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Survivor isn't weak

AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012

SoloQ is sure as hell extremely weak and needs help

but survivor is far from weak, if survivor was weak as everyone says

wouldn't bully squads and clicky clickies poof away?, i still meet a lot of them, i mean most of them tend to turn off their brains so basically a free game if u play any killer that isn't M1 and play with certain perks

SWF would also feel weak if survivor was week, yet they still give so much pressure, not as much but still almost the same

some perks didn't need to get butchered or even touched like MoM

but again the devs are keeping their eyes on every perk that is being overused or being a bit broken and literally killing them

-here lies Thana and Ruin, may they rest in peace and never be used again thanks to EVERY DAMN LEGION

and survivors could help the devs understand the game better if stopped dc or afking after getting hooked once


  • AcelynnBen
    AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012

    never i actually agree that survivor needs a bit of a buff but is not COMPLETELY weak as everyone says

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,428
    edited August 2022

    Why do you need someone to tell you the killer is on them to work on a gen?

    Expecting THAT is actually the problem. Any competent experienced player knows they need to be on a gen, not wait until someone is being chased.

    Meanwhile my team and I are talking about a job promotion someone just got and what I had for lunch.

  • mischiefmanaged
    mischiefmanaged Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 374

    I feel this should be obvious but in a PvP game it's inevitable you will run into players who are better than you at the game and this will sometimes feel like they are "bullying" you. In these types of games, it will feel like "survivors are too strong" or "SWF is broken" (even though you have no idea if it is an SWF and, if it is, whether being one actually enabled them to do anything or if you just made mistakes while playing).

    This isn't to say anything about the game's balance. I can't know that. But, frankly, neither can anyone on this forum.

  • AcelynnBen
    AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012

    if you played the game enough, you would feel if the other side is an SWF or not, soloQ players will always be disorganized, flashlight saves are rare, nobody will take a hit for the other, and most of the most them will hide or fall for gen perks

    SWF on the other hand, most of the time are together, gens will fly, one person will try to draw you out while the other survivor is healing or doing a gen, will always be hiding near for a flashy save or pallet stun, will take protection hits and will always have BT, and u will feel a pressure when u are chasing one person and 2 gens pop at once, and they tend to either share names, cosmetics or just TTVS

  • mischiefmanaged
    mischiefmanaged Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 374

    Um... I play the game a lot?

    And the things you're describing that SWF does just kind of sounds like normal gameplay? I just played a solo queue match where a Nancy was following the killer around after I got unhooked and did a flashlight save because I was getting tunneled. She seemed to be doing that a lot of the game because I saw her do it multiple times. I've also gone and taken protection hits. In one match I played today, one of the survivors was dead on hook, injured, and in a bad spot. I hadn't been hooked. Me, knowing that them dying means we won't be able to finish the generators, I attracted the attention of the killer and got hooked. And, before the last patch, everyone ran BT. And what do you expect survivors to do when they're not being chased? Twirl around and do a little dance? Generators get done. I also played a game once with a friend, so we were only two, where we saw the other two were wearing the same David cosmetic from the Rift. So we both switched to David and used the cosmetic because we thought it was funny.

    You're describing the normal gameplay loop at a mid to high level in this game. That's not SWF that's just the game. It kind of sounds like you're just saying that anyone who has a passable understanding of the gameplay loop is automatically in an SWF which, if you put it like that, of course everyone who is good is an SWF! You defined it that way!

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,432

    I was merely using that as a point. Something as simple as "i'm working a gen" is impossible to communicate out without perks.

    The problem is the devs designed this game such that information is a limited resource in the form of "perks" but SWF get literally dozens of these "perks" for free, given that they are simply on coms with each other.

  • mrmann2000
    mrmann2000 Member Posts: 7

    So survivor is weak unless you have 3 friends who only play dbd, got it.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,428
    edited August 2022

    It doesn't make much of a difference to an experienced player. I am not saying Solo Q shouldn't get some form of "This person is doing x" "That person is doing y" "That other person is doing z"... but to the level that you are describing when not even in a common swf group this isn't happening? Nah. The guy talking sounds like he is in panic mode the whole match.

    If you are familiar with maps, totem spawns, perks on the killer side (if you play killer), how a killer is playing (example: they slug a lot) you'll be better prepared for the match. A lot of those pieces aren't going to fall into place even if the teammate is handing out information about killer whereabouts and whether you should be on a gen or not.

