Extra Chapter 1 - Fragments of Brilliance

Z0mbiv0r Member Posts: 322

I'll give a few words first, if you want to start reading the Chapter itself right away, please ignore this post and move onto the next one.

Let me start by introducing -somewhat- myself and this project. I'm a PS5 user who has only been playing for a few months - I started playing this game on May - but love it to the core. I tend to play always as both survivors and killers. Some days I'll play killers only, some days, I'll play survivors only. I'm not a good player, but I don't consider myself bad either. But I love the work Behaviour has put into every aspect of this game. So after investing probably hundreds of hours already, it didn't shock me when I started thinking of new additions, and all these concepts and ideas came to my mind.

And that's what has brought me right here today. For the past few days, I've been working on 14 Extra Chapters, each including at least 1 new killer, 1 new survivor and 1 new map. Some are almost done, some are just concepts, and half of them are a work in progress. One of my main concerns when trying to develop these concepts was to keep the characters balanced, so that Survivors in a chapter will bring perks that can somewhat counter the Killer perks and ability(ies). Also, I've tried to make them fun / interesting / challenging / unique to play as, which is absurdly difficult for me alone, so I've started consulting my best friend, who also happens to play this game often. And even then, it's almost a given that many if not every perk/character in this project will have to be reworked. But I'm counting you for that here.

Obviously this is a selfish thread, since it's born from my need to share my work, but I do hope anyone who reads this is entertained or even better, interested in these concepts. I really much would like to keep honing them, so if, by chance, the devs would read it and feel inspired by any of it, could use it at their will. Anyway, without further ado, I shall begin.


  • Z0mbiv0r
    Z0mbiv0r Member Posts: 322







    The MadMan is a scientist. A crazy one, at that. Obviously inspired by Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - almost copy/pasted, save for a few details, to be honest - he has two different looks, depending on which personality he's displaying at the moment. His 'survivor' alias is Dr. Jeremy Cole, a tall, stooped over man. While in this shape, the doctor looks like another survivor: no terror radius, no red light, and he can't attack either (*1), but cvan temper with gens instead. The animation for this would be exactly the same survivors use, but it would only last for 5 seconds. If successfull, good ol' doc will make the generator regress silently. If another survivor would be repairing the same gen at the same moment, oblivious to the fact that he has a killer right next to him, he will be locked from the action - though he can then instantly resume it if so they wish. Doctor's alter-ego, known simply as 'The Mauler', is a deformed, bulky, bigger version of himself.

    The MadMan is a sabotageur killer, who will be played in two different phases, which can be somewhat controlled. When a player uses the MadMan, 8 small tables with chemicals will be added and randomly scattered throughout the map. These tables can be interacted with by both killer and survivors. The killer will use a 3-second action to use them, replenishing the charges of his ability (more on that later), by holding the same button used to hook/kick gens. Survivors can interact with them by using an 8-seconds action with 3 hard skill checks. If they pass, they will silently alter the chemicals so that when the killer interacts with it, not only they will not replenish their ability uses, but they will be stun for 3 seconds. If survivors fail any skill check, it will explode, crating a loud noise notification and inflicting the survivor with the new 'dizzy' status effect for 10 seconds. Dizzy status effect makes the player's screen display a blurry filter for them, effectively reducing their vision and halving every action speed.


    Every 40 seconds (*2), the MadMan shifts from his 'survivor' alias to the killer one and viceversa, with a 3 second animation. At the start of the game, they will have 5 uses of his ability. By pressing once the ability button, which starts a 1 second animation in which the character injects themselves with a needle, they can extend the duration of their current alias for 15 seconds, which consumes 1 use. By holding the button pressed and consuming 3 uses, they can force shift to the other alias by using the 1 second injecting animation followed by a faster, 1 second animation of, well, shifting.

    While in The Mauler form, they can use the power button to perform three consecutive sweeps (180º in front of him) while slowly advancing (similar to how the Cannibal works), that have slightly higher reach than normal. Cooldown: 50 seconds.


    Concussive Hit - Lunge attacks on hit survivors inflicts 'dizzy' status effect for 6/8/10 seconds. Cooldown: 90 seconds.

