Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Honestly, you guys shouldn't be complaining at all

I'm talking about Survivors of course. I've been playing a couple of games tonight as Solo Survivor and I honestly have ######### had it with my fellow Survivors.

5 games had bad Killers who couldn't catch Survivors for #########, but still, the Killers ended up with 3-4 kills each round even though at the time of the Exit Gates becoming powered, there were still 3-4 alive.

I don't understand how you guys have the audacity to complain about how difficult your Survivor life if you throw games as soon as you get downed, don't cleanse totems and get caught by NOED or are so immensely altruistic that instead of just getting the ######### out and sacrifice one of your team mates, you hang around for desperate unhook attempts that more often than not end with another 1-2 dead Survivors in the end.

I'd really prefer it if you guys could man up a bit, grow a pair, make the game more enjoyable for the Solos so that we don't have to hope "please don't be another group of idiots, please not another bunch of stupid Survivors" each and every single game we play.

It's no surprise that the average game ends with 2.5 dead Survivors if you guys practically #########.


  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301
    edited December 2018

    @Theluckyboi said:
    Then why are killers always complaining about survivor juking them and calling decisive overpowered?

    juking, because of the low-framerate and low MAX sensivity settings (mainly coming from console players) and decisive overpowered because it wins a team so much extra time that a killer cannot win against an even decent survivor team that runs it 4 times.

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    @Avariku said:
    right...  so survivors have it hard because all survivors suck, but killers have it hard because the game is balanced towards survivors. 

    no bias here!  xD

    Indeed there is none, you just aren't very good at understanding a text.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    As a Survivor I don't have much to complain about, I suck at Flashlights so I let others do those kinds of saves, I don't use D-Strike because I can't hit that damn skill check and I don't antagonize the killer and force them to chase me unless I'm bored and my fellow Survivors need time to do Gens because they suck. BBQ & Chili is tolerable, Hillybilly is a challenge, I play PS4 so I have 0 complaints about Nurse, literally the only thing I have to complain about is camping. With that in mind, you can't get rid of camping. Either the Killer is camping because he knows Survivors are nearby, he's been having a hard match and the pressure got to him, or he's just sadistic and that's all he's good at therefore he's a loser. Nothing the Developers can do to stop camping without making it even harder for killers, in some cases camping is a strategy and that is exactly why Killers don't lose points when they camp if someone else is within range.

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    @HatCreature said:
    As a Survivor I don't have much to complain about, I suck at Flashlights so I let others do those kinds of saves, I don't use D-Strike because I can't hit that damn skill check and I don't antagonize the killer and force them to chase me unless I'm bored and my fellow Survivors need time to do Gens because they suck. BBQ & Chili is tolerable, Hillybilly is a challenge, I play PS4 so I have 0 complaints about Nurse, literally the only thing I have to complain about is camping. With that in mind, you can't get rid of camping. Either the Killer is camping because he knows Survivors are nearby, he's been having a hard match and the pressure got to him, or he's just sadistic and that's all he's good at therefore he's a loser. Nothing the Developers can do to stop camping without making it even harder for killers, in some cases camping is a strategy and that is exactly why Killers don't lose points when they camp if someone else is within range.

    That post has pretty much nothing to do with this thread, but whatever.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069
    edited December 2018

    Tbh some people here behave just like a #########. It's ######### annoying

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    As I was writing my post I think I forgot what thread I was on, my apologies.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,919
    It’s all about how you make the game out to be. We’ve ALL had frustrating rounds as both killer and survivor because one side is BM the other. Although nobody is entitled to make your game fun. If you have a frustrating game as killer because the survivor break LOS and you simply lose the chase then what do you have to complain about. They aren’t gonna just give up.

    You have rounds with overly altrustic teammates and toxic players, which is frustrating on both the killer and survivor side. All you can do is make it through the round and move on to the next one. I don’t have anything to complain about as a survivor except when killers complain about survivors being too OP, yet that same killer resorts to camping and tunneling with 5 gens left and then spam the end game chat calling everybody trash. 
  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    @FoggyDownpour said:
    This thread is pretty much bait that we've heard time and again.