    From my experience a lot of Solo Q players lack a lot of that... so my main frustration is them not getting on a gen even when it is something obvious like me being the obsession and the damn bones are rattling the whole time only for me to finally go down and see people crouching around the map because they somehow think the gen is going to bite them.

    In the new meta it has made those frustrations more potent because the pace of the game has slowed down even more at default now.

    I do agree with one thing you said... the devs design perks to act as band-aids while overlooking the problem this creates... like when you can stack on passives of the same exact effect, and not giving the proper PRE-LOBBY information tools such as being able to see perks prior to entering a match... seeing what everyone is bringing to the table. An icon indicating your location per entering the match. Etc etc.

    The game has evolved way too much with perks literally giving survivor location almost for free. You run by a totem? Yep killer saw you with Undying... You are meters from a locker? Yup killer saw you with Darkness Revealed... It's like there is no longer a sense of the killer using their senses and skills to find you. If there is it is very minimal, and even with that too easy on killers with high mobility.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    I agree soloQ needs some kind of communication system, preferably voice, but at the very least a ping system. Now that killers have finally been buffed like they've been needing for a VERY long time, soloQ needs some love. BHVR, please work on a ping system soon, its really only fair.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,432
    edited August 2022

    No, solo queue problems are purely communication. If a SWF group has 2k MMR and a solo queue player has 2k MMR, in theory they should be equally skilled. If anything i'd argue the solo player is probably the better player in terms of mechanical skill due to not having coms. Yet still that solo queue player will lose a significant amount of their games simply due to their team being unable to communicate with each other.

    You also aren't acknowledging how many perks SWF truly get for free simply by being on coms. In fact, they get many other things that you can't even get via perks.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,492

    This was before the patch and the nurse was not using range add ons. Probably was playing more casually whereas survivors were playing like it was championship on stage.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,432
    edited August 2022

    It's not the point that the nurse lost here, that's not what matters here. What matters is the level of coordination these people have when working together. No solo queue team would ever be able to do this without voice chat. Their communication here gives them dozens of perks for free, and many other "abilities" that we could only ever dream of being a perk.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,428
    edited August 2022

    So if solo Q problems are purely communication based, then tell me how come I can bring Kindred and survivors can clearly see that the killer is nearby, yet all huddle around a hook like they're about to have a bonfire, instead of just doing gens? Tell me how communication makes players go from inept to competent. When even with a perk like Kindred which is BETTER than comms could ever do (because it actually shows you real time auras) couldn't even get them to perform efficiently during the match.

    I am acknowledging that there are small advantages that swf teams have. I am just not on the same page as you that they make THAT much of a difference. For reasons I've already explained.

    My swf team usually benefits more from the fact that they have a brain and also that they are more willing to do what others won't. Which is things like taking a hit. Not letting me go to 2nd phase... things that have nothing to do with comms. Reliability isn't a skill, its simply a choice. You can choose to try to be the one who hasn't done one gen meanwhile everyone else has worked on at least one, or the one who could have healed while someone was getting slugged but was too scared to do so. Those are the frustrations I find in Solo Q.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,492

    To be fair 99% of swf can not play with that kind of coordination what they have. Most play just casually.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933
    edited August 2022

    Not even if paid will I ever take seriously a thread with the words "clicky clicky" and "teabag" in them

    Grow up

    Post edited by egg_ on
  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,432

    That is not the point. It doesn't matter how rare it is. It still is overpowered and is why this game can never be balanced properly. Until you fix this, you can't ever buff survivors enough to make solo queue not terrible. They have to bridge the gap.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,492

    Definetely they should try to bring soloQ closer to normal swf. Basekit kindred would help but killers would need something to compensate maybe basekit BBQ and bp bonus back.

  • xEmoGirlxAlexisx
    xEmoGirlxAlexisx Member Posts: 598

    Yes Survivor arent weak i still have some Hard Games as Killer where 1 only get 1k but it feels much fairer and lass frustrating 4 Killers

    Most Survivor that Think Survivor are weak plays Soloq and got carried by old DH so now they need to learn how to Play chases whitout it

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    There is a reason Blights add-ons are still the same and nurse hasn't been reworked. Its because at the high level there needs to be something to deal with good swfs. Just how m1 killers will go against really good swfs and get dominated, solos will go against good blight's and nurse's and get dominated. Not to say it's not possible for either side to win while at these disadvantages.