Should there be some sort of safe zone to stop killer tunneling?

jmac6479 Member Posts: 3

I love the game and I will continue to love it but little things like face camping and killer tunnelling make it very unsatisfactory to play when you get taken off the hook and immediately smacked down and hooked again

Should there be some sort of safe zone to stop killer tunneling? 34 votes

WandapandaTonyDesfoJjjohnson1219 3 votes
GibberishTapeKnotF60_31RaptorrotasChordycepsMrPenguinMattie_MayhemOGgaydavidkingaeonskulUndershotSuzuKRFobboMarc_go_soloAdjathaBasementDwellerViktor1853GuiltiiThatOneDemoPlayerAlex_[Deleted User] 31 votes


  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814
    edited August 2022

    A more reasonable proposition might be: should survivors go to a 'waiting zone' after they're unhooked, so that they can't participate in the game for 20-40 seconds? They don't get tunneled off the hook and the killer has to go find them again once they come in, but they're not working on gens so the killer isn't being wildly overwhelmed by unkillable players sitting on gens and running to "home base" at their leisure.

    But people would still complain regardless.

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 932


  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,354

    This would not work.

    Would be another game.

  • jmac6479
    jmac6479 Member Posts: 3

    I mean something along the lines of unhooked survivors getting the endurance status effect for 3-5 seconds without having to waste a perk slot on protecting themselves from face campers.. the effect only needs to last long enough that the immediate hit doesn’t just knock you back down again

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,695
  • VicRatlhead
    VicRatlhead Member Posts: 75

    Yeah the built in mini borrowed time is pretty good.

    There is a reason why you get points for a safe unhook. Don't do it while the killer is there. I mainly play artist and I can't count how many times I take the time to kick the nearby gen and send out my crows and some idiot is already sprinting in. I'm sure they blame me for camping but 10 more seconds and I'm usually long gone because I make it a point not to camp.

    Now they could discourage camping by increasing gen speeds if the killer is too close to a hook. I think that's the main downside to slowing the gens. Camping isn't as much a hazard as it was before. Still easy to get a min 2k by face camping.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 2,990

    What would discourage a survivor from just sitting in the safezone all game and taking the match hostage?

    I think camping and tunneling shouldnt be promoted, but this isnt the way to do it, there are definitely ways it can be abused.