    Not everyone agrees on what's balanced or what's fun, but everyone wants to have a good time in a game most of us are rather passionate about. What I don't understand is why shade needs to be thrown and continued to be thrown around. People disagree. That's fine. But continuing the frustration and hostility by starting this thread like so many others with nothing to add to the discussion of Dead by Daylight? What even is the point? The original post can be summed up with "tldr; I played a couple games and my team mates were frustrating idiots, so you have no right to complain". 

    I'm not interested in getting in a fight or argument over nothing but charged (pun intended hah) words, but you must understand that adding to the pile of threads just like this one isn't helping. Especially since you're such an active and long standing member of the DbD community. You've been around, you've been active, you know how to push people's buttons, and this isn't constructive.

    I enjoy playing both killer and survivor, I get frustrated at both sides, and I love a good discussion, but this isn't one of them. If you have specific ideas and thoughts on changes or a different viewpoint on mechanics, I'm all for it. I didn't see anything other than frustration and pointing fingers in your main post, and I didn't see much to back up your opinion anyways. This type of thread isn't what's needed.

    Thank you for your input, but I frankly don't care. It seems the majority of those who posted in here do not understand what my thread is even about.

    The main complaint I have is that of Survivor mains bitching about how difficult it has become to survive and blaming that on the Killers becoming stronger. I say that they have no right to use that argument until they stop playing like idiots. If they stop DCing upon being caught for the first time, stop unhooking right in front of the Killer causing the unhooked Survivor to go right back on it and if they start cleansing Totems as to not get downed by NOED and then still find that it is much more difficult to survive than before, then they may complain about strong Killers.

    When I play Solo Survivor, and I know it's anecdotal, but I'm sure I'm not the only Solo Survivor who experiences that often, there are too many games in which a truly bad Killer gets 3-4 kills, who should only have gotten 1 at best, but got another 2-3 kills due to the Survivors doing exactly what I just mentioned they should stop doing.

    It's skewing the statistics and saying that Killers are OP because they get about 2.5 kills on average is wrong without knowing the context of how those kills were obtained.

  • FoggyDownpour
    FoggyDownpour Member Posts: 288

    Thank you for your input, but I frankly don't care. It seems the majority of those who posted in here do not understand what my thread is even about.

    The main complaint I have is that of Survivor mains bitching about how difficult it has become to survive and blaming that on the Killers becoming stronger. I say that they have no right to use that argument until they stop playing like idiots. If they stop DCing upon being caught for the first time, stop unhooking right in front of the Killer causing the unhooked Survivor to go right back on it and if they start cleansing Totems as to not get downed by NOED and then still find that it is much more difficult to survive than before, then they may complain about strong Killers.

    When I play Solo Survivor, and I know it's anecdotal, but I'm sure I'm not the only Solo Survivor who experiences that often, there are too many games in which a truly bad Killer gets 3-4 kills, who should only have gotten 1 at best, but got another 2-3 kills due to the Survivors doing exactly what I just mentioned they should stop doing.

    It's skewing the statistics and saying that Killers are OP because they get about 2.5 kills on average is wrong without knowing the context of how those kills were obtained.

    Now that seems far more reasonable! I can definitely see where you're coming from now.

    Let me know if this is at least mostly accurate: 
    (Most) Killers currently have to rely on survivors screwing up, and the kill rates are being boosted by bad and carelessly made decisions on the survivor's end. So you're pissed/upset/worried that the devs are going to pass over a lot of the much needed adjustments and boosts for killers that they deserve due to the way you're seeing survivors play and seeing what they are saying in the forums and other media.

