does pain resonance and dead man's have to be changed because of merciless storm?

deckyr Member Posts: 795

okay, so. pain resonance allowed merciless storm to continue proccing for "40 skill checks" under the right circumstances.


question one: does that need to change?

sometimes things go bad for the survivors all at once, and that's okay. sorry that this can happen, but at the same time, dramatic moments like this can cause a lot of tension. tension is where the fun comes from.

question two: why does pain res need to change because of merciless storm's skill checks?

if merciless storm getting extra duration is the problem, then why not limit the maximum number of skill checks that merciless storm can give? why change pain res?

the update notes leave me with more questions than answers. please don't do that after such a good midchapter lol.

my suggestions are obvious. either don't worry about it because it's cool and funny, or put a limit on merciless storm to futureproof it to a maximum duration or number of checks.


  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    No, it didn't need changed because of it.

    It's a very rare interaction, that at worst causes the gen to be blocked once per trial for 20 sec.

    Either leave it be, or change Merciless itself, which also prevents other problematic interactions.

    Once per trial per gen, when repairs get to 90%, Merciless activates for 15 sec (or whatever you want, currently default for a solo repair is 9 sec). You get the barrage of skill checks and if you miss, or leave the gen before the perk deactivates, it gets blocked. If you complete the gen, the perk deactivates, same as it does currently.

    I know, too logical and complicated. Let's deal with it by changing another perk instead and resurrect a combo that was specifically targeted for nerf in the very previous patch.

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    No no merciless storm PR interaction was a huge problem (no it wasnt lol)

    We will reluctantly accept PR and DMS working again i guess :/ (hehehe pr/dms my beloved)

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,090

    Having to hit the Merciless Storm skill checks doesn't stop the gen from progressing, right? It keeps progressing as you're hitting them? If so, I'm not sure why people are saying even this rare interaction is too crazy.

  • Lycidas
    Lycidas Member Posts: 1,170

    Or leave it like it is

    Their current solution to "solve" the problem is forcing the worst case scenario without giving you the possibility to TRY and deal with the MS skill checks

    It didn't need to be changed, especially when doing so brings back an interaction they wanted to remove in the first place, and they had to nerf another perk because of that

  • deckyr
    deckyr Member Posts: 795

    i'm glad we all feel the same way (except @Dead_Harder who i hope is living their best life lmao. slay queen). it just feels like such a miss for me.