Hate to break it to you, but you guys (some) are the ones "ruining the game" not the devs
What can I say. It's always a survivor vs killer comment ain't it. "Survivors ruining game like always" or "killers hard tunneling." It always gotta be 1 biased side vs the other biased side. That's what's effecting this game, bias is effecting game balance. It's a constant battle between survivors and killers. And don't get me wrong that's what's to be expected in this type of game, but it gets to the point of toxicity, immature posts, and super biased post that don't regard game balance at all.
This patch is a great patch. It's what everyone asked for especially the killer side, and survivors can agree gen rushing made matches 5 minutes long (exaggeration). But still we see both sides complaining and attacking eachother. Obviously with a big patch there are going to be problems and many complaints which is completly fine cause after all this is a forum, but so much feedback is invalid because of posting it in a "attacking the other side" biased manner.
You guys do realize attacking the other side will never solve anything right? It will just make it so much worse. Attacking survivors because of DCing? They will dc more. Attacking killers because of tunneling and camping? They will tunnel and camp more. Heck I can go so far as saying that posts like "killers/survivors are so toxic because blah blah blah" encourages more toxicity in the community. If you want to make these posts be proffesional about it, don't act like a 5 year old when you get some ice cream and then want more, don't get any more, than have a fit. I'm not saying be formal on a dbd forum but be respectful and don't let bias effect game balance for you and other players
Fact: dbd forums were released a little before clown release. Since the forums have been release toxicity has greatly increased throughout the community and game. Before the forums this game was actually a very friendly game with little amounts of toxicity in game and out of game. I actually made this account in late 2018 or early 2019 I believe and I named my self toxik survivor, because I have to admit I was going through that toxic stage that most people do go through. Essentially the toxic community that was rising at the time got me thinking toxicity was "cool" but it really isn't and is very immature. I wish I can change my name but I already have too many posts in this name.
I more or less agree, but I do not really believe there is anything we can do about the us versus them in this community. It is just human nature. And it is funny.
Just being honest.
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Honestly I think this is a good starting point to exploring other options for killers instead of tunneling and camping since they're not pressured for time as much now.
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The only thing I find off-putting about this game is the community. No update or patch or dev has ever made me wanna quit this game, but the community? Absolutely
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I'm honestly just sick of the drama. The update is not bad whatsoever everything is over exaggerated.
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Really? This is one of the nicest and most welcoming communities I have ever been a part of. What kind of games are you playing? I want in on them.
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I'm all for toxik_survivor redemtion act <3
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Forums and in game are two different beasts.
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Absolutely. 2 days into the patch people being shatting there pants saying survivor is trash now
Yeah I mean the Us vs them is def a to be expected thing that is fine, but it gets to the point of immaturity and complete and utter bias effecting game balance
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And why do you guys think this community is more toxic than others? You think dbd players don't play other games? They don't punish people for dcing or killing themself on hook. They allow camping/tunneling and made it even worse with the recent update. They put baby survivors with experienced survivors and baby killers with experienced survivors etc. This game just allows a lot of toxic behavior that other games wouldn't allow.
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I'm just being honest when I say my experience with Survivor has gone downhill extremely fast since the patch.
My Killer experience has been fine. I've won every game, which is nice, but I also haven't felt like I was challenged at all except for when I was (ironically) playing Nurse.
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Its a game where RNG has a disproportionate affect on match outcome, sometimes before the match even starts. Sometimes its just good old fashioned salt at people being unwilling to accept outcomes, and they carry that into their next match. Its why sportsmanship as a concept is so important, competition is supposed to be about this game and not last game.
Granted there will always be toxic people, but the environment promotes it. BHVR themselves even encourages "trash talking" and yet they put in a filter that prevents you from even saying character's names ingame. Its a very confusing community direction but it certainly isn't a healthy one.
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its weird, ive actually been doing worse as killer and the same as survivor
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Did anyone give you advice on how to play her? Nurse on console is a whole different beast, so don't be discouraged if you lose a lot, especially when you come across survivors who know what they are doing against a Nurse. Also what perks and addons have you been using, sadly Nurse addons are all pretty meh besides recharge and range, but if you are planning to learn Nurse long-term I would suggest starting with basekit as if you start with addons you are just gonna rely on them a lot. I can also give you a couple perk build I use, if you are still trying to learn.
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I agree
I'm sure it is the worst community out there.
Other games might have more extreme cases of toxidity but i have never seen a community be so negative in general about practically everything.
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I started to get okay with her and dropped her again.
No add-ons.