford to look back at them without consequences. Mimic could cause so much chaos, imagine being at the exit gate thinking you're with a teammate only to get downed by them. I wonder if they still could add a killer that can possess considering it would be too similar to Evil Dead.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    Sadako = can walk through walls while demanifested (remember: she cant hit u while demanifested)

    Freddy = Rework Snares/Pallets into both as Basekit or change Snares into something else.

    In General: Stealing a gen and bring it to another location with telekinesis. When the gen is almost done and survs need to search for it on open spots at the map, that would be annoying for survs, but kinda slowdown for the killer.

    2nd: Fake Breakable Walls (Freddy could get a Fake-Package (Pallets, Breakable Walls and Gens in Dreamworld).

  • GRIG0
    GRIG0 Member Posts: 308

    Definitely a jumpscare killer is always welcome, wish we had more of those!

    A shapeshifter would be nice too since we don't have one. When transformed could become undetectable and make survivors see each other as the killer for shorts periods of time, like doctor's hallucinations but altering the players.

    A tiny killer hard to spot at first for the scares, something like Chucky, Gremlins, Critters, etc. If i play Twins is because I love controlling Victor 🤣.

    And more monsters, something not human shaped tbh. Like a worm like creature that can move underground undetectable but makes some noise when going to the surface to give survivors some room to react (like wraith bell).

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,242
    edited July 2022

    @C3Tooth Hah, nice to see I'm not the only one who thought of a plant based killer. (or pseudo-plant-growth based like my concept lol) edit: found your gardener spirit <3 picture while checking the forum if i ever wrote one of my concepts down here.


    Right before the Blight was a thing, i had a rough concept in mind of a zone denial killer, Inspired by mutliple sources (starcraft creep, warcraft blight or Natural selection2). Sadly our hunchbacked speedster stole my concept's name ;P I dont remember if plague was a thing back then, but it was supposed to haveve a debuff mechanic similiar to Madness or the Plague. "Throw cysts to form a network of creep that slows down survivors and infects them with debuffs".

    Design wise I particularily didnt care much because I'm more interested in making the ability, not the clothes or the addons. But i guess something like this Super Zombie of Wow was passable, Conceptually i thought that tossing those pustules as cysts or slimeballs at survivors might fit.

    The Blighted, very much WIP

    105%-110% MS?

    Special Ability: Spreading Infestation

    Hold M2 to throw Cysts to spread Creep in an area. Survivors touching Creep will hinder them and will build up a Disease. Directly hitting a survivor will cause a small buildup of Disease instantly and cause the survivor to temporarily leave a small trail of Creep.

    • Cysts will mature into bigger forms over time, gaining collision once bigger and spread creep farther away, even further away towards other Cysts.
    • Cysts can be destroyed by walking over them, Grown Cysts need to be destroyed like totems.
    • Grown Cysts regularily release spores (clown gas effect) that build up Disease faster, in a small area.
    • Undestructible Cysts will always spawn in the Basement (Spreading Creep from the top of the staircase) and the locations where the basement COULD spawn.
    • The Blighted gains MS on creep, lasts for a few seconds after leaving the creep. (max 115%)
    • Survivors are slightly hindered on creep (way weaker than clown slowdown of course, maybe only 1-2%)

    The Disease was supposed to have effects on skillchecks and slight debuffs to repair etc, cant remember the details. It was supposed to be something like madness. I dont remember the cure method tho, I think it wa ssupposed to simply last a certain duration and then regress once you stop touching creep.

    Since im slightly Killer biased, i guess back then i wanted it to be more charge based than ammo base, meaning you had like 5 cysts and recharged 1 per X seconds instead of a reload like clown or huntress.

    Back then i didnt post it in the forum because i thought that the geo-effect (the creep on the floor) might be too much for dbd.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,504

    I would like to see shapeshifter but it should be only the killer secondary ability as swf can easily counter it.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,331

    That's so dope! Having the indestructible cysts in the basement would be rough (and quite hilarious) though if someone gets hooked there.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,331

    Having a tiny killer like Chucky would be so funny and terrifying, you can't even see them when looping them unless they're as loud as Victor lol!

    IDK why you said an underground worm and my mind immediately went to this scene: https://youtu.be/sjTIpSu7npE?t=125 😂 but that would also be really cool, though what would its M1/M2 be? 🤔

  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184

    Samus's zero laser.