Don’t think new MoM changes will go through

Four words: old Object of Obsession.
Betting the devs didn’t consider that.
The creativity of our community always amuses me lol
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The difference is you are dedicating 2 perk slots to it, you have to take 2 protection hits, and then you can't do anything else.
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Your useless teammate procs MoM quicker and gets back to actually being useful by doing gens. What is everyone so upset about?
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Which changes?
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True; however, the information can make up for not repairing gens (especially in the case of a trapping killer). They can call out the killer’s every step in chase too, then decide when they need to draw aggro and take a hit from a survivor being chased that’s about to go down.
MoM is being reworked. You can read more about it, and other upcoming changes, here:
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No one is upset, this thread is about... maybe an actual "abuse" of a perk? although all it does is what it meant to do.
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bond, open handed, mettle of man, object of obsession
You are now a radar.
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Alternatively, Empathy for tracking injured teammates (namely, those in chase) and another perk of your choice!
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Ground control to Major Trapper, we have eyes on you Major!
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Considering there's been absolutely zero positive feedback about these changes I hope they are scrapped before a ptb even begins
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Well, I think most reasonable players don’t want Thana to stay in its current state, and would rather see the proposed nerf than what we have now. Self included. Also not entirely against the MoM change.
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They should add another condition to Thana so it doesn't become useless when someone dies.
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I think how someone else in the feedback area suggested a lower overall value - but growing in additive power for each injured, dying, or hooked survivor - would be good (they proposed 2/6/12/20%, based on the number of unhealthy survivors). The perk is still going to be annoyingly strong on Legion and Plague, and I don’t see BHVR reworking either of those killers anytime soon (if ever).
You’ve already got massive value out of Thana if a survivor is out of the match. It’s always lost power when a survivor dies. I’m honestly not even happy that it counts hooked survivors, since it empowers camping (you can get slowdown just for preventing an unhook/facecamping).
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Well, at least it's not that other suggestion that thana effect for the dead person should remain in the game and affect the other 3. haha
I would say it counts hooked survivors because you're injured before being hooked most of the time. Unless it's a grab. That shouldn't count towards the % unless they consider that the hook also injures you.
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Calm Spirit's so-called buff made it through so...
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I mean. The Calm Spirit nerf went through.
Also, MoM + OoO wouldn't work since you would lose it as soon as you do anything.
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Current MoM and object work together already, and is a lot stronger as you can heal yourself up, work on gens, and still have the effect.
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Yeah they will revert MoM chang...
But they didnt reverted Calm Sprit nerf, Billy nerf, Self Care nerf, Botany rework even after most of people complained about.
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Probably because something to do with the fact none were technically game breaking.
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What PTB? Those changes go live either today or thursday with 6.1.2
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didn't expect it to be abrupt
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At least thats how it looks like
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Old OoO wouldn't be that bad if the game becomes a 1v3 because of it.
Remember that doing anything usefull removes the endurance/aura
I honestly like the change. Gives us a change to combat tunneling ourself instead of hoping your solo q teammate brought anti tunnel perks
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It's actually better and more usable in soloQ.
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True, but three protection hits and healing up takes a lot longer to proc. At least safely. Doesn’t it not trigger the aura reading unless you use its effect too currently or no?
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I mean, you can do that with the current MoM and OoO, even tho it takes longer, you can actually progress the game, which I think is more valuable than to have this information and not be able to do anything.
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So yeah, about that.....