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Basekit Decisive Strike

Hi everyone,

I am a killer main and really enjoy playing dbd. I think it would be in the best interests of survivors and killers to nerf camping to make an overall more fun game environment for all player.

In order to deal with the killers who are tunneling, I think we should introduce basekit decisive strike into the game. Here are the proposed specs:

20 seconds of DS after escaping from the hook. (This DS would increase to one minute upon down to make it harder for a killer to wait it out)

1 charge of DS meaning that it only works once per game per survivor.

5 second stun time to give survivors a chance to escape.'

The DS deactivates when a survivor performs a conspicuous action or all the generators are powered.

Doing this would give survivors 20 seconds to escape from the killer and reset. This would make it much harder to tunnel survivors out because a killer would have to spend more time chasing a unhooked survivor just to rehook them making other targets more desireable.

What does everyone else think of this?

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  • Member Posts: 59

    i dont mind but killers may or may not need a buff to balance that. Eg: kicking a gen now insta regresses 5% instead of 2.5%

  • Member Posts: 95

    Yeah, balancing to go along with this would definitely be a good idea! I just feel so bad for survivors now because even though I don't plan to tunnel them, most of the survivors kill themselves on first hook o.o

  • Member Posts: 1,182

    What I don't like about it is it makes bodyblocking insanely strong. Get unhooked? why WOULDNT you body block for the unhooker? You have 5 seconds BT + a free 1 min DS? bodyblocking should be an extremely calculated play not lol I get 2 free health states + a stun and chase reset off the hook.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    Killer's kick time should make equal regress to the time survivor make progress. 2.5% is enough.

    Thing is survivors must have startup animation to make any progress, just 1.5sec, it will make alot different than you ever think.

    • Cant touch Gen mid chase.
    • Anything survivor leave and go back in action (Gen, Heal, Gate, Totem, Chest...) they have to pay 1.5sec; Just a match that these thing happens for 30 times, its already extend the objective time for 45sec
    • 99% Gate will come with risk, when they have to spend 1.5sec to open.
  • Member Posts: 304

    Wait 5 second —> Down Survivor —> Slug —> Chase Unhooker

    2 people not doing gens a 3rd needs to lick up the person on the ground. What’s the problem here?

  • Member Posts: 95

    Yeah, that sounds fair! The boost in time was just a thought to really make sure there was no tunneling, but 30 seconds as it is will still slow down the killer quite a bit!

    I might keep the 5 second stun on the basekit just because it better decentivizes tunneling, but I think 3 seconds could work as well, just anything to make it harder to focus down one survivor!

  • Member Posts: 1,182
    edited August 2022

    That's a terrible trade and assuming BT is in play(what any good SWF will have 2 of and establish who is ssaving who?) Do I magically wait 15 seconds and get an auto down? Unhooking is intended to be a strategic play, not divebomb the hook and save your teammate without sacrificing anything, also unbreakable completely changes this formula

  • Member Posts: 95

    I thought about that as well and I think body blocking would be strong, but wouldn't neccesarily be the best move on the survivor's part. Given that the survivor would have to be down on the floor and that the killer would know about the basekit DS, they could just leave the slugged survivor and move on to the next survivor without losing much pressure. I think being slugged and unable to do anything would make it so survivors would not want to take the second hit.

    Unbreakable might cause the killer to lose a bit of pressure due to this but they would have to use their only charge to pick themselves up meaning there would still be a trade off.

  • Member Posts: 1,174

    Im just thinking of a way to make it not redundant to actually bring DS without over buffing it back to oppressive levels. Kinda like they can't make basekit BT too long without making the perk completely worthless/redundant.

  • Member Posts: 95

    I understand that unhooking is supposed to be a strategic play and I agree that it should stay this way. The basekit DS would just make it harder for tunneling killers or campers to make progress on one survivor. It honestly shouldn't be noticeable for anyone who plays without tunneling.

  • Member Posts: 95

    Yeah, thinking of a buff for normal DS would definitely be painful XD

    It would definitely require some more thought to make sure it was 100% balanced, but I just wanted to get the idea out there!

  • Member Posts: 304

    You’re assuming you’re playing against a SWF? In that case odds are you’re gonna lose regardless unless you play Nurse or Blight with busted add ons. Can’t really use the “what good SWF” argument since they’re the strongest role in the game. Arguably second to Nurse.

    By that logic go Nurse, eat BT and down them instantly. What good nurse let’s survivors get any gens done?

    The majority of the player base is SoloQ. Going off that most SoloQ teams don’t run BT. But let’s say they do then eat BT and down them again. Or run STBFL or mobility killer or ranged killer or Legion since endurance doesn’t stack.

    Who said you HAVE to sacrifice to unhook? I agree hook diving is kind of a problem but 1 for 1ing is extremely boring. Both sides get 0 chase interaction. You just hit them twice and back on hook until you 4K or the survivors give up on u hooking and gen rush you while you stay camping hook. Who would want that lol. If you’re a comp player and take this game way too seriously sure but if you want to have fun why would you camp hooks? Because like you said any good SWF will just gen rush and leave.

  • Member Posts: 1,182
    edited August 2022

    the extremely strong on both ends should be nerfed. The idea of players on comms having free 1 min base DS in addition to anti tunnel and anti camp perks sounds awful. Just like nurse running her best perks is also awful, they should both be toned down. I do think camping protection should be increased & perhaps tunneling as well, but disagree that a 1 min shield is the solution to this issue. I would much rather they buffed the base time of free endurance & reverted the DS stun nerf + give it 2 procs.

  • Member Posts: 304

    They could just remove collision if you get the base DS. That would solve all the problems.

    Is the 1 minute shield that bad? They can’t do any gens except heal. And more than half the killer roster is anti loop so even if they get to one it shouldn’t be too bad?

  • Member Posts: 175

    I agree to an extent, but overuse of DS was one of the issues that caused the last update.I think the steps taken with BT after unhook was a positive change.Tunneling and camping are two words thrown about to lightly imo,I agree it is both frustrating while sucking the fun out the game but then so are survivor elements like body blocking,swf gen rushing etc.There are other perks that get round the DS nerf, coconut has a good video posted on you tube explaining it far better than I would ever attempt to.I think the truth is DS as it was is gone and personally as someone who plays both survivor and killer believe the game is better for it.

  • Member Posts: 1,023

    The coordinated SWF squads will drool all over this change. Shouldnt happen.

  • Member Posts: 95

    They could, you are right! I just think the idea of basekit DS would stop camping and tunneling killers from camping or tunneling as much, or at least make it harder. If basekit DS was balanced right, killers playing the game fairly wouldn't even notice it existed.

  • Member Posts: 244

    I think it should be an item we can find on the stage like in f13. Not base

  • Member Posts: 95

    I agree with you that the game is much better now that DS has been nerfed to the ground. As a killer main, I hated it when survivors would use it at the gate then tbag in my face afterwards.

    I don't necessarily want to implement a really strong basekit version of DS. I just want to implement something that really punishes people who actively try to camp or tunnel so that it makes it less rewarding. Thats why I think adding a weaker basekit DS on top of basekit BT might discourage camping or tunneling to the extent where the game will be better for it!

  • Member Posts: 95

    That could be interesting too! Maybe like a dagger or something that can be found in lockers.

  • Member Posts: 1,370

    I would be totally fine with a 20 sec, 5 sec stun DS. Granted its deactivated after gens are completed.

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