Forfeit option for the last survivor

I understand why they would not want a forfeit option in the game, but In my opinion it is now necessary. With the new balance, it is becoming more and more common that Killers get far ahead and start messing around, BMing or "punishing" survivors they don't like. I know why they won't do this for survivors (plural) but what of the last survivor? If the killer won't end the match and you have no chance at getting out, why do players have to alt-tab to watch youtube until the game kills them to keep what was earned during the match?


  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    You can do gens.

    Be in a chase.

    Get slugged.

    Get hooked.

    Get killed.

    Why would you want to forfeit? Worst case scenario you die in a few minutes.