Suggestion for Thanatophobia change/ rework (focus on plague and legion)

My Idea to keep Thanatophobia viable while also adressing the ez value that plague and legion get from it:


Their courage fades in the face of their undeniable mortality.

Each time you hit a Survivor with a Basic Attack, Thanatophobia gains 1 Token, up to a maximum of 4 Tokens.

Each time a Survivor is healed from Injured to Healthy State, Thanatophobia loses 1 Token.

Each token afflicts Survivors with a stack-able 2/3/4 % Action Speed penalty to Repairing, Sabotaging, and Cleansing, up to a maximum of 8/12/16 %.

"She plays with us and revels in our pain."

This way, Thanatophobia can still provide viable slowdown with a little bit nerfed numbers compared to old thana (pre 6.1.2/6.1.3) while making it so legion and plague can't just easily stab/ infect all 4 players and get full thana value.

Thoughts and opinions are very welcome. Mods and Devs especially <3



  • Grum
    Grum Member Posts: 273
    edited August 2022

    That's certainly a better solution than making it worthless for every killer except the two killers that it was already unbearable on.

  • Grum
    Grum Member Posts: 273

    The idea is to give it decent value for all killers, without giving maximum value to Legion and Plague for simply existing.

  • DreamerSteamer
    DreamerSteamer Member Posts: 34
    edited August 2022

    The 16% is just a suggestion, that can be changed to whatever. Though I think the current 2% per injured person is too weak to justify running this perk, with only a single survivor needing to heal to get rid of the bonus. The main feature of my suggestion was the token system/ basic attacks.

    Btw 16% on the new 90s gens means an extra 17s while pre 6.1 thana meant 20% on an 80s gen resulting in 20s extra, which means, even 16% with new 90s gens would be a nerf compared to pre 6.1.

    Post edited by DreamerSteamer on