Hex plaything with other hex perks
Hex plaything spawns a hex totem for every survivor that you hook once. There are 5 totems on the map. 4 of them are for plaything (if nobody cleanses and they are up for a very long time).
But what if we use devour and ruin or whatever 2 hexes perks except from plaything . Then all the totems will be captured before the last totem of plaything spawns . Will that totem never spawn or will it see spwn on top of another hex and destroy that one?
Plaything works with undying?
Best Answer
Not sure about the Undying interaction (this one I though about as well and wanted to test, as the personal Totem would spawn blocked for anyone but the affected survivor while the Undying totem is available for anyone from the beginning..)
but yeah, if you only have three or less dull totems, Plaything only activates three or less times, as it requires a dull Totem while the surv gets hooked to activate