mmr not working?

I play almost all the time survivor only. For the rift, i play killer sometimes. But what are those teams i get matched with? If i have a 100 hours on killer all combined, its a lot. I played legion for the first time today. Got matched with a full blown swf team. All could loop pretty well. How is this motivating to try to play killer too? I get this every time, only had 1 hook also. Took me a bit to figure out his mechanics, match was already over by then. How is it that they look at all hours, but not the killer ones separately? I should based on my time playing, be matched with people fresh on survivor. Considering i loose all my matches with just 1 or 2 hooks, my mmr should be completely downhill. But i still get the strong swf. When can i actually try to learn killer too in matches that are equal to my skill level?
Btw, I noticed a weird thing, that if you play a killer you haven't played before\played long ago, you'll get matched with insane lvl swf.
Thats weird and not really right to me, when you just brought a killer, took on him 2-3 tier1 perks and just got matched with swf...
"I've no idea what I'm doing or how to do it, I got destroyed, this killer is a joke!" - Gone to play main again. xD