disconnection penalty rework (july 2022)

so i looked before posting this rework idea to make sure there wasnt other recent post.

so i my idea for reworking the dc penalties is to make them worse (let me explain), as of late it dont matter if i play killer or survivor i constantly see dc more survivor then killers, my rework suggestion is to alter the ways u can dc and punish hard for them,

dc,1) ingame dc: a normal dc in the menu should be 15 minutes instead of 5, reason why is because its so much easier to get killed on hook if u want to leave that badly, a dc should be more accidental and not purposeful.

dc,2) alt f4 crashes: alt f4 should be circumvented like some games such as gta have a alt f4 menu asking are u sure u want to quit, which will prevent that as an option forcing the next suggested nerf

dc,3) Task manager/internet dc/crashing: its hard to tell when someone has an actual internet issue it often happens and i understand its hard to tell when the game has actual crashes, i feel these should keep the 5 minute penalties, if not 0 penalty for say 1-2 games cause its hard to tell if it was purposed or accidental, however i think this should also be the most punished form of dc if consecutive, normally a person would figure out if their internet is acting up they would stop before getting a penalty, i would say 1-2 matches is a fair window to get ur internet in order, however those who would abuse the "accidental" dc should be punished anyone with more then 3-4 games within a set period of time who would crash their game via external(task manager/internet/ect..) should get a 1 hour penalty because they are attempting to get out of a smaller penalty by not using the dc button in game.

closing statement.) 1st i want to say im sorry about the hard to read text walls 2nd i dont think the times should be concrete and should be at the discretion of bhvr, but i think they need to be more severe given can just run to the killer to get hooked and die on hook, too many people dc outright because they dont like the way the game is going and 5 minutes does not seem to punish them enough to stop
