How do I report a hacker?


I recently faced a wallhacking, lagswitching killer. And I am not talking about a ######### connection and some lucky guesses here.
I know there is an ingame report system, but this system was CONVENIENTLY disabled in the after game menu... No option to report available, and if you clicked on someone's name, nothing happened.
So here is my question: What do you do in that situation? Who do you talk to?
I sadly have no recordings of that game, the only thing i have is the player's steam profile link. So I doubt my report would do much anyways, but maybe someone can answer this question, so I and people who experience the same will know what to do in the future.

Best Answer


  • Fluffy
    Fluffy Member Posts: 48

    Even with proof, it's hard for them to be banned... (it's like they don't even care or at least, it's how it feels)
    So without proof, you can forget about it.

  • Valkyria
    Valkyria Member Posts: 8

    I know I can forget about this particular case, but my question was: Who do I talk to if this happens again and I'll hopefully have video proof?

  • Valkyria
    Valkyria Member Posts: 8

    @Raccoon said:
    You have to upload the video, manually type in the URL without making a single mistake because you can't copy and paste, and submit it .

    You are referring to the ingame report system though, right? Since you said I have to be in the end game screen. The ingame report system was disabled though. I didn't have the option to report this person. I assume that was part of the hack.Cause this is the whole reason why I am asking this question...