these new changes are bad

Pain Resonance got the interuppt back but still doesn’t have a notification to compensate, DMS got its timer reduced to 20/25/30 so now DMS fixes the notification loss from Pain Resonance at a cost of slowing the game down by 20/25/30 seconds
MoM is now completely useless as after taking two protection hits you can only activate it if you don’t do anything useful, and the killer can stop it from activating by ignoring you until you lose your aura in which congrats the killer knows where you are currently at while injured
Thana’s change is literally just pre-nerf thana but you have to put more effort into getting all of its progress, making it only useful on the killers who can hit multiple targets quickly, or make people broken so you’ll never need it on any killer that can’t do that now
these are changes should be in a PTB cause none of these changes are fully done cooking yet, put it in and took it out within seconds the perk is still raw
I am all in for Thana nerf. It is too strong and now it still can be strong but Its very limited.
MoM idk why they nerfed.
I am not big fan of return of Pain Res + Dead Man combo.
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I promise you, the thana nerf is probably only gonna work if survivors are broken now, so basically its useless on anyone who can’t hit multiple survivors or make multiple survivors broken
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Why on earth are they bringing back Pain Res+DMS? Bringing back a stupid perk combo because it brought about a different stupid perk combo? It's like they have to keep a finite amount of unfun things in the game at all times.
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I don't think anyone minds them looking into Thana but currently 1 injured survivor is 5.5%, the change makes it so 3 survivors are 6% which is a whole 0.5% for hitting an additional 2.