Solo que is a nightmare

Lately I've been struggling and pretty annoyed with survivor. It seems like no one can loop anymore all of a sudden and no one does gens. You're probably thinking I'm low MMR or something, but I can assure you I'm a survivor main at heart and have over 4k hours. And ever since this new update HALF of my matches are against nurse, with an occasional blight or spirit afterwards. There's seems to be no chance in winning with all these sweaty killers and noob teammates. And ever since the DS nerf killers camping and tunneling is at all time high for me and I've been playing since 2019. Anyways I just needed to rant, if you guys feel the same or different please let me know.
Pretty much the same down here in low mmr, except we get more variety in who tunnels us out of the game.
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I was having the same experience in crossplay on. I'm on PC (Steam) and since turning crossplay off again my games have been more enjoyable. Sure, I'm still getting mostly nurses, blights and huntresses, but my team mates are just as sweaty.
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my guess is that mmr is disabled
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Same here. Going up against cracked Nurses and Blights that have mastered their respective abilities and being paired up with Jake's that urban evade and go down as if they were being chased by a Bubba. Seriously, what is with potato Jakes lately? SoloQ is unplayable at the time so either SWF, wait longer in Killer que than your matches will be, or play something else.
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Was just watching a 7k hour streamer get matched with a 400 hour survivor. Dunno what is going on with MMR
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Survivors can't loop purely because of the DH nerf, it was used by all 4 players almost every game, lots of them got carried hard by it. Now they have to learn to play since they don't get a free reset/distance 3x per person.
DS nerf + BBQ stack removal increased camping and tunnelling.
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You just have to look at the forums and twitter and realize that only 4 people have liked this patch.
I could have improved the killers and kept the survivors as before and if there had been a balance
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It's actually not even that much.
That's like 16 days compared to 291 days of playtime.
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Nah, probably in 2-3 months devs will solve this making DS 4 secs and nerfing pt to trash level
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Because I'm a masochist and actually got home at a decent time last night I decided to ruin my evening by trying Solo Q again lol. God is it miserable. Played maybe 12 matches and escaped once. The camping and tunneling is at epic levels.
Tried running the oh-so-hyped Off The Record to help, but it's basically useless. A Spirit was easily able to tunnel me off the hook. Tried the nerfed DS along with OTR to see if it would help, didn't even have enough time to hop a window. It's pathetic. I just can't do it anymore.
And I never ran Dead hard. This whole forum narrative from the usual suspects that every survivor sucks because DH was nerfed is just BS.
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Solo Q is just plain depressing anymore. Like, we knew it was bad before, but it's a new level of painful experience. Solo Q Beyond Hell.
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There is no MMR anymore. There is a newbie-protection and after that everyone can get paired with everyone.
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What changed is that higher gen time and small killer buff made it harder for bad survivors that cant abuse the press W strat anymore and as said lower chase time and longer gen speed adds up quickly to a huge diff.
what bothers me is that while tunneling is less prominent, camping has become a hard meta. 8/10 games is almost straight facecamp.
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Maybe the DH nerf needs to be reverted if it's causing this many issues. Mass DCs and Suiciding-on-hook, does not make a good game. No one's enjoying this. Killers queue times are massive, killers get into a game and the first person they hook suicides which invalidates the entire match. I mean, this game is pure crap right now. No one is having fun.
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There's no issue with the DH nerf, all the people who started playing during the Resident Evil chapter don't know how DBD used to be before DH became a free win.
I don't care if they revert every single other change, it's mostly pointless anyway. The DH nerf is the only one that matters, endgame nerfs are pretty good too.
Post edited by Sludge on1 -
I’ve chosen to play less. Let the numbers of players speak for themselves.
And.. I’m not alone because when we used to have long queue times we’re now getting in instantly, because there appears to be a shortage of survivors now.
I used to play mostly solo queue and a little swf. Now I don’t play any solo queue and we don’t swf as much, because everyone is frustrated and turned off by the changes. I went from hours a day to less than one most of the time. Out of my group of 15 DBD friends I think 3 of us still play, and barely.
I never used DH and the major complaints don’t apply to me. The camping and tunneling however has gotten much worse because the devs intentionally nerfed the second chance perks that discourage it.
I’m not spending my free time playing a game I don’t enjoy. There are too many other games out there to settle on a game that isn’t considering everyone.
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Noticed it too. Teammates more often than not are horrible runners/loopers. I think its mainly cause they're the same types of players who try to 'stealth' in matches and because gens take longer, they're now forced to do gens or put some effort in or else the team's chances of making it out go down significantly. And because they are almost forced to get on gens now vs. continuing to hide, when they are found, the chase doesn't last very long since they aren't good at it.
Could be completely wrong w this theory but either way, teammate quality is definitely hit or miss, most often a miss.
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Rank 1 Survivor at the moment. I confirm all of the above posts about Solo Q.
It's just aweful. I either loop the killer for a long time and see no gens pop for 2 solid minutes and when I get hooked, everyone just decides to swarm the hook while the killer is there. Or I just get tunneled on my first chase.
My latest match was just hell. I was the first one found by a Legion and of course the 3 other survivors decided it was good plan to hide in lockers while he was in frenzy. And they also had SC and were healing while Sloppy Butcher and Thanatophobia were running.
Survivors who were toxic and bullies pre-patch just switched to the killer side and this is what we get.
Occasionnally you face a killer who brings a cake for bloodpoints for everybody but decides to camp at 5 gens. Makes perfect sense right ?
Just one of those games I guess...
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When the developers took away the skill required to play killer and just gave them free wins, I lost respect.
Even the streamers who play killers are laughable anymore. Why would I watch these Streamers when they're just given free kills. I can't learn anything from them, when they play a role that doesn't require skill to play anymore. I find it almost as interesting as watching a 6 year old playing killer. Both are just given kills anymore. No skill required.
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- -Mashed Potatoes Jake.
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DBD is fun.
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My friend runs Empathy. He just watched David get hit about five seconds into the match by Mikey, and David just stood there and kept motioning "come on, come on," then he suicided on the hook.
Someone burned a Flan this match, so ya know, yay. The match is going poorly, as Mikey does not care that someone threw. There's no need to tunnel when someone suicided first thing, but that's not stopping him.
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Solo actually feels better for me. Nothing got more difficult in this patch and with the perk changes my teammates are now being more cautious about engaging the killers.
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i understand, had 1 spirit and couple blights but these werent sweat blights. nurses were half and half. and I have like over 2500 hours and im like man these killers sweat stacking slowdowns and then after 5 games probably i finally had an actual chase and then some more to date and i keep getting like intermediate killers and teammates that just suck
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Ultimately because of bad teammates, and not because of anything the killer's doing.