

Why is David King a survivor?

Member Posts: 25
edited August 2024 in Lore

So in the Lore stream a while back they talked about how the Entity chooses the killers for its realm, it can see within one the potential for there ruthless abilities to slaughter fellow men. So I am curious as to why David King is a survivor. In his lore he is a bruiser, going out with friends to drink and get in fights (similar to Alex in A Clockwork Orange). It is shown that he is aggressive and actively seeks the opportunity to fight others, these are characteristics one would most likely find in a killer. One would think that the Entity would take advantage of this behavior and choose King as another killer to lurk in the fog to kill survivors with a smile on his face, pleased to do the work for the Entity. Instead he is another, relatively defenseless, survivor who cannot even throw a punch at his assailant.

What do you guys think about it?

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 1,256

    Like Raven said, he might be violent and aggressive, but he was a debt collector after rugby. You don't get paid for killing people.
    Just about every killer has had murderous intent (even Rin and Lisa, Rin being attacked by her father and wanting revenge, and Lisa wanting revenge against her captors). David's just aggressive.
    As for the not fighting thing, again, like Raven said (very simply). We don't know how long he has been in the Fog. How do we know he didn't try to put up a fight when he first met a Killer?

  • Member Posts: 1,187
    He may be aggressive, however he will defend his friends. Might be why
  • Member Posts: 25

    Nice input, some nice food for thought. I really like what Raven said, I would like to see what happened when David first encountered a killer in the fog.

  • Member Posts: 4,172

    @Alien said:
    Nice input, some nice food for thought. I really like what Raven said, I would like to see what happened when David first encountered a killer in the fog.

    The Entity also drains your Hope, perhaps it also drains your Will and Strength.

  • Member Posts: 1,714

    @Rebel_Raven said:

    Killers are also supernaturally strong, so a physical fight would probably be about as suicidal. 

    Not the sorry-ass non-threatening scrawny weakling known as "The Legion". Pfffft

  • Member Posts: 74

    As others have stated, there is a massive difference between being a street thug and a murderous sociopath, but I don’t think that’s the reason King is a survivor. I think the reason is because King has a heart of gold. His perk “We Will Live Forever” promotes altruism and suggests something about his mentality. So even for a thug he has some kind of moral code.

    As for the why, my theory is diversity. The entity wants an eclectic bunch of folk.

    It is a little strange he can’t brawl proper with Freddy, Piggy, or the new crew “Legion” though. Maybe leg-sweep the Wraith? Maybe the entity saps his strength?

  • Member Posts: 18
    As far as we know all the survivors are "good people" that don't want to kill anybody

    Exept bill he literally left a guy for dead to save his group

    (Get it? Bill... Left for dead... I'll leave now)

  • Member Posts: 3,278

    @Condorloco_26 said:

    @Rebel_Raven said:

    Killers are also supernaturally strong, so a physical fight would probably be about as suicidal. 

    Not the sorry-ass non-threatening scrawny weakling known as "The Legion". Pfffft


    Doesn't matter, they both have their different styles, maybe this can influence you?

  • Member Posts: 1,714

    Not meaning to disrespect the memory of that unfortunate young man, but 4 guys ganging up on at most a bantamweight is not exactly the epitome of "supernaturally strong". That is the worst cowardly act. I hope prison treats them accordingly.

    I guess they wouldn't have even tried that on Fury, AJ, Lennox or Bruno, seeing that you're into the british boxing scene.

  • Member Posts: 128

    To answer the topic question: To show that no matter how strong you are, you are still fodder to the killers.

  • Member Posts: 351

    It would be awesome if David could fight back, which technically he could, however, the entity prevents him from doing so meanwhile she buffs the killers with supernatural strength. It would be awesome though if someone made a DBD movie and showed David being able to fight back and save the others. Imagine seeing a defenseless person about to get murdered and then BOOM, David just tackles the killer Rugby style and brawls with them while telling the others to go.