    Drive me Mad - Every missed attack while in a 1 meter radius of a chased survivor grants 1 token, up to a maximum of 3/4/5. By pressing X button (or the appropriate for other non PS systems), you can consume 3 tokens to grant you a haste effect for 5 seconds.

    Tantrum - Kicking a gen reverts the progress at half the speed, but blocks other generators in a 40 meters radius for 10/15/20 seconds. Blocked gens that were being repaired are showed with a yellow aura. Cooldown: 100 seconds.

    That's the killer for you. I've tried to create a killer who plays a mix of sneaky, confusing role, while also allowing some moments of vicious violence. His perks would allow to put pressure on the survivors and make up for some mistakes.

    *1: Another option suggested by my friend would be to allow the survivor alias of the MadMan to stab survivors, making it a very small reach attack which could only make them go down to Injured, but not make them agonizing.

    * : Also another suggestion would be to eliminate the shifting timer altogether while reducing the number of uses to 2, and making it only possible to force shift at will.

    The survivor and map will be added shortly in another post.

  • Z0mbiv0r
    Z0mbiv0r Member Posts: 322
    edited August 2022

    I'm back after a lunch break to continue this chapter. I wanted to add that I'm also aiming for synergy between perks, so I tried to design them this way: Do they work well together just the three of them? Do they work together by adding another one? Is there any other perks that does the same? I haven't done research on already existing perks so the answer to the last question may be 'yes' in some cases, but I surely hope not. Anyway, on to...



    Jennifer was the daughter of a wealthy man who usually funded doctor Jeremy researches and experiments. Though she herself disliked the doctor, Jeremy became unhealthyly attracted to his sponsor's daughter.

    Jennifer was a cheerful young lady who liked to wear formal, elegant, expensive clothes. Alas, she and her father did not see eye to eye. Her way of rebelling against his oppresive, authoritary dad was by refusing to use his money and assets. That usually meant relating to several, different individuals. Some say she was even seen entering the doctor's 'residence' once...


    Unhealthy Attraction - This perk greatly increases your chances to be the killer's obsession at the start of the trial. Whenever the killer is in chase of a survivor who is not the obsession, but the obsession is within a 10 meter radius of the killer, the killer gets 'Killer Instinct' effect status on the obsession alone for 3 seconds, while the obsession is inflicted with 'exposed' for 10 seconds. Survivor are granted a buff of 8/16/24% base speed to repairing and healing for 15 seconds. Cooldown: 120 seconds.

    Quick Recovery - You obtain haste status effect for 5 seconds when inflicted with Hemorrhage, Dizzy or Deep Wound and recover from them 8/12/16% faster.

    Quality over Quantity - Held items are 10/15/20% more effective but are depleted 5% faster.

    That's Jennifer Holloway for you. On to the new map. Oh, I'd like to mention that english is not my mother tongue, so I guess sometimes it can be hard to understand what I meant. If so, please let me know. Also, I'm awful at describing, which is a pretty random info but it means... just don't expect much from the maps section. I'll try to give a general feeling of how I visualize it, but it will be awful, most likely.


    This would be a map heavily set on a basement. Imagine your ordinary building with a basement which has windows connecting to the pavement. So this would be the place where Dr. Jeremy lives and conducts his researches, all paid by Jennifer's dad. Anyway. I'll try to organize it a bit. I imagine a rectangle. In the southwestern/central area of the map there would be several rooms with scientific tools and chemical ingredients, most of them filled with tables, throwned chairs, documents scattered around. On the west side of the southern wall and most of the eastern wall there would also be some windows shedding some dim, white-ish light coming from the street above, but the western wall would be mostly a pretty dark area. On the mid southern wall there would be some stairs leading outside to a small garden-like area, on a very cloudy day. This garden-like area would be like an L-shape, but the L should be rotated 90º left. There would be another exit to the garden in the southest point of the eastern wall. As we go near the center part of the map there would be more empty or chaotic storage rooms, with long, narrow hallways. To the northwestern part of the map we would find a staircase leading up to the First Floor - the staircase would keep going up, but the path is blocked -, where Dr. Jeremy's residence actually is. Now this would be a 'common' house as to layout, but I imagine it as a very old house with poor lightning and wallpapered. Some holes in the ground would lead to the basement and some windows would be open to let survivors jump to the garden.

