General Discussions

General Discussions

I think it's fair to say now that survivor are ruining the game like they always have.



  • Member Posts: 5,502

    Tbf, this matches with Bubba were possible in the pre patch days and often resulted in the same way, ie survivors giving up and queueing for the next match asap.

  • Member Posts: 207

    I play both Survivor and killer.

    I have been tunneled and camped or someone else in my matches has been in about 40% of my matches since the patch.

    In every Legion, Nurse, or Blight match, as soon as the match starts and they discover who the killer is the They DC or kill themselves on first hook just to get out of the match.

    The biggest problem though is the Killer Queue times taking 5-10 minutes just to get a match. I wait that long just to get a match just to get someone DC or i get hacker who thinks its funny to ruin games for people.

    Hackers have increased dramatically since this patch was released. I saw a streamer get a lobby full of hackers the other night.

    BHVR needs to fix the hacker issue before anything else IMO

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    killer queues are just going to get longer..

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    The very first hours of the patch basically obliterated any second opinion of how much of a stranglehold DH had had over the game in the past, but already on the second day the better survivors already adapted.

    By day 4 most games in the higher skill brackets looked normal again, albeit survivors played more safe, less reckless and things for the killers were less stressful and games actually fun for the first time in years.

    But at the mid skill levels and lower, all hell broke loose. Not only had some of the survivors a much harder time learning how to loop, the not so good killers got drunk on power and established a reign of fear and discovered that the new meta posed little defense against tunneling and camping and went NUTS.

    I guess that this killers will hit a wall once they kill everyone on their skill level, face stronger survivors who run circles around them and bounce right back into the lower MMR reaches.

    Both, the more casual survivors and the try-hard-but-vicious killers are kinda trapped with each other and now BHVR must do something to salvage the situation.

    But this is why you read so vastly different experiences, with some players gushing over the new breath of life this patch gave the game, while others just complain about the constant camping and tunneling.

  • Member Posts: 222

    You nailed it.

    I only hope BHVR will address the issue by limiting power of stronger tier killers instead of making global changes that will make weaker roster of killers pathetic at high mmr again.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    Tell me you don't play Survivor without telling me you don't play Survivor.

    This update absolutely sucks from a Survivor perspective. They did the exact thing I have always said needed to be done with a fix to camping/tunneling, else one side would lose their #########. In this case, rightfully so. It is absolutely atrocious how many people are still running max meta slowdown with strong Killers while tunneling the ######### out of the first person they down.

  • Member Posts: 102

    I agree with most of what you had to say except when you mentioned dead hard. It feels like a cop out (although valid in some arguments mind you) but regardless,you are correct. A decent chunk of Survivors get the raw deal for once and now they DC,ruining the game for others,or just die on 1st hook when things go wrong. If understand the sentiment if they were always the little guy but the meta was always within the survivors favor until now but that's not the case realistically. Also,it should go without saying,in a game with the 1v4 element,the 1 must always be much more powerful to contend with the sheer numbers the 4 have (this isn't including addons). In a game like dbd,the killer should feel oppressive and cause a sense of urgency to do your objective. Of course,we have one killer that does that the best and unfortunately she's on everyone's ######### list. Then again,this is assuming dbd will remain killer sided or if they're gonna keep trying to achieve a balance point (which would be the killer being stronger than survivors to balance out the 1v4 aspect.)

  • Member Posts: 40

    75% pick rate across the board or at high mmr? One is way different than the other. Weird too at high mmr we see nurse 75% too let's remove her too.

  • Member Posts: 1,252

    Another thread completely ignoring any reasonsing. You did a pretty good job so far.

  • Member Posts: 939

    Yep. This has happened to me a lot too.

    Last night I had two survivors disconnect one after the other. I had no idea why because I was working on a gen on the other side of the map.

    It was a Plague, and the Plague slugged the second last survivor. I'm like..."FFS. Really? We're going into sweat mode after two people disconnected?". I got the dude up again, and back comes the Killers tunneling me around until she slugs me. Leaves me on the ground. I just happened to have Unbreakabill (never use it but I was playing around). I get myself up- Killer slugs the other survivor again.

    4 gens up. And then when the Killer finally slugged us both, didn't hook! Just sat there puking on me until I bled out. Absolute crap points all around. Just a waste of time.

    I'm sure the usual suspects on this forum would find a way to make it survivors fault "Well U JuSt Can'T PrESS UR Preshuz E anymOAr!!111".

  • Member Posts: 869

    Curious. I haven't actually read that many posts complaining about the DH nerf. I thought the vast majority of players, killers and survivors alike actually agreed it was adequate?

    Most of the survivor complains I read are actually about the buffs to killer in general rather than any one specific survivor change.

    Nevertheless, I love the new update

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    every post here since the update is the same

  • Member Posts: 2,986

    I don't blame them. It's just silly at this point. I haven't seen many people complain about DH (and I visit a lot of places), yet that's all killers want to bring up when survivors mention they dislike the patch. It's weird. lol

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