Why in the name of humanity auto aim exists?

for real bhvr

Wth is this


you know that auto aim is awful and you ain't doing #########. You are just changing perks that are ok or nobody uses or making the game unbalance or make changes THAT LITERALLY NO ONE CARES or doing other things just to make us forget about something.

Prioritise some things. You are not listening to the community.

Did anybody asked for nerf MoM. Change movements. Change grades? Change literally everything to worse. And I am gonna say it again. The bug with the status effect is still in this thing and you are pretending that you don't know it. Ok

Prioritizing garbage things rather than listening to the community or doing things to make this game better is not the key to make this game better

Bug by daylight. That is the real name

Thank you


  • _kostas_pap_207
    _kostas_pap_207 Member Posts: 453

    I mean some changes are necessary and some other completely dogshit but bhvr needs to prioritize some things and everyone knows it. And first of all this damn auto aim

  • Tsela
    Tsela Member Posts: 524

    As far as I know auto aim only exists on consoles? Or am I wrong?

  • _kostas_pap_207
    _kostas_pap_207 Member Posts: 453

    Yeah it's on every platform. Bhvr just want us to break our gaming setup

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I get the sense that aim dressing is one of those things where it makes some things look or work better but when it occasionally makes you hit a rock or car or whatever it’s super obvious and annoying. So it’s probably in the game for a legitimate reason and when it’s working properly we don’t even realize it did anything but has the side effect of making glaring mistakes sometimes and those are what we actually notice.

    But what the technical reason is for why it does what it does is over my head. 🤷‍♂️

  • Tsela
    Tsela Member Posts: 524
    edited August 2022

    I'm not sure about it. I remember they were talking about auto aim, quite long ago, years in fact, and they were quite specific that it only exists on consoles because of the usual reasons about people being clumsy with a controller. Unless that was changed. But I don't remember any patch that changed this. And I don't notice any sort of auto aim when I play

  • huntressmain03
    huntressmain03 Member Posts: 120

    Sometimes it's not something you notice, but when you play a lot of DbD you notice it a lot easier. The clip shown by OP is also on PC, I notice it constantly on PC too. They can say it doesn't exist, but it's coming from the same devs that said cross-progression was coming to the game for console and PC over 2 years ago...

  • Tsela
    Tsela Member Posts: 524
    edited August 2022

    I see. so you don't believe them.

    Well in any case since I don't notice any of it, and I have been playing for years (with shorter or bigger pauses since I do work for a living and raise kids), I do believe them. Unless there was some sort of change recently which I don't know anything about, and I have yet to see it in my own game.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    At this point you can't really claim aim dressing doesn't exist on PC when there's been so many instances of it.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Here is what a dev had to say about it.

    "It is the case. To explain:

    Auto aim gives you a hit you otherwise would not have gotten.

    What happens in DBD is that the game recognizes that you've gotten a hit by checking a cone shaped area in front of you for survivors, then pulls you towards them to make it look like you'd expect (so your weapon actually makes contact). It will not give you a hit unless you actually aimed at them. Basically it dresses it up after the fact.

    That's not to say that it can't cause a hit that should have connected to miss- I'm not trying to convince you that it doesn't happen- but it's not "auto aim" or "aim assist".

    EDIT: Just noticed the other part of the question.

    It is not there to hide lag. To hide lag, you would have to predict their movement and move the killer on their screen in advance. This is not the case. If there's a lot of latency between you two, the killer will appear to miss wildly regardless. As the killer, you have the authority over hits. It's not compensating to help you out. What you see is what you get. It's purely just to make your hits more visually appealing." - Peanits

    I still don't understand though because there are moments where I could almost be touching a survivor, swing, and miss due to this. It makes no sense.

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    And all of that made sense way back when survivors moved slower and didn't have a bunch of different techs in their arsenal.

    Nowadays it just causes more misses that would've hit and is one of the things that extends chases past what it should be. If you want to help killers reduce chase times, maybe remove that first, because it happens at least once every match.

    I'd much rather have my swings actually hit where they're supposed to and look ugly, than miss while 'looking nice'.

    It's an old system that needs to be removed that serves no real point now, but they refuse to fix because of the work it requires. Much like how pips and depips still exist.

    It's laziness is all it is

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    I was planning to post the same clip you already did when I saw the title :p I know it's an extreme example but jfc

  • PlaysByShady
    PlaysByShady Member Posts: 590

    It definitely exists on PC, I've lost many a hit where I've just hit random terrain that I wasn't even aiming for. It's completely ridiculous.

    It was there only to make the hits look like they connected properly... but I'd rather have pokos looking hits than hits that are nullified because the game decided to arbitrarily play for me

  • _kostas_pap_207
    _kostas_pap_207 Member Posts: 453

    Guys not matter what bhvr does we only get auto miss

    And auto aim is on all platform. You posted billions of comments about this damn

    I am from ps4 and it happens a lot

    I see pc players getting caught also

    Nintendo x box

    EVERYTHING. It's on every platform

    And bhvr doesn't really care. Sometimes you are getting hits that should not hir and sometimes it can destroy your match

    But when I am survivor killers never get caught by this damn auto aim. Only when I play killer. Fook

  • MrJack20252
    MrJack20252 Member Posts: 390

    i'm on pc and aim assistance is the thing i hate the most in this game

  • Dogma_loki
    Dogma_loki Member Posts: 436

    Nothing to see here, just standard DBD hits. The only thing missing is the killer standing over you and beating their chests just to rub it in.

  • JakeCannon
    JakeCannon Member Posts: 542

    Mix the auto dressing with a surv doing a 360 & wiggle butt technique and it's just a whole lot of confusion

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    Hey, I need auto aim, I legit depend on it for some of my hits, then laughing at how stupid (understatement) it is

  • _kostas_pap_207
    _kostas_pap_207 Member Posts: 453

    Yeah very mixed #########

    Don't know what to tell about this thing. Bhvr really has this feature in the game for a 50 50 chance of hitting survivors

    Don't know the logic behind it

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,893

    Auto aim blows. I can't how many times I've lost a hit/down to it, definitely more than I'd care to count. It's certainly given me more than a few hits, but often not the ones I was trying for. Or lands a hit on a random piece of geometry, which is usually how it goes.

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    Wdym, auto-aim is amazing. You can hit literally everything but the survivor you wanna hit xd