Why are devs so silent on midchapter desaster?

Let's be honest. The midchapter is a desaster on several levels. When do we get some statements on the miserable situation? Will they try to sit it out? Do they think data will change miraculously if they waitlong enough? Feedback from ptb was ignored, they purposely forced their "balancing" unto the community. How long do we have to suffer from this disastrous midchapter? How many players are they willing to sacrifice for their unreasonable changes? They really need to put up some extraordinary statement to justify this mess.
They categorically did not ignore feedback from the PTB, some pretty significant changes were made that were explicitly because of feedback from a lot of players.
To your point, I'd imagine they're silent because it supposedly being a disaster is a pretty huge claim that isn't really backed up by reality. For a lot of players, myself included, it's been a pretty noteworthy success!
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"No tears, they are a waste of good suffering."
Pinhead (probably) - 2021
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Replace the word 'players' with 'killer mains', and you're spot-on. ;)
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It's not a shocker that a huge, game altering update had some growing pains.
Knee jerk reactions dont really help anybody, both from the community and the developers(Bhvr listened to the Lucky Break hysteria and ended up reverting that community-demanded change)
We all know BHVR loooooves their numbers, so I'm confident they're collecting data and will do some adjustments for 6.2
I'd just recommend taking a break right now if the new changes are not to ones own taste.
All Bhvr would likely say is "we are closely monitoring the situation and will make adjustments shortly" which wont mean anythingto anybody, so eh, idk.
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There are survivors who have posted that the rework is good too, even though obviously the kill rates did intentionally go up from it.
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I've been playing far more survivor in this update and I would consider it a pretty solid success from that perspective too.
Your opinion quite genuinely isn't fact here, it's not objectively a disaster. A lot of people are having fun too.
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How is it a disaster? Player counts have been stable (not counting the large spike that they had during the anniversary event). Their measure of success is player count and revenue. Obviously we don’t know how their revenue has been tracking, but we do know that they are not losing players (at least not yet).
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Everyone throws out statements as if they know. What is a lot of players? Who knows!
Anyway, they did make a lot of changes, mostly to placate killers. They didn't change a thing from PTB to live with respect to a lot of the survivor perspective feedback.
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The presumption here is that it is objectively a "disaster" and not just being perceived that way by some. I think the changes a largely good and just need time to settle, but time will bear that out either way.
So if anyone is waiting for a "wow, this is bad and we're going to revert things" announcement, I wouldn't hold your breath.
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What disaster? I'm having more fun than before with the reworked perks. And I get to play my favorite role, survivor with much faster queues and I suspect better matchmaking.
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You mean you haven't been hard tunneled and camped 9 out of 10 matches (where all five gens are also left)?
Oh wait, neither have I, or anything even close. Like you, I've been having as much fun as ever playing surv (yes, solo) over the last week.
18 -
Yeah no. I'm pretty sure people that squeal about that don't know what tunneling and camping are or are outraged that they get stuck back up on the hook after bodyblocking post-unhook. My games have been completely normal with more aura perks than previously. Also a hell of a lot more nurses, which is not ideal
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Yeah, there is a Nurse situation developing, or more accurately intensifying because the Nurse is a situation.
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Player count on steam (which is the only source we have) is decreasing through out the last week even though we got a new rift. So you're pretty much wrong on your "opinion".
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I dunno.
I've been having such a miserable experience with Survivor these last few days. Almost every single Killer follows the exact same strategy, tunnel someone out as fast as humanely possible while stacking gen slowdown and camp the 2nd person. You can't effectively trade anymore when the Killer is camping either.
We literally just had a Pig with Crate of Gears + Tampered Timer who relentlessly tunneled us out. We literally couldn't do anything.
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All you gotta do is praise the update and you'll get your response
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Me too. In the evening and the night killer queues are 1-3mins, but during the day I play exclusively survivors and I am enjoying the game basically the same as before the patch.
The first couple of days were atrocious because of all the DCs and dying on hooks and many survivors flat out refusing to do gens. I legitly had two matches were I did ALL gens, because everyone else was busy getting chased and trading hooks.
But now most survivors in my games seem to have adapted pretty well. And my killer games nearly feel identical in tone then from before the patch, albeit not as stressful and the absence of DH is balm on my ravaged killer soul.
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You are 100% right they didn't ignore feedback. They listened to every killer main and they got their way.
