What is so bad about the patch?

EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

Excluding the following:

  • Camping
  • Tunneling
  • Bad teammates in solo Q (not doing gens, cant loop etc.)

Because all the complaints always go to to these aspects when these have always been apart of the game...

Yes camping and tunneling need to be addressed, and solo Q will always be bad because the SBMM system sucks...

So what exactly is the issue? Longer gens? Because all killers did was swap gen regression to longer gens to have the same outcome..

DH nerf? DS nerf? While I hate the DS nerf you shouldn't feel the need to rin it (I understand why DS has all been on my build) but that goes into the tunneling issue again and not the actual patch.



  • brewingtea
    brewingtea Member Posts: 243

    Yeah, why is no one talking about this????

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Solo Q always sucked though... that's not this patches fault, and the lower mmr you go the worse solo Q will get.

    But you cant blame a patch that didnt change solo Q directly... if solo q is an issue then solo Q should be addressed, not the patch

  • Tactrix
    Tactrix Member Posts: 420

    Those are the issues, they were always a problem before, but in this patch they've been compounded by supremely bad reworks and buffs.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Solo was suck, now it suck more. Even less will to play Solo.

    But I guess thats how they balance things. When Coh was fresh released, I feel the perk is so stupidly strong, eventhough I play survivor more.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Agree on the first part, tunneling and camping needs to be addressed, but like I said you cant use that as a reason because that's just a tunneling and camping issue...

    100% tunneling and camping should be addressed though, and if it was the patch clearly wouldn't be bad.

    As for the last part I disagree, holding forwards was a lame thing to do everytime someone got hit, you have plenty of time to make it to the next tile or two (just not the third or more) so it encourages less hold W and more actual looping gameplay

  • Devilishly_Rowdy
    Devilishly_Rowdy Member Posts: 440

    No more E. Killers are harder to bully. Survivors have to actually survive.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    We all know solo Q is a mixed bag, but that's why they are buffing it as they have said.

    Would a solo Q buff be a good idea with this patch? Sure but we will have to wait till next patch. I'm not sure how they will stop randoms quitter or make sure you arent paired wrongly but it's a solo Q issue not a patch issue

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233
  • Devilishly_Rowdy
    Devilishly_Rowdy Member Posts: 440

    Yeah atleast it requires some skill now. But baby survivors just wanted a free escape at any time.

  • Toaster427
    Toaster427 Member Posts: 120

    This comment by jimmypopjr is the best description of most people's recent experience with the patch.

    "I can only speak for myself, a soloq player with 2000+ hours.

    This update hit me pretty hard.

    I love this game, but not unconditionally. I don't expect or need to win/escape very much, I just want to have fun and not be so frustrated that dc'ing feels like a valid option. I don't want to be tunneled or see others get tunneled.

    But since the update, the game hasn't been very fun for me. More than 50% of my matches end with me thinking I need to take a break. When the matches are frustrating, the matchmaking feels unbalanced, and the BP and XP rewards are paltry (especially when tunneled out in the first few minutes)... well then DCs and long queues seem like a natural result.

    It sucks that a game this fun can have such lows to go along with the highs. That it can feel like some people use the game as a conduit to make others feel as badly as possible.

    And to make things worse, this sub/community, which generally I find to be great, is just packed full of people trying to invalidate people's opinions/experiences with their own anecdotal opinions/experiences.

    So now I'm stuck with a game I love that's no longer fun and rewarding enough to be worth my time, and a community that genuinely doesn't care that I'm disappointed by how the patch impacted me (but will care enough to tell me why I'm wrong, or how I was carried by the old meta that I didn't actually use).

    Feels bad, man. "

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    But that was alot of killers experience before the patch...

    And like I said excluding tunneling which does need to be addressed... so that comment doesnt really impact the patch just highlights the tunneling issue more which no one is denying

  • brewingtea
    brewingtea Member Posts: 243

    We can't complain yet. It's too soon, the patch just got released.

    But if we wait too long, then "Why are you complaining about this NOW? It's been in the game forever..."

    Let us know when the magic window of "allowed to have an opinion" opens up, I guess?