    From your point of view, many of their problems that they complain about are easily avoided if they used common sense while playing and generally strategized and weighed their options rather than jumping in without thinking and then complaining about it later. You're especially concerned that the devs will continue to nerf killers that are already weakened by previous complaints from survivors in the last few years, rather then making the proper adjustments towards strengthening them. Survivors have the tools and would adapt to stronger killers, but killers can't adapt and are already stretched thin by stronger survivors.
  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051
    edited December 2018


    All players are people, whose performance differs across time and depends on various factors, many of which are outside of their control.

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    @The_Crusader said:

    "Frankly i dont care"

    Wow what a toxic attitude.

    And as for you line about...

    "They have no right to use that line until they stop playing like idiots"

    This could easily be applied to killers too. Allowing 1 survivor to loop them for so long then moaning the gens are done. Wasting time chasing the obsession first. Sat camping a hook and not applyingnpressure to other survivors etc

    It works both ways.

    It doesn't, but I'm not surprised why you'd think it does.

    Did it ever occur to you, that it should not be possible in the first place to loop a Killer for several Generators?

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230
    edited December 2018

    @FoggyDownpour said:
    @DocOctober said:

    Thank you for your input, but I frankly don't care. It seems the majority of those who posted in here do not understand what my thread is even about.

    The main complaint I have is that of Survivor mains bitching about how difficult it has become to survive and blaming that on the Killers becoming stronger. I say that they have no right to use that argument until they stop playing like idiots. If they stop DCing upon being caught for the first time, stop unhooking right in front of the Killer causing the unhooked Survivor to go right back on it and if they start cleansing Totems as to not get downed by NOED and then still find that it is much more difficult to survive than before, then they may complain about strong Killers.

    When I play Solo Survivor, and I know it's anecdotal, but I'm sure I'm not the only Solo Survivor who experiences that often, there are too many games in which a truly bad Killer gets 3-4 kills, who should only have gotten 1 at best, but got another 2-3 kills due to the Survivors doing exactly what I just mentioned they should stop doing.

    It's skewing the statistics and saying that Killers are OP because they get about 2.5 kills on average is wrong without knowing the context of how those kills were obtained.

    Now that seems far more reasonable! I can definitely see where you're coming from now.

    Let me know if this is at least mostly accurate: 
    (Most) Killers currently have to rely on survivors screwing up, and the kill rates are being boosted by bad and carelessly made decisions on the survivor's end. So you're pissed/upset/worried that the devs are going to pass over a lot of the much needed adjustments and boosts for killers that they deserve due to the way you're seeing survivors play and seeing what they are saying in the forums and other media.

    From your point of view, many of their problems that they complain about are easily avoided if they used common sense while playing and generally strategized and weighed their options rather than jumping in without thinking and then complaining about it later. You're especially concerned that the devs will continue to nerf killers that are already weakened by previous complaints from survivors in the last few years, rather then making the proper adjustments towards strengthening them. Survivors have the tools and would adapt to stronger killers, but killers can't adapt and are already stretched thin by stronger survivors.

    That's precisely my concern. I know that at least the QA devs are aware of Survivors skewing statistics, but the QA doesn't ultimately decide what goes into the live build and what doesn't, they only test stuff and make suggestion based on that.

    I have nothing against the design devs, they are doing a good job, but the one gripe I have with them, is that they focus too much on just one side of the "fun" medallion and lately often forget that fun is incredibly subjective and has two sides to it.

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230
    edited December 2018

    @Visionmaker said:


    Pick one.



    Pick one.

    I said nothing of the sorts, that's your interpretation of the matter, not mine.

    As I already told avariku: you're not very good at understanding a text.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Then why are killers always complaining about survivor juking them and calling decisive overpowered?

    Maybe it's due to the supersafe loops that don't allow mindgames and ds being a free escape without counter?
    Just a guess though :sarcastic:
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Ryuhi said:

    Well, you kinda can. I've seen hyperlooping survivors just as often as I've seen stupidly altruistic ones. The biggest issue is that the latter completely cripples the former, which is where a lot of the frustration comes from. There's no worse feeling when you had a 4 minute chase finally end, you get hooked, and zero gens got done but you have all 3 claudettes squatting in a circle around the hook waiting to fight over who gets the unhook points.