  • Member Posts: 155

    Using this logic, then what about Plague/Adiris? The only "violent" attempt she had was cutting off a toe so someone wouldn't be able to get the plague. Adiris never had any violent intentions and actually left her home so people wouldn't get sick since Adiris had the plague. Using your logic, Adiris should be a survivor and not a killer.

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    I have my own theory about this, and how ALL the survivors and killers are within the Entity's realm.

    Tl;dr? Everyone's dead and their spirits are being held by a malevolent spirit of Purgatory, aka the Entity.

    How did David wind up in here then? Simple. He chose the wrong fight one day. Got done in by someone who could hit harder, or like the "coward punching" cases in Australia, took a hit in just the right spot for it to knock out, resulting in a fall and skull fracture, leading to death, or outright killed him.

  • Member Posts: 143

    I think a key factor is that Adiris realized just before dying that her actions had unknowingly helped spread the plague across the land, so she was in a very bad spot when the Entity reach to her. And remember, Adiris basically believes that the Entity is the God that she prayed and served all of her life, so even if she didn’t have a killer instinct, she obviously has a willingness to kill for the Entity, believing perhaps is her duty or penance for failing before.

    David is violent and a bit of an #########, but from what we know of him, he is also not a bad person. He has morals and his perks shows how he is ready to sacrifice himself for others, but he was also never in such a vulnerable position like the Plague or other Killers, that gave the Entity a chance to turn them. So, because David has no motive or reason to kill people for the entity, so he is left as a survivor for now.

  • Member Posts: 1,256

    Look at the date I posted that. Then compare it to when Adiris came out.

    Adiris being a Killer has confused me to no end, and I even say on my Killer Timeline post "WHY DID THE ENTITY TAKE ADIRIS??? NEVER ONCE DOES SHE KILL SOMEONE!!!" (you can go look for yourself, it's on the second page of Lore).

    I think Khorzad has it right though. She was desperate, and the Entity heard her prayers. She was given eternal life and new powers, in exchange for sacrificing deceivers to her god (Babylon had about a couple hundred, so which one is a bit hard to determine).

  • Member Posts: 155

    Damn I didn't realize you posted that last year, sorry about that.

  • Member Posts: 6

    No he was the one who was left for dead and he chose to sacrifice himself

  • Member Posts: 3,703

    I bet it's all a charade and Dave's a big softie at heart.

  • Member Posts: 2,396

    He is a survivor because the Entity feeds on the hope that Meg has every time she gazes upon David’s sweaty torso.

  • Member Posts: 550

    Just imagine his confusion when he punches the crying little girl with three missing limbs and nothing happens

  • Member Posts: 43

    I do have ideas on why he is so aggressive and why the entity might want him to be a survivor instead of a killer, but I'll spare it this time and just say he likely went through a lot of ######### which might have enforced a natural will for control and hope in surviving whatever he does which could be perfect for the entity. As much as I remember the entity feeds on hope and likes its survivors suffering and David has no means to want anyone innocent to get killed. Somewhere ingame I think I've read he rather likes to protect "the smaller guys" which are survivors in this case.

  • Member Posts: 49

    I think it's likely because his capacity for hope and his desire to protect others creates emotions far stronger than his violent and aggressive nature would. To quote the end of his second tome, "He's never felt so good, so free, so euphoric in his life. He lets the feeling flow past him like a gentle breeze and gets the sense that he's been born again, or born for the first time, and that before this night he had merely existed as a cardboard cut-out with little self-awareness except for the fear that had come to rule his life."

    This and his desire to protect others is why he's a survivor. Perhaps if he never accepted himself and was taken, he'd make a better killer than survivor, but the emotions gained from killer David would be as strong as survivor David. We know the entity can see the potential to be a killer in someone, as it did with spirit vs her dad, so it also stands to reason it can see the potential to be a survivor as well, and saw greater potential in him as a survivor than a killer.

  • Member Posts: 269

    Who knows - there's always a chance to see an alternative version of David (or another survivor) as a killer

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