    Edit: Spelling mistakes.

  • Z0mbiv0r
    Z0mbiv0r Member Posts: 322

    I see this apparently didn't interest anyone, so I give it a little bump and also ask, is it not interesting or maybe just a damn brick to go through? I have 13 more chapters I was thinking on sharing (though I've seen already some pretty good concepts around here) so I'm wondering what is it that interest you the most? Characters? Perks? Lore? Killers or survivors?

  • pimin
    pimin Member Posts: 51

    all right... let's see here. going part by part.

    The Power: I'm sorry this is just hard to understand for me on how it works. this power is so open ended with very little specifics I can latch onto to understand.

    Overall not a wholly bad Idea. There's just something somewhat wrong with the premise that doesn't translate to gameplay correctly. I can say with a fair amount of certainty that the Devs have tried and looked into a Killer that disguises as a survivor as a possibility as far back as Legion. It did not work out well for them. Your idea could work with it being a stance change system like it's reading to be, but it requires the work to put into the outfit to read as either side. this idea has actually been around the block a few times and this presents really nothing new to the equation. This can be changed and experimented with.

    there's also a slight thing about terminology here. because dbd is very term heavy in how it works defining and using new terms becomes a must.

    Dizzy is... frankly useless at short durations. Generally speaking a good survivor knows the pathways of the map they're in without really needing to see perfectly clearly, so the only real remaining effect of halved action speeds is not going to matter in the circumstances that it's applied in so far. why not have this Killer focus around it. selling a General Debuff to this group is better done if the Killer or survivor it's introduced with has ways to show it's uses. whether through Perks or the Power.

    I'd Say that is enough about that. The Perks for Both sides here. a lot more of this is specifications than anything as some parts are missing. and you seem to have a small habit of stepping on other perks a bit too much.

    Concussive Hit: The Numbers for the cooldown are too short. put it up to min 20 max 30 and it's much better and useable by the other killers

    Drive me Mad: this is probably the best designed one seen so far but I think it should immediately activate after getting the 3 tokens and play around that. letting you change the tier up effect for better effects. 1 meter is too small. 3 meters is what you want (Pallets sit at about 2 ish meters wide)

    Tantrum: this works fine maybe reduced cooldown to 60 seconds so it can be used more with other perks.

    Unhealthy Attraction: This is not a Perk any person would run in their life if it was in the game as it is now. there is too much unnecessary risk for so little of a reward. the wording here is also extremely awkward. who gets the buff and why is it so short? why is there a cool down?

    Quick Recovery: Remove that recovery speed thing (Vigil already does this better) and instead say all debuffs and this perk works so much better as a synergy based ability.

    Quality over Quantity: I'm not averse to it but it's meh. Streetwise is better than it (by a whole 5% with no downsides). since this one is personal give it bigger effects and it should work out.

    just to preface. I like looking at concepts and making them even, but sometimes the things I see here end up misunderstanding the power of selling your ideas. I'm frankly not sold on a lot of the ideas I see here if they don't wow me with the power. The Power is where you sell the Killer's Identity the most, whereas the Perks are the part that's more general. Meanwhile the Survivor's perks are what has to sell them. you need to be out there with your ideas. sure keep the perks balanced but let the Killer do a lot more than swing their weapon with their power if you can help it. I'll review the rest. if anything in the game changes, be prepared to understand how that effects our viewing of what is balanced. The Dev of the game decide what's balanced.

    sorry about any harsh words. there's about to be a huge shift and we need to prepare which is stressful.

  • Z0mbiv0r
    Z0mbiv0r Member Posts: 322

    Wow! Thanks a lot, pimin! That's actually really helpful in every way. Thank you for taking your time to go across all that text and giving me much needed insight on both the concept and the... Edition, I guess.

    I apologize for my inability to correctly express my thoughts. You clearly gave me something to focus on before going on with the remaining chapters. I'll give it another go and keep next chapters simpler in structure.

    Again, thank you, really. I appreciate it.