    Exactly. One weak link can break the team.

    Due to how ranking works killers always seem to get 2 higher ranks and 2 lower ranks too.

    So they'll be looped all game if they make the mistake of chasing 2 of them causing frustration.

    But they'll easily be able to pick off the two weaker members and slow down the gen progress massively. This leads to tunneling....which in this case you can't really blame the killer for.

    Its not so bad in red ranks because you mostly only get fellow red ranks there but after reset watch as you rank up and notice how at level 9 or so you'll get two level 12s and two level 2s. Its easy to tell right off the bat whose high level and who isnt as well, you can tell very quickly by their movement.

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    @The_Crusader said:
    You really need to get off your high horse buddy. All you do is come in, brag about your vast "encyclopedic knowledge, then talk down to everyone with a condescending attitude and make out that nobody is smart enough to understand your superiot intellect.

    Good killers don't get looped for 5 gens.

    And @Visionmaker was right. Either survivors are all dumb and stupid or they're all elite esports players capable of rushing gens in 90 seconds. You can't have it both ways. Pick one.

    I talk down to anyone who's incapable of reading a standard text in plain English and is ignorant of the game.

    Suck it up, buttercup.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @DocOctober said:
    I'm talking about Survivors of course. I've been playing a couple of games tonight as Solo Survivor and I honestly have [BAD WORD] had it with my fellow Survivors.

    5 games had bad Killers who couldn't catch Survivors for #########, but still, the Killers ended up with 3-4 kills each round even though at the time of the Exit Gates becoming powered, there were still 3-4 alive.

    I don't understand how you guys have the audacity to complain about how difficult your Survivor life if you throw games as soon as you get downed, don't cleanse totems and get caught by NOED or are so immensely altruistic that instead of just getting the [BAD WORD] out and sacrifice one of your team mates, you hang around for desperate unhook attempts that more often than not end with another 1-2 dead Survivors in the end.

    I'd really prefer it if you guys could man up a bit, grow a pair, make the game more enjoyable for the Solos so that we don't have to hope "please don't be another group of idiots, please not another bunch of stupid Survivors" each and every single game we play.

    It's no surprise that the average game ends with 2.5 dead Survivors if you guys practically [BAD WORD].

    Yeah fair enough. I was a little mad at ur post since I was a survivor main not too long ago. But when u said make solo more enjoyable then I realised ur not one of those killer mains who wants braindead buffs. Yeah entitled survivor mains do need to stfu. But you shouldn't attack every survivor player when u say >

    It's no surprise that the average game ends with 2.5 dead Survivors if you guys practically [BAD WORD].

    That's offensive to me as a neutral player and a decent survivor (i kinda just stealth around now so I can have a reason not to bully killers/be tunneled.) and I do not complain about everything about survivor but there are some stupid mechanics that are just plain dumb. Take Billy being able to down u if u are in a vault animation of a pallet that he breaks with his saw. That's just dumb, that's like saying if a killer is in a kick animation, they should break ur ribs.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,266
    edited December 2018

    The Hillbilly strikes down from above with his chainsaw when he cuts a pallet, i think it's justified that he hits a survivor thats between his chainsaw and the pallet .

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @Raptorrotas said:
    The Hillbilly strikes down from above with his chainsaw when he cuts a pallet, i think it's justified that he hits a survivor thats between his chainsaw and the pallet .

    No cause he breaks the pallet too it's far too efficient he should at least be forced to break the pallet after or vice versa.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161
    edited January 2019

    I'm talking about Survivors of course. I've been playing a couple of games tonight as Solo Survivor and I honestly have [BAD WORD] had it with my fellow Survivors.

    5 games had bad Killers who couldn't catch Survivors for #########, but still, the Killers ended up with 3-4 kills each round even though at the time of the Exit Gates becoming powered, there were still 3-4 alive.