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Fun thing. I had two days of soloq with just one game not escaping. But that was just mmr being on point:4 good survivor vs one really bad killer. Today I had the usual experience: 3 at best average mates vs one average or even bad killer. Not a single escape. I even lost against a babynurse that needed like 6 or more blinks to hit someone but with tunneling the first bad mate out at 2 remaining gens and stacking her slowdowns it was impossible to get those two gens done.
1 -
High MMR survivors are still trouncing killers left and right
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I dunno, but I'm not seeing it, tbh.
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Not at all.
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So ######### every other player, right?
I mean, I'm glad that the 4-man SWF's are doing well but everyone else is suffering.
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Same experience sadly and when I try to play killer I get faced with them 15min queue times, It's insane that I can only play 2 killer matches per hour now while survivor matches are instant.
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Not everything that got changed from the PTB was to cater to "killer mains", even if we accept that shockingly unhelpful framing.
The changes they made to the prestige system benefit everyone, and they addressed Overcharge, just off the top of my head.
If we must continue looking at things through the lens of "x side", the survivor side weren't left in the lurch here. There's plenty that benefits survivors, and that side is more enjoyable now too- provided you get a team that doesn't give up, anyway, which admittedly isn't within your control if you play solo lol
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And solo probably makes up 70% of games killers are paired against, if not more than that which makes your argument moot. There was almost nothing that benefited survivors this patch. A few perks got a minor buff that's it. Killers recieved a huge buff to perks and base kit. If you can count to 5 you can still tunnel anyone you want and they did nothing to address camping.
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Delete nurse and game is pretty good right now, all killers are playable, just need few tweaks like making DS useful again and nerfing facecamp a bit, removing hookgrab for example
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Yes, but let's not fall into the trap of pretending that you get braindead teammates every match. In most matches they're at least trying, and even if they weren't, what exactly would a balance patch change in that regard?
There was plenty that benefit survivor this patch. Not as much as killer, for obvious reasons, but survivors get to benefit from the shaken meta on both sides, hard tunnelling is now completely impossible with tunnelling in general made harder, and the grind reduction benefits everyone too. Specific kinds of camping are still a problem, but it's misleading to only focus on that at the exclusion of the more positive changes.
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hard tunnelling is now completely impossible with tunnelling in general made harder
That's completely untrue. 5 seconds of base BT is useless and DS got omega-nerfed.
and the grind reduction benefits everyone too
Grind changes benefits older players and makes new players have to go through more of a grind. Also, the ######### bloodweb tax is ridiculous.
18 -
Dayum, this coming from you really surprises me! Not that I am doubting the validity of your experiences, but I am just confused and startled.
Besides the first couple of days, my soloQ games have been pretty normal; yes, survival now isn't a given and you gotta pull your weight and can't let yourself grt carried, and there is a noticeable uptick in tunneling, but I am pretty sure that I am escaping around 50% of the time and things feel pretty good by now.
If I do get tunneled I am usually back in the next game within 3min, so I don't take it that badly, but I certainly would if I got tunneled every other game (which isn't the case for me).
3 -
By "hard tunnelling" I mean downing you immediately after you're unhooked, which is now completely impossible. Five seconds of base BT and Haste is not useless (though there are going to be scenarios where it's not enough), and while DS got nerfed Off The Record is now far more effective as an anti-tunnel tool than DS ever was. All that adds up to tunnelling being made harder.
New players don't have to go through more of a grind. The ten extra bloodweb levels come with the benefit of slashing the grind in third for all those perks, on every subsequent character. That's better for everyone, since even in the worst case scenario you're reducing the RNG considerably and giving players more control over getting perk tiers unlocked for the perks they actively want.
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The base BT has gotten me out of a couple games I haven't otherwise. I dunno why people keep poo pooing it. It's useful. Not meant to make you invincible to the killer for ten minutes
Right on the "grind reduction" though.
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Overcharge was nerfed when going live so if bhvr was listening to only killer mains it would have no happened, can we stop this us vs them argument now?
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My experiences have been....unfavorable.
I really wasn't having an issue with Killer prior to the patch, but I felt like the changes would be good for a lot of the more casual players and I felt that without the need to tunnel and camp, most players would not.
What I forgot was that people will always choose the easiest solution. Tunneling and camping was buffed tremendously in this update and even if you do have a 4-man SWF, you can't save the person being tunneled.
Likewise, this patch has buffed some incredibly unfun playstyles.
