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Should I swap out any of these perks? [Hag]

I'm working on getting STBFL 3 and need to at some point unlock Rancor & MYC, on top of the ones shown here I also have Enduring 1 on the other page.
I've been really enjoying Hag thus far but I dont know what would be good

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  • Member Posts: 129
    edited December 2018
    It depends on your play style, but you’ve essentially made a slug build there, with Knock Out and Nurse’s Calling.

    There are a few reasons I don’t recommend it. First of all, you get fewer points even if you do manage to slug and kill all four survivors. Hooking them multiple times will do far more for your points and progression than slugging.

    Second, Knock Out isn’t effective against SWF groups who can tell each other where they are. This ends up working against you if you can’t keep track of your slugs as they crawl away (Deerstalker).

    What I generally recommend are perks that play to Hag’s strengths, which are her ability to transport around the map and small terror radius. You have M&A, which is great for her, but I would swap Knock Out with Make Your Choice (Pig perk). Whenever they set off a trap after a hook save, you have at least one easy one-hit down. Besides that, 60 seconds is a heck of a long time to be exposed for every hook save.

    Next, while Save the Best for Last is really nice at times, the Hag’s ability to port to a tripped trap and immediately strike the survivor make the perk less effective on her than others. This is especially true if you trap loops and can herd survivors into them. Instead, I would recommend something to slow down the pace of the game. Ruin is usually the strongest, which Hag can protect more than most by trapping the totem. But even Thana or even Sloppy Butcher would be better than nothing. It can be argued that Knock Out would slow down the pace as survivors run around the map trying to find the down’ed survivor, but again, ineffective against SWF.

    Last up, Nurse’s Calling is really good on the Hag, particularly with M&A and her tiny terror radius. If you’re only looking for winning matches, it’s a fine perk to stick with, for now. If you’re looking to build points, I’d swap it with BBQ and Chili.

    The reason I said, “for now,” is because Nurse’s is getting nerfed by the addition of Distortion, the DLC perk which hides a survivor’s aura three times per match. What that means for Nurse’s is, instead of you seeing them healing, they see a stack of Distortion getting burned and know you’re close, even without a heartbeat cue.

    BBQ will also be affected, but less so than Nurse’s, as BBQ can potentially burn a stack off three survivors at once.

    Hope that perspective helps. Good hunting.

    Edit: with your currently available perks, I’d change STBFL with Devour Hope, and Knock Out for Ruin.

    I understand not wanting to rely on totems, but again, Hag can defend them reasonably well. But, ultimately, I would strive for a Ruin, BBQ, MYC, M&A build.
  • Member Posts: 230
    Depending on your style for different builds personally I'd suggest this as for me there perks worked great with the hag:

    Monitor & abuse
    Bitter murmur (back-up for when ruin gets destroyed)
    Nurses calling
    Or swop ruin for bbq so that mixed with bitter murmur your always on point an the game goes on till your ready to end it depending on your rank

    And I actually had a few survivors send me a message saying they were ruined with that build as by using the right add ons they start to second guess themselfs an make simple mistakes which works out great for you...
  • Member Posts: 2,959

    FD and trap the dropped items.^^

  • Member Posts: 237

    I would swap out save the best for last and knock out with ruin and sloppy butcher. I see that you don't have sloppy in your load out, but it's not a teachable, so you should be able to get it soon. Ruin couples well with sloppy for slowing down game progression, and even if it's destroyed early, it will likely give you at least enough time to set up your web. That's my standard loadout for her, anyways. Ruin, sloppy, nurses, and M&A. If you want to listen to the "Ruin is a trash perk" people, put on Make Your Choice, but keep in mind that perk is also situational because you aren't guaranteed to find the rescuer. I've never had much luck with it, but I won't deny the conventional wisdom that it suits her well.

    Someone mentioned bitter murmur, and I agree. Bitter murmur can come in a lot of handy, mainly it will tell you when you need to re-orient your web of traps. You can also keep Save The Best For Last if you don't like Ruin.

    Next, while Save the Best for Last is really nice at times, the Hag’s ability to port to a tripped trap and immediately strike the survivor make the perk less effective on her than others.

    Actually, it makes it more effective because she has the potential to gain her stacks very quickly unless it's only the obsession popping traps (unlikely) So, with 8 stacks and tripped phantasm trap, you're not only likely to get a hit, but a down as well.

  • Member Posts: 1,089

    The hag is a princess, and doesn't actually need any perks to play well. I have run her completely naked at rank 1 (no perks and no add-ons)

    The setup I run the most with her currently is actually all Hex Hag.

    Hex Ruin, Devour Hope, Huntress Lullaby, Thrill of the Hunt.

    I know what your thinking "why are you taking all Hex's, they are just going to clear them and leave you with no perks."

    Exactly. They spend the first 2-5 mins hunting for my totems, this lets me set up my run-path traps and get a hook or two. None of those totems can be ignores. Ruin is hated by all survivors, and devour and Huntress are great game changers at 3 hooks+. And you would be surprised how many games, at rank 1, I end with Ruin still on the board, or devour actually working.

    The Princess is all about play style, and taking perks that help yours. I thought the game needed to slow down, so I give the survivors something to do other then the generators. They get points, i get kills.

  • Member Posts: 3,688
    Ruin - She can defend it, and it buys you time to cross the large maps and set a few traps.

    I take sloppy butcher too if you get that. Combines well with M&A and NC.

    STBFK is probably a good one for hag. So many times you need to teleport but you're in an attack cooldown.
  • Member Posts: 72

    @The_Crusader said:
    Ruin - She can defend it, and it buys you time to cross the large maps and set a few traps.

    I take sloppy butcher too if you get that. Combines well with M&A and NC.

    STBFK is probably a good one for hag. So many times you need to teleport but you're in an attack cooldown.

    I don't use Ruin unless I have no other options.

  • Member Posts: 369

    It's a solid build, keep going! :)

  • Member Posts: 462

    If we are talking just an ordinary build with the purpose of grinding BPs, you need BBQ. To slow the games down a bit, you would also want Ruin or at the very least Sloppy Butcher.

    For this reason, in this perpertual BP grind, I always have:
    1. BBQ
    2. Ruin

    Then fill the other two in depending on the killer or what you want. Until you get more, you'd probably be better off with NOED and M&A for now. Once you get more, you could get Make Your Choice, Haunted Grounds, Sloppy Butcher or really whatever other two you wanted.

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