    I don't understand how you guys have the audacity to complain about how difficult your Survivor life if you throw games as soon as you get downed, don't cleanse totems and get caught by NOED or are so immensely altruistic that instead of just getting the [BAD WORD] out and sacrifice one of your team mates, you hang around for desperate unhook attempts that more often than not end with another 1-2 dead Survivors in the end.

    I'd really prefer it if you guys could man up a bit, grow a pair, make the game more enjoyable for the Solos so that we don't have to hope "please don't be another group of idiots, please not another bunch of stupid Survivors" each and every single game we play.

    It's no surprise that the average game ends with 2.5 dead Survivors if you guys practically [BAD WORD].

    Nice generalizing. This definitely applies to the concerns of all survivors and how all survivors play. Also by playing survivor, you are in turn a stupid survivor. Congrats. 
  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 2,076
    All I’m going to say is this post is the exact reason why swf shouldn’t be removed or changed.
  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911
    The problem with dbd mostly lands on map imbalances cough coldwind, crotus prenn. Pallets you simply cant contest due to the security of the pallet. Perk imbalances like ds, adrenaline and noed make the game a mess. Yes you can argue counters to all of these but they are usually very time consuming to deal with which considering the currency of dbd is time is a major issue. 

    Coldwind problems is the walls allowing survivours to see through them. Whicj removes any mindgame potential vs the survivours smart enough to use it. Alongside a large number of safe pallets. The game die to its imbalance killer advantage was adjusted with additional pallets its time coldwind and crotus prenn got some adjustments with more drop downs for killer to cut off paths and on or two of the pallets having rooms which allows a killer to mindgame a pallet upstairs.

    Its kinda nuts how easy it has been for me to maintain 4 gen chases with only a single live. Mostly because I stick to all the ridiclously good loops. I feel like the devs invented spirit firy outta a desperate attempt to fix the loops. Now we jave legion who straight up circumvents pallets by vaulting them. 

    Dont get me wrong dbd has come a long way and credit to the devs who continue to improve the game just voicing some of my grievances with the current state of the game. 
  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354
    Delfador said:

    @DocOctober said:
    I'm talking about Survivors of course. I've been playing a couple of games tonight as Solo Survivor and I honestly have [BAD WORD] had it with my fellow Survivors.

    5 games had bad Killers who couldn't catch Survivors for #########, but still, the Killers ended up with 3-4 kills each round even though at the time of the Exit Gates becoming powered, there were still 3-4 alive.

    I don't understand how you guys have the audacity to complain about how difficult your Survivor life if you throw games as soon as you get downed, don't cleanse totems and get caught by NOED or are so immensely altruistic that instead of just getting the [BAD WORD] out and sacrifice one of your team mates, you hang around for desperate unhook attempts that more often than not end with another 1-2 dead Survivors in the end.

    I'd really prefer it if you guys could man up a bit, grow a pair, make the game more enjoyable for the Solos so that we don't have to hope "please don't be another group of idiots, please not another bunch of stupid Survivors" each and every single game we play.

    It's no surprise that the average game ends with 2.5 dead Survivors if you guys practically [BAD WORD].

    Well, survivor mains in this forum repeatedly tried to remind you that not everybody plays like the depip squad. Survivor mains themselves were the ones who were saying that playing solo was unbearable and their teammates were potatos. It is forum killers that come up with the worst case scenarios that could happen to killers and want to balance the game around it.

    Now the same forum killers think that the hatch is completely unfair and should be eradicated because the work that the survivors do is not enough for them.

    Just like you hope that the next match you don't get another stupid survivor team, survivors also hope that they don't get another unskilled camper and tunneler and actually play the game with generators, chases, savings etc. I tried to leave the match as soon as possible so that I wouldn't get the same camper over and over again.

    I just thanked a huntress today just because she didn't camp in the Lery's today.

    There is not much difference between survivors and killers. Threads like this serves no purpose either.