  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252
    edited July 2022

    The question is: what did they even made better with this patch? Basically every change they did had a negative impact on something that was fine before.

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    It sucks extra as in people keep throwing way too much. Can say its a people problem not a patch problem and i agree but doesnt change the fact that solo q sucks way more than the usual amount.

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370


    Are you serious?

    The dead hard being gone makes the whole killer game play feel glorious.

  • Zexbunny
    Zexbunny Member Posts: 209

    Regression and slowdown weren't appropriately toned down to account for longer gen times and less need to run chase perks.

  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    Killer game is already stupid braindead right now. There isnt even any sweat to be put in. I can basically cook meals while playing killer. Hows that a good thing if youre not completely entitled?

  • mischiefmanaged
    mischiefmanaged Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 374

    Honestly, they probably could have just done the Dead Hard rework and BT basekit and I'd have been fine as a killer player. Hitting people off of hooks was BS anyway.

    Now queues for killer are impossibly long so I can't play killer without waiting forever anymore. I think they should have nerfed regression/slowdown perks more. There was really no reason to buff Thana even if the buff is mostly insignificant.

    And while some killers seem to have changed up their perks, I'm finding that running the same perks I always ran are just as effective. Pain Resonance is still insanely good and Gift of Pain was already good before the update. Now the numbers are even better. Pop + Call of Brine is still good and combines even better with Eruption now. All that happened is now I can choose if I want the aura reading from BBQ or to stack a fourth slowdown or use Floods of Rage.

  • RinsDoormat
    RinsDoormat Member Posts: 121

    Nobody has said anything negative about the patch here. After all, it's a 'killer-sided' forum, so it's definitely not filled with dozens of posts about how survivor is dead now

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445
    edited July 2022

    In my opinion, it was too much all at once. I get that a meta shake-up needs to be big, but they really swung the pendulum too far in one direction. Killers got alternatives to any perk nerfed, got longer gen times, got faster bloodlust, and default stacks to STBFL. Survivors didn't get much other than nerfs.

    What they should've done is just the perk changes. Or just some of the other stuff. All at once has tipped the game to be too easy for killers and too challenging for solo players. By doing everything at once, it's really hard to deal with how radically different the game is. If they had spaced it out into several patches, it could have been absorbed better and the data could've been more focused on particular changes. Now it's a big jumble.

    Also, the game should not be balanced around SWF. SWF is less than 5% of players. It needs to be balanced around solo queue with incentives to not play SWF. If you buy the game, you should be able to play and have a 50/50 chance of surviving WITHOUT having to get on Discord. In its current state, that is far from the case (even without DCs/suicides factored in). There simply isn't enough time to get 5 gens done with the killer buffs AND most still running 2+ slowdown perks. Not to mention many killers require secondary objectives eating up time as well (pig's traps, pinhead's box, cleansing plaything/pentimento, legion's mending, etc.).

    I have gone from playing solo exclusively to mostly SWF because it is just untenable. Everyone I talk to on SWF is depressed about it and considering quitting. BHVR needs to act fast or the playerbase will plummet to the point of no return.

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    Thaaaat has nothing to do with what we were talking about but ill leave you to your misery : P

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    forgot the basekit buffs to Killers what makes camping and tunneling much easier now,also they nerf a lot of gen regression perks but buff other gen regression perks so the new 90sec gens on top of using 3 or 4 gen regression perk

    doing the math makes camping and tunneling hell of a lot easier ruining any fun a survivor could have.

    btw killer mains not all survivors are SWF...

    but after this patch sure your seeing a lot more swf now

    enjoying your killer Q wait time tho?

  • Sparks741420
    Sparks741420 Member Posts: 134

    How about the 200 million bps worth of prestige I was robbed of? you know only 5-20,000 matches to get to where I rightfully should be. Having every perk in the game 1 minute then magically having half of my perks locked at yellow tier.. You know just for "starters" on what really BAD about this update that has caused numerous of me and my friends to completely quit playing.

