There is a reason that Decisive Strike is 3 seconds now...

And it's not because the developers decided to just nerf the perk without reason.

Those of you whom take just a few seconds to look up the history of the perk's changes will clearly see that Decisive Strike was buffed to 5 seconds simply due to the fact that Enduring was able to work against the Perk.

Then Enduring got changed to where it cannot work with said perk anymore, and the change ultimately remained despite the promise it would eventually get reverted.

Now, as of 6.1.0, the change was reverted and thus Decisive Strike lasts 3 seconds like it originally did.

So to those of you whom are complaining that this Perk is now useless against tunneling, do realize that this change was meant to happen back in 2019 at the very least, but was belated for reasons unclear.

The 5 seconds to 3 seconds change was always meant to happen for years. It finally happened, so don't be complaining about it. Instead, if you're going to use Decisive Strike, pay attention to where you intend to go, and maybe it'll save your ass.

Just don't rely on the perk as a crutch at this point and you'll be able to make use out of it still.


  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333

    So you know you could use this perk before being hooked also?

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    There are better perks to run over DS now, 5 seconds would make it competitive, but even then I don't know if I would run it. The fact it is 3 seconds, definitely makes it a no brainer.

  • Lycidas
    Lycidas Member Posts: 1,170
    edited August 2022

    Lol, you're missing a BIG piece.

    DS's stun used to increase based on the perk's tier: 3 seconds at lvl1, 4 seconds at lvl2, 5 seconds at lvl3.

    Then they decided to remove the interaction with enduring because using a 3 seconds DS againts Enduring meant that the killer was recovering from the stun while the survivor was locked in the DS animation.

    You LITERALLY had the time do take 3 steps, and the killer could hit you again. LITERALLY.

    Plus yeah, DS was always active, you could use it even if you hadn't been hooked and it didn't disable.

    Post edited by Lycidas on
  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    All of this. Even against "regular" killers -- Pigs, Trappers, etc. -- 3 seconds is barely any time at all. If the idea behind DS is for it to be an anti-tunnelling perk (which it definitely turned into over time), then the current nerf to it made it basically unusable (especially when OTR is a thing).

    I'd argue that, while the end game change was warranted, it should activate on both hook states and not just one, especially if the devs are going to leave it at the 3 second stun time. As is, all it seems the devs did was to nuke a perk just to say that they did so, without really giving much thought behind if it even needed to be changed at all.

  • AnchorTea
    AnchorTea Member Posts: 1,019

    Punishing the tunnel broke chases at 5 seconds. 3 seconds just extends them.

    Tunneling and camping got indirectly buffed this patch.

  • Clockwork_Enigma
    Clockwork_Enigma Member Posts: 529

    That could have been an additional intention, but not the main reason why they nerfed it. They saw the perk reworks--and by extent the desire to make them less useful--as a secondary reason to finally revert the change that they made to Decisive Strike three years ago.

    We finally got the reversion that was promised, regardless of the reasoning behind it.

  • Neyar
    Neyar Member Posts: 65

    Tunneling got indirectly buffed. Camping got directly buffed. There isn't a single change that negatively impacted camping, but nearly everything from shorter chases, longer gen times, BBQ incentive to leave the hook removed, monstrous shrine making the basement stronger, etc. all contribute to a huge buff to camping.

  • rydiafan
    rydiafan Member Posts: 22

    With the conspicuous action change DS could stun the killer for 10 seconds and it'd be fine. Hell, make triggering DS uninstall the game on the killer's computer and I'd be OK with it.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    To be fair the killers who dont care about the 3 sec stun also didnt care about the 5 sec stun.

    As an example i typically try to play fair killer more than less. I will generally slug at 5 gens if your on death hook, and typically tunnel by accident or if you piss me off. If you pissed me off i couldnt care less about your ds, I am gonna tunnel straight through that.

    As for the 3 vs 5 sec debate i will say both sides have merit however by changing the perk and reducing its effectiveness (its not worthless, but because of the drop animation maybe 4 sec would be more appropriate), once the dust settles and data is collected we may see other changes to prevent tunnelling at a base level.

    For instance extending the base borrowed time or adding a no exhaustion 2 second sprintburst before the haste kicks in or losing collision with the killer for a few seconds, or 10 seconds of no pain noise, blood, scratch marks and maybe increasing the visability/time to disappear of the unhookers scratch marks.

    Several of these things are already happening with current perks so we can see the effectiveness of them

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,150

    I am one of those killer and feel it should be reverted.

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    I cared enough about a 5 second stun before 6.1.0 enough to try to counter it.

    After, 6.1.0 and chasing down survivors after eating through their endurance if I pick up and get stunned it's like "Oh they have DS" and most often I down them again in under 10 seconds because they just don't have a chance to get anywhere. Most often I am playing Bubba.

    They tried 3 second DS in 2.6.0 and it lasted until 2.6.3, they should know it's bad. Even though Enduring affected it back then not every killer was running Enduring.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,871

    This cannot be true. BHVR told us they knew DS was used so often to help survivors avoid being tunneled out of a game early.

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790

    who cares, 5 seconds wasnt even that bad

    i literally dont care if they revert back to the 5 second change. All I want is to keep the change where it doesn't work end game, that's it.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,197

    With DS deactivating entirely once all gens are done, it would make some sense to revert the stun to 5. Anyone playing killer no longer has that concern that a survivor will use DS for a cheap escape, and if DS is used to deter the act of tunnelling, then it needs to be a viable anti-tunnel perk. I've not used it, but have faced it as killer and it's just a mild inconvenience. Those extra couple of seconds do punish the killer for being greedy, so I'd certainly be for that returning (but keep the deactivation after the final gen - that's a good change).

  • Chadku
    Chadku Member Posts: 729

    It must suck that a get out of jail for free card isn't enough to escape the killer.

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607
    edited August 2022

    It was nerfed again because of the meta and because a bunch of killers feel they are entitled to get a hook if they got someone down. That's why they also complain about bodyblock, flashlight saves, etc. They make their downed state hooked transition harder.

    If only pallet saves worked as intended (the save fails most of the time even when you get the stun points), they would complain about that as well.

    Also, 3 seconds is nothing. And 3 seconds is the gross stun, the net stun is pretty much below 2.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Nah, it was nerfed to prevent free escapes, as they stated. I do not believe they are lying. Heck, barely any killers ever even complained about DS; I was like the only one here and I do not feel entitled to hook if I get a down. No idea where you are getting that from. I have literally never seen that attitude, ever. Not even from the most stereotypical of killer mains.

    I think you are just mistiming the stun. There are iframes until the pickup has completed.

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607

    If it was only an issue of a free escape from the trial, nerfing it at EGC would have been enough. But the cry over the "DS only helps you escape a chase I already won" has been repeated for years.

    Haven't really seen a post from you against it, but we get posts against survivor mechanics to prevent the killer from hooking or getting to the hook every week.

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    Preventing it from working once the gates are powered was the only change it needed to prevent the "free" escapes. Those "free" escapes being when a survivor being downed within crawling distance of getting out an open gate before their DS timer ran out.

    The nerf from 5 to 3 seconds of stun time was an arbitrary nerf designed to reduce its usage rate. A horrible change which greatly reduces it's effectiveness at punishing and deterring tunneling.