    You thanked a huntress for not camping.....hilarious because I did the same a few days ago :lol:

    That's how bad the game has become, where you have to thank killers for not camping.
    I actually thank every killer I meet that doesn't tunnel and/or camp. Doesn't take much time neighter, tonight just twice. On a usual evening about 2-5 times out of about 20-40 rounds. On ps4 camping and tunneling is too real even in the red ranks.

    Fairplay seems just to be too oldfashioned nowadays. I might as well say thanks for that as I don't have fun in an unfair game even if I survive.
    It's easy to play fair as the killer by having the upper hand.
  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354

    I'm talking about Survivors of course. I've been playing a couple of games tonight as Solo Survivor and I honestly have [BAD WORD] had it with my fellow Survivors.

    5 games had bad Killers who couldn't catch Survivors for #########, but still, the Killers ended up with 3-4 kills each round even though at the time of the Exit Gates becoming powered, there were still 3-4 alive.

    I don't understand how you guys have the audacity to complain about how difficult your Survivor life if you throw games as soon as you get downed, don't cleanse totems and get caught by NOED or are so immensely altruistic that instead of just getting the [BAD WORD] out and sacrifice one of your team mates, you hang around for desperate unhook attempts that more often than not end with another 1-2 dead Survivors in the end.

    I'd really prefer it if you guys could man up a bit, grow a pair, make the game more enjoyable for the Solos so that we don't have to hope "please don't be another group of idiots, please not another bunch of stupid Survivors" each and every single game we play.

    It's no surprise that the average game ends with 2.5 dead Survivors if you guys practically [BAD WORD].

    Why are you complaining. Sounds like you'd just leave the game being safe. How can you be angry about others trying to safe someone else? No need to be bothered by that it's their decision how they want to behave.
    I personally like those games in the end with trying to rescue one from the hook in the endgame. Those are usually quite fun even if everybody dies in the end.
  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    @tennmio said:
    DocOctober said:

    I'm talking about Survivors of course. I've been playing a couple of games tonight as Solo Survivor and I honestly have [BAD WORD] had it with my fellow Survivors.

    5 games had bad Killers who couldn't catch Survivors for #########, but still, the Killers ended up with 3-4 kills each round even though at the time of the Exit Gates becoming powered, there were still 3-4 alive.

    I don't understand how you guys have the audacity to complain about how difficult your Survivor life if you throw games as soon as you get downed, don't cleanse totems and get caught by NOED or are so immensely altruistic that instead of just getting the [BAD WORD] out and sacrifice one of your team mates, you hang around for desperate unhook attempts that more often than not end with another 1-2 dead Survivors in the end.

    I'd really prefer it if you guys could man up a bit, grow a pair, make the game more enjoyable for the Solos so that we don't have to hope "please don't be another group of idiots, please not another bunch of stupid Survivors" each and every single game we play.

    It's no surprise that the average game ends with 2.5 dead Survivors if you guys practically [BAD WORD].

    Why are you complaining. Sounds like you'd just leave the game being safe. How can you be angry about others trying to safe someone else? No need to be bothered by that it's their decision how they want to behave.

    I personally like those games in the end with trying to rescue one from the hook in the endgame. Those are usually quite fun even if everybody dies in the end.

    You haven't gotten the point at all.

  • TheWraith883
    TheWraith883 Member Posts: 66

    Survivors are really overpowered and I don't know why they keep complaining that they are weak. I really found that the weakest players are killers and survivors really get the extra treat.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    Survivors are really overpowered and I don't know why they keep complaining that they are weak. I really found that the weakest players are killers and survivors really get the extra treat.

    SWF and coordinated survivors are strong, though they're has been some tweaks and nerfs to survivors and buffs to killer top even out the field a little. You have to remember that survivors have to deal with other players who may be their friends, but if they're random or just bad, may screw them over them. 
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    I'd really prefer it if you guys could man up a bit, grow a pair, make the game more enjoyable

    I could make a thread saying the same as above about killers dodging me even when playing solo, it's getting ridiculous at this point.