  • Sludge
    Sludge Member Posts: 768
    edited July 2022

    0.3 hit cooldown reduction

    0.2 speed boost reduction

    0.26 pallet break reduction

    2.5 gen kick regression

    0.2 gen kick speed reduction

    So overpowered

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    Solo Q is a lot harder since there is now basically no counters to tunneling, DS is useless and OTR is a subpar at best substitute, that wouldn't be nearly as bad if gens weren't also harder to complete due to them taking 10 seconds longer and gen regression perks taking out much more then they used to

  • Cum_King
    Cum_King Member Posts: 21

    survivors got an 80 sec borrowed time replacement and it is simply not enough to make up for the 2 secs taken off of DS lol

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586
    edited July 2022

    BHVR literally said that this patch was intended to increase kill rates, i.e. buff killers. Nobody should be surprised that playing survivor has become a little more difficult. Killers have been getting the short end of the stick for a long time, and survivor mains have gotten spoiled with easy games and broken second chance perks.

    Plenty of solo q survivor players have said that they are happy with this patch and this game feels more balanced now, including myself (I play about 50/50 killer/solo survivor). Camping and tunneling have always been an issue and they will likely always be an issue - if you don’t like it, play something else or heaven forbid maybe try playing killer yourself. For all those complaining, it’s time to start considering that maybe you and your expectations of the game are the problem, not this patch.

    Also, you can bet that BHVR will make adjustments if the kill rates get too high. It’s been like two weeks and everyone is expecting immediate adjustments already.

  • Toaster427
    Toaster427 Member Posts: 120

    I'm curious, at point do you think is "enough time".

    Never played a pvp game where people acted like this where somehow it takes this long to adapt...this game is not that complicated and I'm not understanding how it takes longer than a week to determine that things are unbalanced.

    I just feel like that whole argument is just ignorant the real problems in the game. Let's just ignore these things and hopefully they'll go away on thier own. In 4 weeks it will be a month, in a month it will be 6 months and in 6 months it will be a year.

    People are allowed to have opinions on the game when they play it, there is no time limit to where nobody can complain. Boil over was completely nerfed extremely quickly...why didn't we wait for "killers to adapt to the change" with that one?...

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    Yeah lol. It's silly how many full healed survivors I'm hitting twice and they STILL have OTR active. It's ludicrous

  • HypnoEmpire
    HypnoEmpire Member Posts: 29

    If you had every perk pre-patch then you should have every perk post-patch. You should be contacting support about your issue rather than complaining on the forums.

  • JoaoVanBlizzard
    JoaoVanBlizzard Member Posts: 555

    For me the problem is neither the camping nor the tunnel, the problem is that this game doesn't treat the survivors as a team in practice,, just to make a comparison, games like Identity V the killers (hunters) camped and tunneled most of the time, however, even if a surv is eliminated from the game, if the other 3 come out alive, the victory is for everyone, even if you are already playing another game, 'rewarded when the previous game ends,

    In DBD if the killer kills you, it's over, you don't gain anything anymore, no matter how immersive you have been your effort was worthless if you die, we are autruistic just for common sense in the end game, but in practice the game should recognize how many survs escaped the match alive

    In DBD, camping is increasingly favoring killers, as it has many perks that simply slow the generators down, it would be interesting if these perks were paused when someone was on the hook, as well as DS-like perks that stop working when someone make progress in matches, but in the case of killers it could be a break only when there is someone on the hook or in slug, thanatophobia could have this function, Dying Light too, I think this could help in parts to reduce the camping, although I think there needs to be a greater punishment than that.

  • Sparks741420
    Sparks741420 Member Posts: 134

    Lol I have contacted support... I got the "we'll look into it" msg about a week ago.. still nothing... So Now i'm here! ;)

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,617
  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 1,993

    Dead Hard is actually better now. Just give it time for everybody to master it and killer mains will cry about it all over again