For example:
or this
or these
Same thing happened again on the 2nd unhook but it would've been too long a clip.
So yeah, that's how the majority of my matches have gone.
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Base BT has literally never done a single thing for me. If the Killer wants to wait 5 seconds, they can easily keep pace with you.
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This isn’t my “opinion”. First of all, you need to understand the normal weekly patterns. Player numbers always drop after a weekend. Second, you need to understand how statistics work. You can’t draw a conclusion from this small of a data set (you said “throughout the last week” so I’m assuming you’re only looking at one week of data. Third, you need to take special events into account - things that artificially increase the player count from its “typical” levels, like the recent anniversary event and the new patch.
I suggest you start with the three-month chart, in which you can see the peak player count from each day. Today’s number is about 42K. That’s a similar number or even higher than recent weekday peak counts outside of the special events.
Look, I used to post about player count drops all the time earlier this year when the player count was actually dropping because I wanted to point out how BHVR’s actions (or inactions) were hurting their player count. But I didn’t throw out that claim without numbers (and context) to back up that claim, like you are now. You may be right that player count will drop if enough people are not having fun with this new update, but it’s way too early to make that claim and the stats don’t back it up yet.
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Ya, that's what loops are for. You go to one.
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Any word they speak can't be said too early incase something needs to be changed last second.
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As a Survivor Main, I no longer have to deal with forever Ruin or the full length of Corrupt. Plus Pop Goes The Weasel was nerfed. And Pain Resonance / Dead Man's Switch is dead.
God a lot of other Survivor Mains act like we got nothing.
7 -
Grind reduction doesn't matter when a very large portion of the community is solo and they are having a miserable time. Most of my matches are solo and most of the time my team cant even keep the killer busy for any amount of time. When ever killer is running gen reduction perks and no one can keep the killer busy makes it a loss every match. Not to mention the lack of communication in solo is a major issue. When one person goes up on the hook the other three teammates stop their gen and go for the unhook. Which the devs should have know for years now that communication is a huge issue and yet they do nothing about it. This game was more skill based for killer and solo before the update excluding the DH nerf (needed if you ask me).
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The patch was a major success but there are a few things that are stupid like Iri Add-on being non existent, bloodweb tax, and I personally don't like how you have to prestige 3 levels.
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Survivor player here. New update is a success imo. More perks are fun now.
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No because the game is survivor vs killer. They nerfed one thing and kept jolt, thana, and many more. Increased speed to damage a gen makes the nerf to ruin almost useless when you have call of brine.
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I am sorry for how your games turned out. With you I am sure that it isn't a skill issue, so I don't know why you get tunneled game after game, while I experienced this only occasionally.
But whatever the case, soloQ AND camping (and to a lesser extent tunneling) are the big issues that arose during this patch. SoloQ always had it rough, but in the new meta playing together and being somewhat efficient is more important then ever, so I would really appreciate if BHVR could throw this action icons in better sooner then later.
They won't magically make all problems disappear, but they would solve a lot of the inefficiency and redundancy problems plaguing soloQ.
@C3Tooth made a pretty good post somewhere explaining how much time soloQ groups waste just because no one knows what the other is doing, and here the action icons would help a lot.
BUT I still can't wrap my head around the fact that a multi-player game, that revolves so heavily around cooperation and working together as dbd, as 6 years into its life cycle not even the most primitive of chat wheel. Like everyone got one of those, so what's the problem (spaghetti code, probably :V)?
And in the same vein, why don't you have more emotes? We don't need all the cringy Fortnight dances, but I bet half the player base would pay some neat auric cells for some cute Feng emotes.
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I like the new changes and so do many others, I don't think its the disaster that you want it to be.
I'm sorry the game changed in a way that makes it less fun for you but its only a game and its still fun.
They'll be other changes so it really isn't the end of the world and the DEVs are quiet because they probably know they have to tune out a month of tantrum change shock BS before any real feedback of worth bubbles up from the depths of all the whining.
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This. Most people that think the game is balanced right now and that the patch was a success has to be someone that plays a lot of killer (or SWF).
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I have faced alot of body blockers now so I decided to put on Forced Penance.....and Sloppy Butcher.....strange most people stopped body blocking I wonder why
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Just needs more fine tuning. It's been 9 days and you guys are unrelenting like it's been months, take some deep breaths lol.
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Most people think the game is balance.
Few people still think the game is survivor sided