Chapter Concept: MR. X

D34D_B34TB0X Member Posts: 428
edited August 2022 in Creations

(Disclaimer: I MAY have taken some elements from a certain channel, Rarithlynx, of their concept, this is just my version of it, but if the Entity gave him a slight genetic upgrade or something. Sorry, if this seems lengthy. Make sure to look it up on YouTube, it's pretty cool.)

New Killer: The Tyrant; a Relentless Killer whose only purpose for their existence to seek and destroy. Hight: Tall, Radius: 6 meters, Movement Speed: Nurse Speed.

Primary Killer Power: Relentless Pursuer; the Entity has allowed you to evolve into a slightly more lethal weapon. You are given 3 Tokens from the start; whenever you meter is drained, a Token is consumed. It takes 5 seconds for each meter to be drained while in chase; half as much if you're in a chase. Hold right click to hear the sound of running and breathing; while being used, your vision will be almost pitch black. If the survivor is too close, specifically if within your radius, their aura will be revealed if they are running. The breathing gets louder when you get closer. You just have to pay attention. Your power becomes inactive when all Tokens are consumed.

Secondary Killer Power: Ultimate Lifeform; As a genetically modified weapon, you are given an immense amount of strength. You gain Tokens for chasing Survivors. When your Tokens are capped, the Tyrant's eyes will glow red, and you'll now have the option to: A.; Hit a Survivor, to instantly put them in the Dying State. Or B.; Instantly destroy a breakable obstacle using your basic attack. Both options will consume all of your Tokens, no exceptions. It takes 5 seconds to gain a Token, therefore it will take 30 seconds to cap at 6 full Tokens. Oh, and gaining 3 Tokens increases your speed from Nurse to Trapper (meaning basic speed).

"X Gon' Give It to Ya!" -DMX

Enemy: The Licker; yes, Mr. X has a pet, and his name is Steve. While idle, Steve can crawl around the map; be it on land, ground, wall or ceiling. He will stay in one spot, then move to the next every 10 seconds. He functions like your average Licker. If you happen to perform anything that'll give off a noise notification, like a rushed action or failed skill check, Steve will investigate the area for tasty intruders to snack on. If you run or use any items near Steve, he will react and attack you, and it takes two hits for him to down you. There are a few ways to counter Steve. Take him to a repaired generator; when he hits it, the gen will pop and kill him. Stun him with a pallet but be sure to time it right. You could even stun him using a Flashbang or distract him with Diversion. Steve can respawn 30 seconds after dying. You could also couch away from him, just so he doesn't detect you if you see him. This can encourage you to crouch to avoid both him and Mr. X. Also, Steve loves chicken nuggets.

Reeee!!! -Steve

Special Item: Wooden Boards; Find a drop box to pick up and use these breakable Wooden Boards to block off Mr. X and to keep Steve from coming through. You carry up to 2 per box. Using one board can block off a window and a pathway, using two board can block off that pathway in the form of a breakable wall. Survivors can crawl or vault a partially blocked pathway. There are a total of two boxes containing Wooden Boards, that way they'll be used fairly. Survivors have to be both cautious and considerate in the number of Boards, because although they take twice as long to break, Mr. X can instantly destroy them using his power. (Kinda wish this was a perk somehow...)

Mr. X's Three Teachable Perks:

Hex: Target Acquired; Any Survivors within range of a Boon Totem will be indicated using Killer Instinct for 3 seconds, for every 5/4/3 seconds. This will persist until the Survivor is out of range. It will last for as long as the Totem is still standing.

Scourge Hook: Neutralize; 4 regular hooks become Scourge Hooks. When one Survivor unhooks another from a Scourge Hook, the one that did the unhook will revealed and the Survivor that got off will be broken, all for 10/20/30 seconds. If the Survivor performing the save is injured, she will also be broken.

No One Is Safe; After getting stunned 3/2/1 times, walk through a wall to instantly break it without pressing a button. No One Is Safe has a cooldown of 80/70/60 seconds.

Post edited by D34D_B34TB0X on


  • Z0mbiv0r
    Z0mbiv0r Member Posts: 322

    As a RE / Mr X fan these does seem like very interesting ideas for a killer. But being honest, I'm not sure half of them are good enough as they are or easy to be integrated into the game. Take the boards, as an example.

    If survivors use them to block a door, a skilled and intelligent player could use it to their advantage to block survivor escape routes, while allowing survivors to use them or remove them at will would make it extremely powerful and op.

    Same with the licker. It is sort of a second, independent killer, which is absolutely broken.

    The concept on itself looks fun, though, so you just would need to give it another thought. That's my opinion anyway, and good work nonetheless.

  • D34D_B34TB0X
    D34D_B34TB0X Member Posts: 428

    Thanks for the feedback. I figured I'd find a way to give him a power that sort of fits him in terms of RE2 gameplay. Cause in the game, he detects you if you're running or shooting a gun, and I figured I'd try to find a way to mix that with his brute strength. It does sound pretty OP, if you think about it. It would still be cool to see how it would work in a trail. Maybe it would work, maybe it wouldn't. The zombie A.I. ain't that good anyway, you never know. Steve could end up getting stuck in a tree or something. But imagine the scares.

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    Cool. I would change his powers to be his dash attack, and after his meter fills up, being able to break walls/pallets instantly just by walking through them. Them the meter or tokens, whatever reset. Add 2 Zombie Dogs similar to Nemesis, which would be the only way a survivor could get infected. Maybe that would charge the meter? Plus getting hit by the dash attack. The dogs can also be killed or stunned similar to the zombies Nemesis spawns.

    I also think he should have different perks but I wouldn't know what those could be yet. Maybe one similar to lightbringer but with stuns, making it harder to stun him. He can still be blinded with that perk alone though.

    I like the idea of the boon totem identifying survivors but would rather it be seeing the survivor's aura so less sound effects because those can get quite annoying after some time. Also, if a survivor blesses that hexes totem, then the hex moves to another totem. If all other totems are destroyed, it will rekindle a random totem to place itself on it. That will keep the survivor's on edge about blessing that totem specifically. Pair it with Undying and Haunted Ground for the best effect.

    No one is safe should be his power, as described above. Scourge Hook sounds pretty solid. Maybe some adjustments. Lickers replaced with 2 dogs. Although I do like the licker because it is blind and responds to sound, but I don't know how something crawling around like that would work in this game. Maybe it would. 1 licker with an instadown and ability to grab and hold survivor, drawing them closer like Deathslinger? Just some different ideas.

    Boards, I don't know. I would probably stick with Nemesis' supply crates with vaccines to keep Mr. X from gaining power to instantly walk through pallets and walls.

    Just some ideas to throw out because this is so far a great idea but definitely needs some more input. I would live to see Mr. X in the game.