

Sadako Buff

Member Posts: 143

So Sadako obviously needs a Buff... She has little to nothing to help in chase. And while I understand that the devs don't want to change the amount of Condemn you need to be moriable, because it is the seven day curse, so it's seven chunks of Condemn, I might have another option to make her stronger.

I just came up with this, so pardon me if it's complete trash, I had no time to think about this in full detail.

Would it be balanced, if Sadako could go through Paletts and/or Vaults while Demanifested? She still would have to Manifest, and they could even tune this down by increasing the time she needs to Manifest, or give her some downside to using this ability. I don't know what this downside could be, my ideas are too uncreative ig, because all I can think of is things like a Movement Speed penalty after doing this or some boring stuff, but maybe theres something better they could do to balance this if needed.

Let me know your opinion.

Sadako Buff 23 votes

Balanced idea
13 votes
Balanceable with downsides
7 votes
3 votes

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  • Member Posts: 357

    That would not help a lot. I think that what Sadako needs is the speed boost Wraith gets when he decloaks. She is slower while demanifested than Wraith, is not fully invisible and becomes slower when she manifests and then goes back to regular speed. She does have the speed boost when comming out of a TV, but in chase that is not that helpful.

  • Member Posts: 59
    Balanceable with downsides

    i dont mind sadako you going thru pallets you need to add a coodown to manifesting and demanifesting (15s?). You also have to increase duration of them (+1s each?) and maybe she should move a bit slower while walking thru a pallet (-10%). so that the surv can make a couple meters distance. Also other aspects of her need buffs like shorter TV cooldown and more

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    I’m undecided on this so far, mainly because I’m trying to figure out the situations where being able to walk through pallets while being unable to attack afterward would be useful. After all, say you’re a survivor and Sadako walks through a pallet toward you. What is stopping you from just vaulting to the other side? (Not even Dissolution works because she has no terror radius while doing this.) She does turn invisible on and off so maybe there’s a chance of doing it while invisible for a second then Manifesting quickly? But it seems likely a survivor would still have plenty of time to vault back over.

    Windows are slightly different because survivors can’t use the same window over and over. So this would give her kind of a weak version of Bamboozle, sort of, maybe?

    Now if she could walk through actual thin walls while Demanifested, sort of like a slow motion Nurse, THAT could be interesting when combined with her stealth to come at survivors from really unexpected directions. I’m not sure going through pallets and windows would do much though, other than looking cool on the screen of course.

  • Member Posts: 143
    Balanceable with downsides

    That is actually very true, and i didn't think of this so far... and i don't even know what to do against this... maybe a pallet that she goes trough is blocked for that duration and 2 to 3 seconds afterward? That would not stop a survivor to play around the loop of the pallet, but it would give sadako the power to ignore godpallets like some of the ones on RPD or so. This might open some interresting playstyles.

  • Member Posts: 52
    Balanced idea

    I like the idea of a killer going through objects a lot. Imagine the mind games. But she mostly needs the wraith speed boost. I guess you could add the speed boost and the going through pallets and vaults together but nerf the speed boost.

  • Member Posts: 75
    Balanceable with downsides

    She'd need to be slowed way down before I'd support much to help her in chase. She can teleport across the map so she's decent at keeping pressure on gens.

  • Member Posts: 143
    Balanceable with downsides

    Well, her teleport is a way to preassure gens, that is true, but it's still not a great thing, as there are other killers doing this better, like dredge. But even if her teleport was good, she has pretty much nothing in chase and that hurts her a lot. So I don't think her teleport makes any difference here.

  • Member Posts: 3,554
    Balanceable with downsides

    Could be balanced but also she needs faster teleporting cool down so survivors would actually do tapes.

  • Member Posts: 1,070
    edited August 2022
    Balanced idea

    Going throug pallets and doors (for spooky appearing) is great, but the idea of moving couple of seconds through it not very valuable, I'd better break it.

    What would really help her in chases is increasing invisibility intervals a little after manifesting. And add newspaper as basekit. That would allow mindgaming in loops other than "2 stones 1 pallet".

    TV cooldown should be lessen too (or make Iri tape basekit). That way she'll faster condemn survivors and be more oppressive, and they finally would have to pay attention to tapes.

    In my last 15 matches I have only one condemned survivor (which I didn't mori because it was more valuable to down two survivors I was chasing), in all matches survivors just took tapes so I didn't bother them doing gens. Of course I'm talking about non-condemn build, but still.

    Another idea is to make Painting basekit.

    All and all, we have everyting we need to buff as addons. We need just a little courage from devs to put them in basekit. No need to drastically change gameplay.

    They buffed Plague's speed while puking and that all, and she skyrocketed from D to A tier, and that's great, and no one say that she's OP.

    PS. Almost forgot: REMOVE STUPID LULLABY! :) Make it mapwide just for atmosphere.

  • Member Posts: 516
    Balanced idea

    Windows for sure, pallets no. But I think Old Newspaper should be basekit as well.

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