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    • Killers being buffed in chase and survivors being nerfed in chase isn't actually a downside. Survivors were probably a bit overtuned in chase.
    • The only tedious build related to the patch I see commonly complained about is Legion with Thana.
    • There's nothing wrong with tunneling. Face camping has always been a problem, player elimination brings up complaints about being booted early, and survivors generally have a lot of downtime which I don't like. But "tunneling" is literally just downing someone twice in a row, there's nothing wrong with it.
  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    edited July 2022
    • Dead Hard was far too powerful and popular. It being used less often is a big plus.
    • The buffs to some of the perks plus the extra gen times have made builds with little or no slowdown feel more effective. I've been running all sorts of chase related builds with no slow down for instance and it's great!
    • The prestige rework was a huge windfall for me. I went from all my killers having 30-40 perks each to all of them having essentially every perk at level 3 instantly.
    • Endurance after an unhook is a great idea. You can argue that maybe it should last a few seconds longer but it's definitely an improvement over not being in the game at all.
  • Devilishly_Rowdy
    Devilishly_Rowdy Member Posts: 440

    Sounds like you're hurt it's gone. Now go ahead and say "i never used it".

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025
    1. The gen speed
    2. Some of the perks
    3. Tunneling is less punishing
    4. The incre- I mean, the reduced grind

    Altho Clown got disabled, so that's fantastic :P

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    Why not read any of the probably hundreds of topics on it?

  • CodeDB
    CodeDB Member Posts: 272

    Since March 30th, 4 months, you have created 8 posts specifically mentioning "Dead Hard" in the title along with another 16 posts minimum where you bring up Dead Hard in the post body or within your 1st comment.

    This perk lives so far in your head, I fear its mere existence has hurt you more than anyone could be hurt by losing it.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    Some disagreements with their nerfs or buffs to some perks, but it isn't the worst I guess

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 985

    Off the Record.

  • Sludge
    Sludge Member Posts: 768
    edited July 2022

    As someone who has never used Dead Hard I find this patch to be outrageous, there was nothing wrong with DH, it was perfectly fine. The 0.3 attack cooldown combined with 10 second increase to generator repairs have turned every game into a massacre.

    Killers are unstoppable and I'm quitting the game to play Stardew Valley until I see major changes.

    Post edited by Sludge on
  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Im having more fun playing both sides with the new patch, the only downside is the reduced bp, but thats temporary and will be fixed once they get the bug out of the incentive system.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,161

    I answered this question in a similar thread. I'll pretty much copy and paste my answer here, maybe add a bit more.

    There's no option to hide my prestige from others. Prestige levels are shown in the lobby and on the end-game tally screen. I don't like it. I'm a private person. I don't care about anyone else's prestige levels, and I don't want to share my own.

    Upon Prestiging, the Bloodweb is set back to level 1. I am now stuck, because if I put any more Bloodpoints into a killer I will have to upgrade a perk I want to keep at tier 1. Sucks to have personal preferences in this game, I guess.

    BHVR increased the reward for escaping a match from 5k to 7k. I already had teammates who went into stealth mode after one death, refusing to participate and leaving me on my own to attempt gens. Now, I'm seeing survivors do it from the start of the match. I'm not playing an entire match on my goddamn own.

    BBQ/WGLF stacks have been removed. Getting a 4-stack on BBQ was my win condition. I've lost the incentive to even bother hooking anyone a lot of the time. There are so many things that can go wrong after picking up a survivor, it's not worth wasting the time when there are no stacks for bonus BP. And there are no WGLF stacks to soften the blow of a bad survivor match. Matches are longer but I'm earning fewer Bloodpoints for them.

    BHVR purposefully made it more difficult for survivors to escape (and even before this MMR made what teammates you get such a crapshoot that matches felt more like RNG than tests of skill), but de-pipping is still a thing.

    Because fewer killers are running BBQ, it freed up a perk slot for another gen/slowdown perk. I preferred going against BBQ, that was easily countered and didn't bring the game to a crawl.

    At some point recently Switch performance got worse and it's dropping a lot more frames than it used to. The low framerate plus increased frame drops is just a constant reminder that cross-progression had a set date and is now a pipe dream, like the game wants to make sure I never forget it took my money and ran.

    Survivor always felt pretty crummy because teammates are such a crapshoot, but now with BBQ stacks gone killer doesn't feel rewarding at all, either. There's no perk to take BBQ's place. Closest would be Thrill of the Hunt, but I already run Beast of Prey and TotH always gets cleansed before I get enough chase points to match what the survivor got for cleansing the thing. Besides, it's not like TotH raises the cap, the points are capped the same no matter what. BBQ was the only perk with a post-trial multiplier.